Homo-Abel Chapter Twelve (12) ( The Light )

" Don't make me do this " Lisa said in a furious tone as Cesar's left hand suddenly turned to ash.

" Do you know how much power I have?... I am so powerful that I myself don't know my limits " Cesar said as his hand regrew instantly.

Suddenly there was a strong wave and Lisa was knocked out cold.

Then Cesar took Jason and they teleported back into the destroyed building site " look who's back " Courtney spoke and then took a glance at the body in Cesar's arms.

" I thought that Cockroach would have died by now " Courtney muttered to herself.

" Nah he didn't " Cesar said then he proceed to Jason's ear to whispered the following words " listen carefully I am going to borrow your ability all in the name of killing this Berserk,why am I telling you this you might ask well that's because what i am about to do is going to hurt like hell " Jason eyes immediately shot wide open.

He tried to move but he was too weak all he could do was nod his head all he taught was " it couldn't be more painful than the pain I am already in.... right? ".

But was he wrong the paiin could only be described as needle moving through the vein and the blood stream but he wasn't the only one feeling the pain Cesar felt the pain too but Cesar's was worse.

" What the hell are y'all doing? " Courtney asked as she ran towards Cesar with lightening speed but Cesar had already shoot her at her head but it quickly regrew and she swiftly took a couple of steps back a little scared.

" I am fast, very fast but the fact that he was able to catch me off guard he must have gotten more powerful " Courtney taught to herself and immediately decided to take a different approach.

Suddenly a wave hit Courtney and she nearly lost consciousness but due to the Berserk Virus she quickly stood her ground but was still feeling a little lightheaded.

" What did you do to me? " Courtney asked " My ability is very simple....the more I fight the more I obtain new abilities and at the same time I also unlock new abilities " Cesar said with a friendly smile.

" No you can't be that powerful.... nature can't be that cruel....I won't allow you to continue to live " Courtney yelled as her eyes turned completely blank and she went totally Berserk and began to attack Cesar.

To Cesar's surprise she was actually more powerful than she was before and really did some damage to him but he was quick to heal this time his healing speed increased twelve times more faster than before.

This meant than Cesar could heal more faster than the speed of a bullet and that wasn't all.

They were shots heard,Cesar had been shooting air bullets at Courtney but none of them connected to the stomach they either hit the head or the chest.

He never once taught that shooting a moving target would be harder than that.

" WHY WON'T YOU DIE!! " Courtney yelled as she attacked Cesar directly that was when Cesar unlocked a new ability called ( Ricochet ) and immediately he shot the Air bullet it curved tremendously.

And met Courtney directly at her stomach destroying the brick like Heart leaving a large hole through her belle,immediately she fell on her knees and began to bleed.

Courtney was now on her knees and was bleeding profusely as she spat a handful of blood " You know I had a good life, all I ever wanted was peace of mind even as a Berserk i wanted that peace that was why i built this mansion " she said.

" You regained your senses why didn't you just move into society " Cesar asked her

" He wouldn't let me, he annointed me gave me the name Courtney told me i was among the selected one hundred, I am number eighty seven to be exact he also said I would work for him ".

" Wait what do you mean he? "Cesar asked her " he calls himself The Light " Courtney answered

" So you mean to tell me that there are ninety nine other powerful Berserks like you and you are only number eight seven that means number one would be... "

" More powerful than you could ever think of, I know you are powerful..... But you don't stand a chance against the Light his presence alone will overwhelm you " Courtney said sounding a little crazy.

" oh really?! "Cesar said as he points two of his fingers at Courtney's head " I am so sorry I hope you find the peace you desire " immediately a was a powerful bang heard and Courtney dropped to the ground dead.


Jason opened his eyes and found himself in the hospital with Cesar smiling and talking to Lisa and Judi who had was on a crutch but she looks like she could walk perfectly.

" You want to recruit more warriors after seeing what happened to this one " Judi said to Cesar " i want to recruit only four more...look imagine we had more warriors that wouldn't have happened and Jason wouldn't have been this heavily injured ".

" look it's a great idea but don't forget that we are going after the guy called The Light and from what you told us he is more powerful than that Courtney chick " Judi said " Yeah I say we should recruit more guys " Lisa replied in a simple tone.

Since the death of Lucas everyone was changed in there own way.

" what are you guys talking about ? " Jason asked in a weak tone as he slowly stood up from the bed.. he wasn't fully healed but the wound was down to a minimum.

The healing doctor had done his thing but he couldn't really heal the wound fully due to The Gens policy.

(the policy states that a doctor can not heal a patient fully so that the patient shall understand the fully meaning of pain and reflect on her action ).

" Oh! hi as you see we were just talking about recruiting new members for our team " Lisa said with a smile on her face.

" yeah about that... I quit "Jason said.

" What!! "Everyone in the room said in shock.

" yeah after what I experienced last time I couldn't go through it again I am just not cut out for this job ".

" Kid you must be joking I just stood for you in front of all the head Gen Council " Cesar replied in a vicious tone.

" about what? "Jason asked confused.

" he explained the reason why he took out a freshman into a level Z field without consulting The Gens guild " Judi spoke in an audible tone.

" I thought you were a warrior kid you looked tough when you spoke to me the first time " Cesar said with his two eyes centered on Jason.

" well that would have been way before you knew he was a pussy, besides we are about to recruit more members right? "Lisa said in a cold tone which unlike her.

" what's gotten into you? "Judi asked confused.

" She opposed me in battle trying to save his ass " Cesar replied to Judi.

" alright!! alright!! I am in, I don't want any more arguments " Jason quickly covered himself before the discussion took a dark turn.

" So what's next Boss? "Judi asked with a dark smirk " I will go talk to Conner i saw one of his recruit i liked i will go see if i could get him to join us while you two could go look for more freshmen either at the academy or in the HQ " Cesar said with a smile.

" What about me ? " Jason asked " You get yourself some balls cause our next mission will be aimed at this so called The Light and he is going to pay for everything ".

Somewhere in The First Capital

It was raining heavily and a young boy of about twelve years old was being bullied by six other boys in the lonely street when all of a suddenly a man appeared from the dark his sliver eyes were the only visible things in the darkness.

" So you children don't like playing fair " The man spoke from the darkness " who the hell is this chump " the boy who looks like the leader spoke in a proud tone.

The man vanished and suddenly he grabbed the boy on the throat which shocked the other boys they quickly stood their guard and activated their abilities.

The boy in which the man grabbed quickly activated his ability which was electricity and covered himself in it.

The man who seemed to be shocked by electricity didn't even flinch. All the boys attacked him but none of them came in contact with man it was like the man was invincible which he was.

" Die!! " The man spoke softly but his voice echoed through whole street and all the six boys dropped dead immediately leaving only the bullied boy alive scared, bleeding and completely broken.

" You look weak what's your name " The man spoke to the boy in a tone unlike any other as he walked towards the boy but he was in a hoodie so his face was enclosed.

" E....Eli....Elijah " the boy answered in a scared tone.

" Wow what a nice biblical name Elijah, Well you can call me god... Elijah I like your Bravery how would you feel about being god's right hand man I promise you it will be the time of your life " The man spoke and he stretched out his hands.

Immediately Elijah touches it they both vanished.