chapter 1

My name is Jody Winters and I live with my twin sister, Josie - and my Mom, Nancy whom most folks call Nan. We live in the northwest corner of Kansas near the Nebraska state line and not too far from Colorado. I'm almost sixteen and I've been reading stories online for two years. I wanted to tell my story, about how Josie, Mom and I became lovers. I also want to tell how our double first-cousins Robby and Demi Hart, along with our Uncle Robert – Mom's only brother, came to live with us in rural Kansas.

Dad works on the off-shore oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Louisiana and he's gone nearly all the time. He doesn't come home for five or six months and even longer at times, working back-to-back shifts. We soon found out that was not the real reason, but I'll tell you all about that later. All of this happened for the good of everyone concerned, as it turned out. We're all happier than we've ever been, now that we have our cousins and our Uncle Robert here with us.

Mom has met a good man and we're all a big happy family, living on a ranch in The Heartland of America. Mom calls it The Hart Land, because her maiden name, her brother - Uncle Robert, and his kids' last name is Hart.

Josie and I were fifteen when we first become sexually adventurous, as Mom calls it now. I had been reading sex stories since I ran across a certain site on the internet. In no time I became hooked. I even bought a lot of magazines that showed graphic, sexually explicit pictures of men and women, as well as boys and girls fucking and sucking in every possible position humans are physically capable. I started masturbating when I was eleven and by the time I was twelve I could ejaculate enough to really make a mess. I had to stop masturbating in bed because of the mess I was making. Last summer, after our fourteenth birthdays in March, Josie sprouted some really fine tits and had a damned good looking butt on her. She's my height and Mom said we took after her side of the family ... all the Harts being tall and slender. Mom is five ten and Uncle Robert is six four.

Mom's birthday is the day after ours, and she turned thirty-two when Josie and I were fifteen, and overly anxious to start our journey into sexual awareness.

Demi and Robby, our cousins, have attended Catholic schools all their life and were raised very strict until their mom decided she was tired of being a good mom and wife, then ran off with the headmaster of the Catholic school.

When they arrived in Kansas, it was up to mom, Uncle Robert, Josie and me, to teach Robby and Demi about sex. Well, they had actually learned enough from their schoolmates to know about fucking, petting and kissing. Neither of them had ever fucked or even seen a live naked person of the opposite sex. Demi did let a boy feel her naked titties under her sweater once and Robby had a girl give him a hand-job once, in the movies.

Josie and I have really had fun telling our cousins about the things we've done with each other and with mom. I was the leader though, since I had read all about sex and had fucked both, Josie and Mom at least ten times each, before our cousins arrived in Kansas.

I'm going to start our story with the morning mom, Josie and I got sexually involved. Then I'll go on to the arrival of Uncle Robert and our eagerly willing kissing cousins, Demi and Robby.

I want to tell you the story too, about how mom met and fell for the man she loves, Gene Stephens.