Second Date

"what happened? Are you okay?" Ye-joon huffed as he ran.

"My dad called me and told me they set another date with Jae-han" she cried "I told him he already have a girlfriend but dad didn't believed me"

"Then you should tell your father that you likes someone already" Ye-joon said

"I can't do that. They are not ready to reveal now" she said "please Ye-joon help me" she made a pathetic face

"No" that didn't effect Ye-joon

"please help me last time," she begged "promise this is the last" Ye-joon didn't responded "you're so mean" she started to cry.

"Okay. This is really last time" he agreed to her almost cry face. "I will make sure he thinks twice before planning a date next time."

This time Ye-joon decided the place for date. He called Jae-han to drink at Pojangmacha in order to either ask him about his girlfriend under the influence or irritate him so much that he cancels the wedding. "You really want to go inside?" Jae-han said

"What's the problem. It's better than those fancy restaurants where people eat hay in the name of healthy food" Ye-joon said in rudely to irritate him "and here we can grill the meat ourselves and eat however we wants" Ye-joon smiled in satisfaction.

"You're right" Jin-ho said who came to drop Jae-han

"Anywhere is fine, but not here" Both's smile dropped hearing Jae-han's answer.

"What's wrong with this place.The food here is delicious.” Ye-joon got angry “ Anyway, I'm not going anywhere else. I want to spend my date here. If you don't want to, you can go." Ye-joon said to his face and went inside

"Well you're the one who set the date so you can't back off from your words" Jin-ho said

Jae-han sighed and went inside. He frozen in his spot, when he saw four tables in a small tent full of people. In his eyes the space was so narrow even to make a move. Well Ye-joon chose the place intentionally. But somehow he made his way to Ye-joon.

"I thought you're not coming" Ye-joon said "anything you want to eat or drink. This is on me" he asked

"No I'm fine you can eat"

"Okay" Ye-joon said unbotherly "three Soju and meat please"

After a while they brought Soju and meat and a grilling machine.

"Mhm so delicious" Ye-joon said as took the first bit "wanna try?" He offered him

"No it's fine" he refused

"At least have Soju" again refused. Ye-joon rolled his mouth as his plan of making Jae-han drunk, was failing.

"I'm full" Ye-joon kept the chopsticks aside and said.

They paid the bill and went outside. "Let's go there" Ye-joon saw a shop and dragged him. And bought five can of beers. And sat outside of the shop. "you can't say no to this. It's one of expensive beer and here are less people too and table even floor are clean" Ye-joon said

Jae-han took on bottle "thank you"

Again Ye-joon finished 4 bottle himself and this time totally got wasted. "You" pointed to Jae-han "can't you see I'm trying hard to cancel the marriage. She doesn't want to marry you-" he accidentally dropped the bottle "I am sorry" he tried to picked the bottle but about to fall but Jae-han caught him

"Are you okay miss Lee?" Jae-han said

"Ah! Right I'm miss Lee. I'm Lee Hye-jin" Ye-joon shouted "oh it's already 9 o' clock. It's time to sleep." he said sat on the ground and about to lay.

"Miss Lee what are you doing. You can't sleep here" Jae-han picked him up

"Leave me" he struggled "I have classes tomorrow to attend. I need to sleep earlier"

"Tomorrow is holiday" Jae-han said

"Really?" Ye-joon kept his one finger on his lips and said

"Yeah" Jae-han fished the phone and called Jin-ho "come pick us"

few minutes later Jin-ho came "miss Lee hope inside" Jae-han said "be careful with your head" he said touched Ye-joon's head but got slapped by him.

"Don't touch my hair, it will fall out, you don't know how much hard work it takes" Jae-han and Jin-ho stared him confusedly, but didn't dought him as he was drunk. Somehow they managed to get him inside the car. But again they got into trouble because they didn't know the address.

"Miss Lee what is address?" Jae-han asked Ye-joon who was sleeping. "Miss Lee?"

"Should we drop her to her father's office?" Jin-ho said

"She was drunk. We can't"

"You're right"

Ye-joon's phone rang that in the handbag. Jae-han fished the phone and saw the caller id it's said 'dump Jin' "hello?" Jae-han received the call

"Ye-joon?" other side of phone said

"Ye-joon?" Jae-han repeated

"No I'm Ye-joon his- her friends" Hye-jin who was on call said "why didn't she picked the call?"

"Oh she was sleeping" Jae-han said "well do you know where she lives?"

"Ah yeah. You can drop him- her xx area's Golden apartment. I'll Pick her"

"Yeah sure" they end the call "drive to Golden apartment" after few rides they reached the apartment, where Hye-jin waiting for them.

"Ye-joon? I mean I'm Ye-joon" she picked him. Suddenly Ye-joon woke up and grabbed Hye-jin by her cheeks "I'm sorry Hye-jin. Our plan didn't worked" Hye-jin saw them panickingly "I'm sorry you have to marry him"

"Hye-jin you're drunk. Let's go you need to sleep" she took him.

Jae-han and Jin-ho hopped inside the car and drove off.