Chapter 13: A Sexy Companion

“I’d love an herbal tea,” he said.


“Right away,” she returned, patting him on the arm. “I’m Elise, by the way. In case you need me. For anything at all.” She bit her bottom lip before starting down the aisle.


“So, hey, I’d love a sparkling water with lemon,” I said, waving my hand to get the woman’s attention.


Elise peered at me, irritated, but tried hard not to show it. “Yeah, sure.”


“You think she’ll actually bring me my water?” I whispered jokingly after Elise moved on.


“I hope so.” He propped a foot on his opposite knee.


“You like tea, huh? You’re such a rock and roller,” I added playfully, no longer in the mood to stay silent the whole flight.


Griffin chuckled. “Yes. I like tea. It’s good for the throat, especially with a little honey.”