chapter 2[bonus chapter]

"Jody go get your sister up. I called her over ten minutes ago to come set the table for breakfast," Mom said as she put her biscuits in the oven.

"Yes'sum." I ran up the stairs two at a time, then down the hall past my room to Josie's room. She wasn't there, so I headed to the bathroom we share. The door was ajar and I peeked through the crack next to the hinges, hoping to see her while she was on the pot.

Boy, did I ever see her. Josie was bent over facing me, her clothes lying in the floor in front of her, her legs spread wide, her head bent forward to look down at her pussy, while she pulled it open, trying to see inside. At least that's what it looked like she's doing.

I backed up a few feet from the doorway and called her in a normal voice, as if I was looking for her.

"Josie, mom said come set the table. Where are you anyway?"

"I'm in the bathroom ... come in here, Jody ... I need some help," she answered.

It was all I could do to keep from running into the bathroom when she said that. I already knew she's naked and looking at her pussy.

"What's up Josie?" I asked as I walked in to see her still standing in the same position.

"Come look at me Jody, I think I'm finally getting hair on my pussy." She looked up at me and smiled as I walked into the bathroom.

"Josie, Mom's going to kill you, standing here naked and letting me see your pussy, titties and butt," I said, as if in shock, my mind taking pictures at the rate of a thousand a second as she bent over and looked between her legs.

She stood up and turned toward me, her pussy split was red where she had been pulling it open. I looked up at her as she looked at me.

"I got hair down there. Look close when I turn to the light like this. I can feel it too when I run my fingers across my pussy."

I was looking at my sister as she stood before me naked, I've seen her naked hundreds of times, but not in the past year, except for a peek here and there when she seemed to be opening her shirt or buttoning it as I walked into her room.

"Wow, Josie you got tits," I said, as if she didn't know. I looked at her peach size tits with small pointy nipples.

"Oh, I got them last winter. I've been trying to show them to you, but you always have your head in a book and never look."

"Boy Sis, you look good."

Her cute butt is bigger than mine now, and her belly isn't puffed out like it had been all her life. Her skin color is a mix of pink and brown, making her look good as she stood smiling at me. Her long, almost white, sun-bleached hair was hanging down on either side of her face, all the way to her waist, covering her titties as she stood up.

"You honestly think I look good?"

"Heck yeah I do. You look better than the pictures in the magazines I have," I said, getting a closer look at her tits and pussy.

"What magazines?"

"Well, the ones I borrowed from a friend."

"Who loaned them to you?"

"Uh, well. I uh, well okay, I bought them myself."

As she turned to the light, I could see her pussy hair shining.

"I can see your pussy hair real good now, with the light shining on it."

"Hold the mirror for me Jody so I can see my pussy better."

She handed me her handheld mirror and spread her legs wide for me to hold it under her narrow little pink split.

"I have hair all over my pussy lips, don't I?"

"Yes, and we'd better get down stairs before mom skins that little blonde fuzz off your behind too. By the way, I like the way you look Josie. You are FUCKING HOT girl."

"You really think so? Let me see you Jody, since you got to see me."

"We need to get downstairs, we've got chores to do ... you can look at me later, c'mon."

"I want to see those magazines too," she said, and I knew I'd have to let her see them or she'd threaten to tell mom I had them.

"Later, c'mon. Shit girl, you are some kind of HOT." I told her as I walked out, then ran down the stairs, my dick straining against my underwear like never before.

"She'll be right down, Mom. I'll set the table."

"OK Hon, but don't keep doing her chores or she'll have you doing them all."

"Heck, I don't mind Mom. She helps me a lot when I feed and tend the livestock."

"I know, I hate to think what I'd do without you two pitching in and helping me while your dad's gone all the time.

Josie came in and finished setting the table while I poured us a glass of milk and mom a cup of hot coffee, after I poured the last of her cold coffee in the kitchen sink.

Josie bent over to look in the oven, checking on the biscuits. I saw her white bikini panties when she did - and looked up to see mom looking at me - then back at Josie's butt where her tee shirt was riding up on her hips.

Mom just shook her head. I looked at Josie again. She sure has a fine butt.

"Josie, you're getting too old to be showing your butt to your brother, don't you think?"

Josie whirled and stood up straight, she glared at me like she could kill me with her eyes. "What do you mean, Mom?" She asked, looking at me all the time. I realized Josie thought for a second that I had told mom about us being in the bathroom together.

"Well, you just bent over in front of him and we saw your butt sticking out of those tiny bikini panties you insist on wearing now that you're getting older."

Josie looked at me, smiling. "I like these Mom, they make me look like the older girls and I feel so good, knowing I look good with them on, too. Besides, Jody sure doesn't mind looking at my butt, do you Jody?"

"Uh no...

..."I think the biscuits are done, Mom."

"You just make sure you wear shorts or your sweats when your Dad's home, or you won't have enough butt to hold your skimpy little panties up."

We sat down at the table, me at one end and mom sitting across from Josie as mom asked the blessing.

When she looked up, Josie was reaching over to fork a biscuit. Her tee shirt was stretched across her tits so tight they looked like they were covered in milk.

"Josie, I hate to keep harping on how you dress now that you're a teenager, but I see your nipples through that thin shirt."

"I love this shirt, Mom. It's my favorite one to sleep in. Don't you remember, it's the one you gave me two years ago when you washed it and it shrunk so bad you wouldn't wear it to sleep in."

"Yes, I know. I have to stop and think how old you two are. Do you realize that you are almost my size in the bust and even your butt. You're both only fifteen and you're nearly grown."

"Oh Mom, you're just a slender built woman and you know it. You look like a tall high school girl when you put on your t-shirt and shorts. You need to stop dressing like an old woman ... you're only thirty-one."

"Josie, I'm 5' 9" and weigh 135. I'm not that small, I just have a small bust size and an average butt ... Besides I'm thirty-two."

"You look great, Mom. But you do need to dress younger like Josie said. Now that Gram Winters has moved to town and not here every day to fuss at all of us because we dress modern, and not like she did when she was a girl."

"Well, I guess I could dress a little cooler during the summer months. At least when your dad's away. He's as old fashioned as his own mom at times."

"Well, since the three of us are here alone and it's so hot, you need to dress more like Josie, and all the girls in school. You look better than most of them anyway.

"Don't she, Josie?"

"Jody's right Mom. You need to start wearing your t-shirt without a bra and wear some of my bikini panties when it's just us here. You'd love the way they feel and look on you. You can put them back in my room when dad's coming home. Heck, you need to show him what you look like with sexy underwear on anyway."

"I think I will, just to see what it feels like," mom said, jumping up and walking to the laundry room off the kitchen. She came back carrying a pair of Josie's tiny cotton bikini panties, holding them up to look at. I could see her sharp, tiny nipples poking almost through my tight tee shirt she'd put on.

"Josie, these are way too small for me. I'll stretch them out if I wear yours."

Man, I love this, getting to watch Josie and mom talk about underwear and showing them, like I wasn't even here.

"They stretch, Mom. Put them on, you'll see."

Mom shocked me ... She'd pulled her panties off in the laundry room, and I watched as she bent over to step into the tiny pair of Josie's bikini panties. I could see her butt cheek next to me. Her skin is as smooth as Josie's and not an ounce of fat either. She pulled my tee shirt up over her belly as she looked down at the white cotton panties and turned to let us both look at her butt.

"Stand beside mom, Josie," I said, hoping both of them would model their panties for me.

Josie jumped up and jerked her shirt up over her tan, flat belly and both of them turned as they looked at each other. I love this show and was hoping they would keep on being so willing to let me see them like this.

"Mom, you have one problem I don't have, yet. You've got some long pussy hair poking out around your panties. You'll have to trim it up a bit."

"Josie, stop saying pussy in front of your brother ... You're right though, I'll have to clean this hair up a bit. You two clear the table and wash the dishes, I'll be right back."

"How in the world did you ever get mom to dress in your panties and pull her bra off? I mean I really like the way mom looks ... and now that you're getting sexier all the time, I like looking at both, you and Mom."

"I started on her when we picked out my new panties. I hate wearing a bra and mom does too, but she feels like she needs to wear one in front of dad. He's so old fashioned and afraid mom's going to look sexy while he's gone. Besides, you're always gawking at her tits, too."

"Well, I'm a horny boy. I'm supposed to look - I read that in one of the magazines."

"I need to read those magazines with you, just to see what kind of trash you've been reading."

"I keep them in the barn. I'll show them to you, if you'll never tell on me."

"I'd never tell, I do want to see them though, do they show men too?"

"They show it all, and I mean dicks and everything. Some even have teenagers like us."

"REALLY? I want to see yours like I showed you mine earlier."

"Well, I didn't get to see you good. I want to look at your pussy. I want to feel your pussy and tits too."

"OK, if I get to feel your dick."

"You're going to feel of my dick?"

"Well, you wanted to feel of my pussy, so I get to feel you."

"Yeah, I guess that's only fair."

Mom came back in the kitchen and wanted Josie to look at her. "How's this, Josie?" She asked as she pulled her tee shirt up and turned so I couldn't see her crotch.

"Wow Mom, you really gave it a haircut ... I like your pussy trimmed like this.

"Look at mom, Jody."

Josie turned Mom toward me. Her were panties down past her pussy, to show her haircut. Mom had cut almost all her hair off. It looked as if she had used Dad's beard trimmer, it was so short. I could see her pussy lips and they're almost as small and tight as Josie's.

"Josie, stop showing my pussy to your brother like this."

"Mom - it's just you, me and Jody here. We don't need to shut him out ... he needs to know about womens bodies and what a woman's pussy looks like."

"Josie, don't keep say pussy in front of your brother. Have you two had sex-ed? I remember signing the form giving my permission. Your dad had a fit when I told him I had signed it."

"We were supposed to, but our gym teacher got sick and they told us no one else was qualified. We're supposed to take it next fall sometime. Will you tell us all about it Mom, while dad's gone and it's just us three here?" Josie asked.

"I don't know if I'm qualified to teach you all you need to know. But I can tell you the basics and then you'll be prepared when you take the class this fall."

I got another hard-on, thinking about mom telling Josie and me about sex.

"Mom, I agree with Josie. I think I'd be embarrassed if someone else told me about sex in front of the other boys ... I'd rather you did. I know you'll make sure I know the right stuff and not all that made-up stuff the older boys tell us they saw in sex-ed class."

"Well, if you two are sure, the three of us will have us a little class after we get the barn chores done. Just what all did the older boys tell you, Jody?"

"They told us that the teacher gets naked with a woman and shows us how a man and a woman do sex, and they even said they showed oral and anal sex too."

"Oh my! I doubt they were right ... they were just teasing you younger boys."

"Mom, do married men and women all do sex the same way? Do they really do oral sex to each other?" Josie asked, looking shocked.

She knew even less than I did, but I learned by reading sex stories and looking at pictures. I've read enough stories about sons and their mom's that I could see my dick going in mom's tight pussy as I read.

"Well, we won't go into all the weird stuff men and women do ... We'll just cover the normal stuff."

"But Mom - we'll be dating in a few years and we need to know all about sex, so we won't be tricked like those older boys tricked Jody and his friends."

"What have I gotten myself into? OK, I'll try, but this will be embarrassing for me to talk about the sex act and what all men and women do to give and get pleasure. I'm sure the teachers have visual aids and books to teach by, you'll just have to ask questions if you're not sure about what I'm saying ... and we'll go over it again."

"What if Jody was able to get some visual aids and some books too, Mom. Would that help?"

"I doubt he'd get the ones the teachers use.

"Jody, maybe if you could get your hands on some books or magazines – like the ones you see behind the checkout counter in the convenience stores, it may help me explain things I would be embarrassed to talk about."

"I'll have some by this afternoon, Mom."

"I'm not going to ask how or where. Just get all you can and we'll look at them together."