I'm not going to involve with your matter

Ye-joon found himself in a dark place. "Where am I? Why is it so dark in here?" He heard footsteps coming towards him. Who is it? He saw someone coming towards him. Ye-joon looked carefully, it was Jae-han who was dragging someone by their's hair while

moving towards Ye-joon "What made to you think I wouldn't recognize you?" Jae-han whispered in his ears. Ye-joon pushed him and woke up, all sweaty and scanned the room "that was just a dream" he felt relieved "feels so real" he checked the time he still had time for college so he continued his sleeping.

"Why did you turn the car?" Jae-han asked as Jin-ho changed the direction of car "Mr. Han called me to take you to Han mention for breakfast. So we are going there"

"Now what he wants" Jae-han mumbled to himself. Few minutes of drive they reached the mention.

"Jin-ho Hyung said you liked the girl." his younger brother Han Seo-jun said "I really want to meet that girl, I'm curious to know what made you agree" Jin-ho bowed him so he did too.

"Young Masters, Mistress is calling" one of servant said

"I'm waiting outside call me when you ready to go" Jin-ho said

"Okay" Jae-han said. Jin-ho bowed and went outside.

"Grandfather always invites him to eat with us but he never comes" Seo-jun said "why don't you try calling, may be he listens to you, after all you're his boss"

"I don't think he'll listen to me" Jae-han said "let's go elders are waiting" They went inside and sat for breakfast. "Jae-han are you sure about marriage" his grandfather said

"Yes grandfather"

"I'm not complaining. I'm just in shocked you agree to marriage" his grandfather said

"We showed him many girls from big companies but he liked the girl from a small company" Jae-han's father said "that company is not bad too but still if you want we can always set another date for you"

"That's why he agreed- ahh" Seo-jun mumbled but got hit in his leg by Jae-han

"What happened?" Mother asked

"Nothing" he smiled

"No need to do that. I like her" Jae-han said

After breakfast Jae-han went to office.

Ye-joon attended his classes and met Hye-jin at break time and told her about his dream and first meeting with Jae-han. That made Hye-jin laughed "so that's why yesterday you called him gangster?"

"Yeah. And please stop laughing you're irritating me" he said so she stopped laughing "did you get any calls from him?"

"No but if he really have a girlfriend then I'm sure he wouldn't marry me" she said with confidence "if not then-"

"then you'll solve your problem yourself. I'm not going to involve with your matter" He cleared himself "if he asked anything about me then tell him you don't know me I mean girl version of me"

"Okay. don't worry I won't ask you to help" she rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm serious-"

"Sunbae-nim. Ye-joon sunbae-nim" someone called him. He looked around and finally found the owner of the voice. There she came to them with some of her friends "Hello sunbae-nim, Are you guys busy" Choi Jin-ha one of their junior from film directing department's asked.

"No. Why?" Ye-joon said

"Sunbae-nim we need your help again" Jin-ha and her friends stared him pathetically "can you please again act for us?"

"Of course he'll. He can again dress up as a girl for you" Hye-jin laughed out. Well they were the same group that caused Ye-joon to play the girl role.Well, they did not force it but the one who had to play was ill and they had very little time. So to help them he took the role.

"Relax this time you don't have to play as a girl" she cleared themselves "this time we have to film an advertisement about our college's different departments. If you need times to think you can have it"

"No need I'll do it"

"Really? Thank you sunbae-nim" Jin-ha said "Sunbae-nim can you give me you contact so that we can add you in group chat"

"Yeah sure" he gave the contact.

"Thank you Sunbae-nim" they went from there.

"It's alright time for my classes" Hye-jin said "let's meet after classes"

"Okay" Ye-joon also went to his classes and attended it.

Ye-joon at his acting session. Practicing his lines with his classmate. But class got disturbed when Ye-joon's phone rang nonstop

"I'm sorry. I'll silent it" Ye-joon said

"I think you should pick up. May be something important?" His partner said

"Okay" he picked the call. It's was from Hye-jin "what's the problem. I'm in middle of class"

"Ye-joon come fast." Hye-jin's voice sounded panicked "please help me"

"Are you okay? tell me where are you I'm coming" Ye-joon picked his bag and ran.