
The other thugs were ticked off by Asher's cocky behavior, but none of them wanted to be the first to act. 

That guy was supposed to be their frontline attacker, the one they thought could take on two opponents at once. But what happened? Well, he ended up on the floor faster than speeding bullet. 

Before he could even flex his muscles or do his "I'm tough" routine, he was kissing the ground like it was his long-lost love. 

On Asher's side, James Lackey started getting ready for the fight. They felt braver after seeing Asher take down one of their enemies without breaking a sweat. It was like watching a superhero in action, and they felt a rush of courage flowing through them.

Seeing the uncertain looks on the faces of their rivals, grins began to spread across the faces of Asher's crew.

However, Asher's next words left them even more stunned.

"You guys stay put, they're mine," he declared with a nonchalant tone. There was no hint of arrogance whatsoever; it was as if he was simply stating a preference, like choosing a soda in a grocery store.

"Fuck him up!" shouted one of the rival gang members after hearing Asher's audacious words.

Quickly, two opponents lunged at him from both sides, trying to overwhelm him with their double way attacks.

However, Asher remained composed. With minimal movements, he sidestepped their wild swings, slipping past their clumsy attempts to land a blow.

In one motion, he retaliated. With accuracy, he delivered a quick right jab to the person on his right, catching him off guard and staggering him backward.

At the same time, he smoothly evaded another swing, seamlessly transitioning into an uppercut that struck the person on his left square in the jaw.

The smoothness of Asher's movements was like an art. It appeared as though he executed both actions simultaneously, his motions blending together as if choreographed in the view of everyone. 

Little did anyone know that Asher was just following his fighting instincts, minimizing his movements to conserve energy while effectively neutralizing his opponents.

But it was more than sufficient to demonstrate that he was not someone to be trifled with.

"What are you doing? Go and attack him. All of you!" Another order echoed, and this time, five people sprinted towards Asher.

The first one tried to tackle him, but Asher allowed the attacker to graze him slightly before smoothly shifting his position. As a result, the attacker lost balance and stumbled to the ground.

Then the second person, who was now too close to stop, attempted to punch Asher in the face.

Asher tilted his neck slightly, dodging the incoming blow with ease. In a fast response, he delivered a powerful counter-punch of his own.

His fist connected squarely with the assailant's jaw, sending him crashing to the ground.

But with still three enemies remaining, Asher knew he had to act fast.

Stepping wide into their range, he positioned himself strategically. At this distance, he resembled a predator closing in on its prey. 

As the first opponent lunged forward, Asher unleashed a lightning-fast jab, snapping the assailant's head back and staggering him momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, he followed up with a powerful straight punch, driving it into the midsection of the second attacker, knocking the wind out of them.

Meanwhile, the third enemy attempted a wild swing from the side. Asher smoothly pivoted, evading the blow with another sidestep. Next, he unleashed a sharp hook, catching the third opponent squarely on the chest and sending him stumbling backwards.

Now, with two opponents momentarily dazed, Asher refocused his attention on the first attacker, who was recovering from the initial jab.

With a quick shuffle of his feet, he delivered a swift hook to the side of his head, causing the attacker to crumple to the ground.

Turning to face the others who had decided to attack simultaneously, Asher observed them charging back into the fray.

Without skipping a beat, he unleashed another barrage of jabs and straight punches, driving them back with each precise strike until they too succumbed, crumbling under the barraged of attack. 

The alleyway rang with the sounds of bones cracking, as the group of thugs who were once casually smoking now lay strewn across the concrete like discarded trash.

They were so easy to dispose of that he didn't even have time to remember their faces.

'12 x 1000 credits equals 12,000 credits,' Asher mentally calculated the earnings from dealing with a dozen thug wannabes.