Homo-AbelChapter Eleven (11)( Clones )


A loud bang was heard in the cinema theater as Jason was sent flying into audience chair.

He had been teleported deep into the building and was facing a clone that's six times more powerful than him in every aspect and he was losing.

He couldn't even get a clear shot because the enemy was faster and his right hands hasn't even healed completely.

This was the moment he would regret some of his decisions he has made in his life but he was already in too deep and there was no escape.

Due to anger and frustration he began air blasted all the whole room at the same time destroying everything in it and to his surprise he was able to hit the clone.

The clone fell on the floor and it appears to be dead.He was shocked and happy because he never expected that outcome.

But he rejoiced too soon the moment Jason turned his back to celebrate the Clone stabbed him.

The Clone had stabbed Jason with her bare hands destroying one of his organs and this time it seemed to be a fatal blow.


Judi was shocked to see herself in a hall alone ( she was at a school hall )but she didn't show any signs of fear but she was worried because she knew that Jason was a newbie and he might die before anyone could get to him.

She quickly began to run through the doors looking for an escape but she always ended up in the same hall.

" this is a new technique....So what is this your ability " Judi said calmly as she took a sensitive look around herself.

" I think you got the wrong idea darling " Courtney voice echoed as the room turned upside down and Judi fell down one hundred (100) feet ( this is equivalent to ten (10) stories or more ) at this point Judi was bound to die.

Judi was quick to use a new technique she was still mastering which was the control of gravity but it was still a new technic, so she ended up breaking her left leg.

She winced in pain as she held her leg and straighten the bone that broke before she quickly tore a piece of her clothes and tied up the wound.

Suddenly a laugh was heard that echoed through the whole building.


Cesar head suddenly attached itself and it healed completely only to see Courtney look at him in complete shock and disbelief.

" What the hell are you? " Courtney asked in a hint of fear in her tone but Cesar smiled and then looked at the hand he severed and saw that it had already regrew.

" Your not the real deal but a strong clone " Cesar said with a smirk on his face as his eyes turned gold " ignite " Cesar said as the clone caught on fire and immediately died.


" I did say you were gonna die first right?..but from the looks of it you have a competition " Courtney said to Lisa but as she attempted to attack, she ( Courtney's clone ) began to decay and suddenly it turned to ash.

" That was easier than I thought I should really find the others " Lisa said but then the clone regrew like nothing happened " This is truly going to be fun " Courtney said with a smirk.


" Oh my God you are bleeding should I call the medic " Courtney said in mockery as she stood above Jason.

" You really must be the weakest among them aren't you " Courtney said as Jason crawled miserably away from Courtney.

Just as Courtney was about finish off Jason. He quickly turned and shot her directly at the stomach. " Wow good shot if you were more accurate I would have been done for " Courtney said as she smiled.

" Thanks for the tip.... " Jason said and spread his hand wide open " What the hell are you doing..? " but Jason smiled with his bloody lips and yelled.

" EXPLODE!!! " as something like an air boom exploded destroying Courtney into pieces and the clone turned to ash.

" IT'S THE STOMACH...TO KILL HER YOU HAVE....TO HIT THE STOMACH!! " Jason yelled in his last breath hoping the others would hear him as he passed out.

Somewhere In The Building

" This metas are pests they wish to destroy two hundred (200) years of hard work ".

" The destruction they have made in the couple of minutes, no one have ever come that close...they have done more destructive than any Gen has done in a hundred years (100) ". Courtney said with irritation written all over her face.

" it's time to really end this " Courtney finally muttered as she snapped her fingers and assembled all of Cesar's team in one room together with her.

" you cockroaches have spoilt all of my years hard work I am gonna end this here and now " Courtney spoke in complete anger.

Suddenly the ground rumbled and snares was heard as the ground shook " better get ready your about to single handedly face a whole army of strong Berserks " Courtney said with a demonic grin on her face.

" i don't think we are equipped to fight a herd of Berserks right now " Lisa said in a hint of fear in her tone.

" I might have a broken leg but I won't go down without a fight " Judi said as she stood up and her eyes trued completely black and there was a powerful firestorm.

Cesar walked towards Judi and held her hands as the fire storm immediately disappeared. " Carry the newbie and leave the rest to me " Judi nodded as Lisa assisted her in carrying Jason away.

" who said you could..... " Courtney attempted to say but Cesar hands was already on her neck.

In complete shock she looked at Cesar and the whole room shattered then they began to exchange blows.

The building began to shake enormously as things was sent flying into each other as the building slowly crumbled.

Jason opened his eyes and saw a hurricane

" what's... go....going...o..o...on " Jason stuttered in a weak tone.

" two elite beings are fighting " Lisa responded and they walked out of the building only the see the whole place surrounded by Berserks.

A large explosion was heard not too far from them and all the berserks began to run towards that place as they all died one by one.

Cesar had created millions of clones and they were eliminating the Berserks one by one while his original body was having a heated battle with Courtney.

" Come on follow me " one of Cesar clones said taking them to a safe place a little bit far from the Courtney's Yard.

Meanwhile Cesar was losing the fight with Courtney because he had millions of his personality shared between series of clones so he couldn't concentrate on the fight.

A punch landed on Cesar's face sending him into the building bleeding profusely from all his seven orifices.

Cesar was bleeding because he was having his ass handed to him, he was because all that power that he was emitting was killing him more faster than he could heal.

Cesar knew he wasn't fully immortal but he knew that the only thing that could kill him was him.

He quickly stood up and accessed a destructive power and then shot at Courtney blocked with her hands and rhe hands got completely vaporized.

But it quickly regrew more faster than the speed of light.

" You said I was the cockroach but you are on vermin that refuses to ..DIE!!!!! " Cesar yelled as the building destroyed completely into ash wiping out all the Berserk within a mile radius.

But Courtney was still standing and was healing extremely fast from ash that was when he saw her heart.

It something that looked like brick in her stomach it was covered by lairs of thick and pure meat and muscle which would take a force more stronger than water to penetrate with one strike.

" So you do have a way to die " Cesar said with smirk on his face and he was on his kneels and was totally weak he wasn't even sure if he could stand up.

He had only used that attack once and no Berserk has ever survived it but this Berserk.

This Berserk wasn't as strong as he hoped but it had a very powerful regeneration power more powerful than his.

That was when it hit him the only way for him to get rid of this berserk is to hit it with a tiny yet powerful shot of power almost like a powerful gun but with.....Air!! "Jason.." Cesar muttered and then used a something like a net to bind Courtney and then vanished to where Lisa and the others was.

" I need Jason's powers " Cesar said to Lisa who was the only one conscious at the time.

" wait ...what do you mean you need Jason's powers don't tell me you are going to kill him " Lisa asked as she stood up to block Cesar from passing through.

" i will do what's needed to be done...now if you would step aside I would be deeply appreciative " Cesar commented as he tried to walk passed her but was blocked again by Lisa.

" you might have all the whole powers in the world but I am sure as hell you can't recover from being wiped out from the face of the earth " Lisa threaten.