Homo-AbelChapter Ten (10)( Encounter )

" You are an asshole you know that... right? "Judi spoke with a very bold expression she hasn't really been herself since the death of Lucas.

She had forced herself to give off a very bold expression whenever she was around the team but truth is,she was the only member of the whole team that was still undergoing grief but having someone else join the team not too long after Lucas' death is a whole new level.

" You knew what happened to Lucas how could you bring a rookie to the most danger mission on the board I know you want to die but bringing a kid "Lisa said.

" Can someone tell me what the hell is happening here? " Jason asked as he noticed they talking about something but they were speaking so fast it was hard to keep track.

" it's alright I have this under control just keep off him " Cesar promised.

" By the way..... what the hell happened here? " Judi asked as she saw the whole place completely wrecked.

" we had fun " Cesar said with a smile revealing his pair of white teeths the fangs were gone.

" Speaking of fun what's the hell is the name of this broken arrow " Judi spoke in a husky tone " be nice Judi "Lisa resounded is a rather harsh tone.

" ummm....my name is Jason I am freshmen just finish the academy ".

" WHAT!!! " both Lisa and Judi yelled in shock and then looked at Cesar " Let's just have some dinner, am gonna go make dessert " Cesar said and went back into the broken kitchen to make some cake with resources he found.


About two hours after the meal they decided to sleep while each of them will take turns to keep watch and Jason was first because he was a rookie and won't survive if he kept watch at midnight to sunrise.

Berserk were more active at midnight and at because the was the moment of rest for most metas.

But this was a peaceful night and so they weren't any attacks.

The next morning everyone was getting ready for the battle ahead of them.

Jason suddenly walked towards Cesar and said " sir a word " "yeah what's up " Cesar said in a funny tone " sir I don't think I can do this.....can I just stay here I don't want to die "Jason said almost in tears " Okay " Cesar said and continued preparing.

" wait really " Jason asked in shock

" oh no if you are too much of a pussy and can't handle a simple mission then it would really be wise for you to just back down I won't stop " Cesar said in mockery and went to address the girls.

" Guys squad up.. "Cesar said as they assembled " Today we are going to face the most powerful Berserk we have ever faced so far....." Cesar said " we are only three should be call for backup...chicken out or go out there and die for what we live for... " Cesar stopped to let the information sink in a little before he continued.

" this is our legacy if we don't help this people die in peace what would we tell our kids or the next pair of rookies to come my dear team mates. This might be the last speech you hear from me but it surely won't be the last word you hear " Cesar said and he walked out.

" WOW " was all Lisa said after Cesar's speech " does he always give out such empty speech " Jason asked " not even in at the point of death " Judi replied as they walked out slowly.

It wasn't up to an hour they came across a large building with about six more building attached to it.

" Whoa!!! wait don't tell me a berserk actually built this " Jason spoke on surprise. " Yeah and she is waiting for us "Cesar said as he walked into the building or buildings.

" how did he know it was a she and dis he know it is waiting for us " Jason asked but Lisa just looked at Judi who just gave off a weird chuckled and walked into the building as Lisa and Judi followed.

Immediately they walked in they saw six Berserks that were burned to ash and Cesar standing over them,he was smiling and his fangs were out visibly showing.

" I still haven't gotten use to that creepy smile he makes when he is in his battle form it always happens to catch me off guard " Judi said with a hint of fear in her tone.

" What do you mean by battle form "Jason asked with total fear.

" We learnt recently that our Boss has multiple abilities and it only grows the more he kills meta humans or Berserks " Lisa explained with a smirk on her face.

" and one of those abilities is killer instinct which gives him this strange aura and a beastly kind of attribute such as fangs,claws sometimes he eyes turns red " Judi explained further more.

" How did you guys find out about the powers and the killer instinct thing "Jason asked in complete fear.

" why don't we focus on the matter at hand and leave the story telling for another time...." immediately Cesar finished speaking a lightening speed object attacked Cesar but Judi was quick enough to strike it down with lightening before it could reach Cesar.

" That was why I handpick my team mates " Cesar said as with the same creepy smile and as he took a bloody stare at Jason making him ( Jason ) feel uncomfortable.

" Y'all are.. gonna be a.... lot of fun " a lady walked out the darkness with two ram like horns on her head.

She was tall about six(6) or more feet tall she was black, her hair color and eye color were sliver (the hair was actually very long). she also had enormous set of breast with an excellent figure.

Clearly speaking she was really cute but the aura she was emitting was so powerful that Jason was finding it very had to breathe.

" We shouldn't be in a rush to die. How about I gave y'all a cup of coffee and a tour around the house " the lady said with a natural smile.

" you have got to be fucking with me " Jason said with a confused look on his face.

" that's not what we are here for "Lisa spoke in a rather harsh tone.

" Whoa!!...so we have a spicy one....you know the spicy one always dies first " the lady said as she snapped her fingers and they were suddenly in a dinning room with a cups of coffee on the table facing each person.

" What the hell..."Jason exclaimed in shock while the others were trying to comprehend what was going on but Cesar was busy taking a sip from the cup of coffee.

" My name is Courtney my enemies call me Eater my friend call me The Devourer but you can call me The End " The lady said as she took a sip from the cup.

" Let me guess you don't really have many friends "Judi asked in a calm tone.

" what's it with the calm one he just there drinking coffee ain't you scared of me "Courtney asked intrigued by Cesar calmness.

" You make quite the coffee " Cesar asked " let's not be rude...my name is Edward, my friends calls me Cesar my enemies..."Cesar said as he chuckled.

" well the thing is.... I have never met an enemy that has lived long enough to give me a name ".

" That's quite the threat "Courtney smiled as she moved with super speed towards Cesar with the intent to kill but Cesar was quick enough to catch her hand.

She smiled while everyone was shocked by the turn of events but that was only the tip of the iceberg suddenly half of the room was falls completely destroyed by the impact of the punch.

This attacked also destroyed two buildings and Cesar hands were completely damaged and was bleeding.

" I will love to be the first to name you since I am an enemy "

Courtney said as she and Cesar was suddenly at an office inside that same building.

( Courtney had teleported Cesar into another part of the building, leaving the others to fight her clones in different places )

" what would the name be?... "Cesar asked as his hands healed quickly unlike never before.

" Cockroach " Courtney said

" What's with the hostility....for a second there i could've sworn we were bounding " Cesar said as he revealed his fangs suddenly there was blood dropping on the ground from Courtney arm as she took a glimpse and her arm came falling off like it had been sliced clean off.

But that wasn't the only thing that fell on the ground.... Suddenly the smell of blood filled the air and Cesar's head was found on the ground.