Upcoming Superstar Ahn Ye-joon

It's been two days that meet up was held and today was the day Ye-joon have schedule for shooting that arranged by juniors, So he came college earlier than usual.

"Hey Ye-joon" Hye-jin shouted at him.

"What are you doing here?" Ye-joon went near her and asked.

"Oh I came here to see my best friend's shooting" she said in humourous way.

"Oh you mean upcoming superstar Ahn Ye-joon, right?"

"Yeah yeah upcoming superstar" both chuckled and walked to shooting spot while talking nonsense.

"Hello! Ye-joon Sunbae-nim. Hye-jin Sunbae-nim" one of junior greeted them "we needs to take few more shots of campus and then some of others too afterwards your turn, so be ready, okay?" He said and Ye-joon nodded his head in agreement.

"That's means we still have sometime" Hye-jin said "let's go and buy coffee to refresh"

They went to school canteen and bought americano.

Ye-joon and Hye-jin roamed around the campus. Afterward Hye-jin went to her classes as she didn't took day off. Ye-joon also went to shooting place and revised his scripts.

After lunch they did few shots and finally Ye-joon's turn came. Ye-joon went in front of camera and gave his best.

It's evening time, shooting was over, so some of them leaved already and some were getting ready to go. "How can you forget?" Ha-eun project leader said to someone in the phone "I can't go now. We still have some works to done" she said "okay let me see what I can do" she ended the call.

"What happened Ha-eun?" Ye-joon asked her.

"Jin-ha she forget the documents" she said "and I can't go. I still have to finish work here"

"Give me. I am going home" Ye-joon said "I'll give it to her"

"Are you sure?" Ye-joon nodded his head

Ye-joon took a taxi. "Is this the place?" Ye-joon said to himself while looking at the address in the phone "I should better call her" he dialled her number "where are you?" He said "okay tell me your apartment number"

He went through elevator to her apartment. He pressed the door bell. In a while Jin-ha came and opened the door "oh Sunbae" she said "please come inside" she offered him.

"you have really fancy apartment and also spacious" Ye-joon said as he scanned the room inside the apartment "your parents must be rich"

"I don't have parents" Jin-ha said quietly

"Oh I am sorry" Ye-joon felt bad.

"No, no it's alright. Even though I don't have parents but I do have a older brother who loves me so much" she smiled "and he is the one who brought this apartment for me"

"Oh I see" he said. "Yeah! Here is your documents"

"Oh thank you" she took the documents "it's heavy" she commented

"Yeah a bit" Ye-joon said "so be careful"

"Please wait here. I will put it in the room" she said and went to her room and came back after keeping the documents.

"then I am leaving" Ye-joon said

"Huh, why?" She said Ye-joon looked at her confusedly "do you have any urgent works?"

"Not really" he said

"Then can you please wait for a while. I am making rice cake. Take it with you"

"No no it's alright" Ye-joon refused "you don't have to do that"

"Please, it's as a thanks for helping me" she said

"It's really alright" he said with smile

"Last time also you refused" she pouted

"Okay. I will wait" he sighed and agreed as he can't argued with her.

"Really? It won't take time" she said with smile "please make yourself comfortable" she said and went to kitchen.

Ye-joon scanned the living room. He saw a man's picture with Jin-ha almost in every album "why do he looks like I have seen him somewhere" he said as that face looked familiar to him.

He got interpreted by the door bell "Jin-ha I think there is someone" he yelled so that she can heard.

"Oh I think it's my brother" she said and came from kitchen "I changed the password and didn't tell him" she said "I'm messed. How he gonna come inside" she mumbled seeing herself, hands filled with flour.

"I'll open the door" Ye-joon said and went to main door and opened it but got shocked seeing someone familiar. Han Jae-han?