
"I'm sorry about what happened," Asher explained in a composed and firm manner while maintaining eye contact with the store owner.

The back office was quiet, the only sound being the hum of the CCTV footage playing on the monitor.

As they both scrutinized the recordings, Asher walked the owner through the sequence of events with a calm demeanor.

The flickering light from the screen cast shadows on their faces, creating a somber atmosphere in the room. 

After confirming that the assailants were from the notorious Tiger gang, the store owner's expression shifted from disbelief to a reluctant acceptance.

The reality of being targeted by a dangerous gang sank in, and the owner weighed the risks carefully.

"You made the right decision. Don't worry, I won't deduct this from your pay," he reassured Asher

"Thank you, boss" Asher replied. 

With everything sorted, Asher finished his work and left the store. He grabbed some expired but still good-to-eat frozen meals before heading home.

This was one of the perks of his job – getting free food that would otherwise be thrown away. These frozen meals became his breakfast, a simple benefit that made his day much better.

He also grabbed some frozen rice balls; these would be his lunch later on.

The sky was still dark when he set foot on the road, a common occurrence in his daily routine. It would take him 10 minutes to walk to his apartment, something he didn't find bothersome at all. 

"Kid, stop!" Asher paused as the call echoed through the quiet street.

His eyes shifted forward, recognizing the same faces that had robbed the store before.

He thought they had gone their separate ways, but the way they were glaring at him now suggested they were up to no good.

"What's the problem?" Asher asked, staying cool and collected.

He was not afraid of an actual confrontation if he had no choice. He'd given them a chance to back off, and if they still wanted trouble, that was on them.

"I'm sorry kid , but it's your unlucky day . Get him!" The leader of thugs ordered and the two men run towards him seemingly trying to tackle him , they were bigger than Asher so they must have thought that it was the best approach . 



Asher quickly stopped the first thug within his reach with a simple jab. Following it up, he threw a hawk punch to the abdomen and then one to the chin, taking him down effortlessly.

He didn't even let go of the plastic bag he was carrying.

The gap in their fighting skills was just too big.

The second thug stopped in his tracks, seeing how easily his companion was taken down.

He knew that his comrade wasn't weak; it was just that the kid in front of them was too strong. 

"You asked for this. Don't blame me for not holding back," Asher declared as he fixed his stance and dashed forward. The enemy was already afraid, making it the perfect time to beat the crap out of him.

As Asher closed in, the thug instinctively adopted a turtle-like defense, shielding his face in anticipation of Asher's swift jabs.

The first punch landed, but the thug was able to blocked it, giving him a moment of confidence.



In a blink, Asher's jabs transformed into multiple flicker jabs , a nonstop barrage that overwhelmed the thug.


The force behind the punches proved too much for the thug's arms to handle, and soon enough, they gave in.

Asher seized the opportunity, delivering a powerful straight punch to the thug's nose, sending him crumpling to the ground.

"You're next," Asher said coldly while looking at the thug leader. He walked toward him slowly, ready to finish this once and for all.

From the distance. 

"These humans are useless," the girl shook her head in disappointment as she observed everything from the roof of a nearby house.

Her plan to corner Asher had backfired, and it felt like she had sent a bunch of rats into a tiger's den. 

She also saw the thug leader, who was now shaking like a scared cat. She doubted he could do any better than the rest of his companions.

"Alright, I'll help you, you useless garbage," a sighed escaped her lips .

And as her red eyes glowed brighter, the thug leader's aura also changed.