Who is she?

Ye-joon went to main door and opened it but got shocked when he saw Han Jae-han and his assistant. Han Jae-han what should I do now he thought and turned around and about to run but slipped his legs and fell down.

"are you okay?"Jin-ho went to him and kneels down next to him and asked.

"ye-yeah I'm fine" Ye-joon tried to hide his face from Jae-han and Jin-ho. What should I do now? I'm dead now Ye-joon thought.

"what happened?" Jin-ha came from kitchen as she heard the voice and asked "oh god! Ye-joon sunbae-nim, how did you fall" she asked worriedly.

Oh! that's right I'm Ahn Ye-joon not Lee Hye-jin he thought and finally faced Jin-ho who was in his kneels next to him.

"I am fine" he fake smiled and stood up and about to fall again as he sprained his ankle in attempt to ran but this time he grabbed Jae-han who was standing next to him. "I-i am sorry" he said and moved his hands.

"it's alright" said Jae-han with same cold and serious face.

"Let me help you" Jin-ho grabbed Ye-joon's hands and walked him to couch.

"Wait here. I will get the pain relife medicines" Jin-ho said and went to a room and came back with a first aid box.

"let me see your leg" said Jin-ho and spread the medicine "you will feel better in few minutes"

"thank you" Ye-joon said with smile Jin-ho also smiled back and stood up and kept medicine box aside.

"Well I never seen you, so you are.......?" Jin-ho said

"Oh I'm Jin-ha's senior" Ye-joon replied and bowed "Ahn Ye-joon"

"Oh I see" Jin-ho said "I am Jin-ha's older brother Choi Jin-ho" Jin-ho also bowed "nice to meet you"

"Oh! Me too" Ye-joon said. So Jin-ha's brother is Jae-han's assistant that's why he looked familiar in those photos he thought.

"Oppa he is the senior who helped us last time, I told you about" Jin-ha said

"Oh you're the one. she told me about you" Jin-ho said "let me treat you someday for helping her"

"No no it's alright" Ye-joon said

"Oh yeah" Jin-ha said "I baked rice cake for sunbae as a thanks. Come Oppa help me to pack" she dragged Jin-ho with her to kitchen. That's leaved Ye-joon and Jae-han alone. Ye-joon awkwardly sat on couch while staring his fingers nails.

"So you are not her boyfriend?" Jae-han said. Ye-joon stared him in shock.

"what? boyfri-ahh" Ye-joon tried to stood up but fall in couch "it's hurting" he grabbed his leg tightly.

"so you're not?" again Jae-han asked "then stalker?"

"of course not" Ye-joon said almost shouted "I'm not her boyfriend nor stalker" that's pissed him.

"then what are you doing here at this hour? At a girl's apartment who lives alone?"

"I came here to give something to her"

"what is it?" Jae-han asked but interpreted by Jin-ha.

"Jae-han Oppa! Again you starts your enquiries" Jin-ha came out of the kitchen with Jin-ho behind her "Oppa I wanted to give him rice cake for helping me. That's why Sunbae stay. But you are being rude to my guest" she pouted

"I am sorry in behalf of him for being rude" Jin-ho said

"no it's alright. You did nothing" Ye-joon said while eyeing Jae-han, of course angry with him "someone else should say sorry" he mumbled but Jae-han heard it.

"well it's not my fault. You told me someone following you everywhere, so I thought he is one of them" Jae-han said to Jin-ha

"but didn't you beat him already?" Jin-ha said "he came to me with bruises and all. He apologies to me too"

"I thought he is another stalker" Jae-han made an excuse.

"Oppa! If he was a stalker then why would I invite him in the first place?"

"Okay okay I am sorry" Jae-han said to Jin-ha

"No. say to Sunbae" Jin-ha said. Jae-han stared Ye-joon. Ye-joon got goosebumps the way Jae-han stared.

"I think I should go now" Ye-joon said "and I feel better too" he stood up and said

"Wait for a moment I will drop you home" Jin-ho said

"No it's alright. I can go myself"

"Are you sure" Ye-joon nodded his head "okay then at least let me accompany you to downstairs" Jin-ho said

"I am coming too" Jin-ha said and grabbed the box of rice cake.

Jin-ho and Jin-ha went downstairs and came back after hopping Ye-joon in the taxi.

They went near Jae-han who was staring TV screen shockingly and asked Jin-ha "who is she?"