Over the next few days Noah and Lucy spent a lot of time together, talking and basically scheming. She felt a little bad leaving Veronika hanging so often, but she had to make this deal work with Noah. The adventure to the blood bar was coming up, and that would be Lucy’s first chance to persuade Veronika to give Noah the time of day.
“So what do you think? Do you think she’d go for it?” he whispered to her in class. Lucy sighed.
“I don’t know. She’s only ever talked about partying and being able to feed off of humans outside of the school. She never mentions boys or people she’s interested in. But I think it’s worth a shot to get you in her head,” Lucy replied. The professor shot them a glance and Lucy pulled away from Noah.
The class was talking now about the dangers of the rogue vampires on humans. It was due to a monstrous rogue vampire that Lucy was even sitting in this classroom, she knew she should be paying closer attention.