Homo-Abel Chapter Thirteen (13)( Meeting with The Light)

A week has passed since Cesar's encounter with Courtney, Council had analyzed the situation amd a building for Cesar and his team to commerce an operation with only one goal and that is to find this so called Light and the hundred.

They were called The Dark Halo but TDH for short.

Cesar had already recruited three more members two boys and a girl namely; Damian, Wong and Amora.

Damian was a depressed kind of guy, he was brown skinned, he had green eyes with blue hair he was about the average height of a man and his ability was telekinesis along with the touch of telepathy.

Wong is a playful guy with blonde hair he was average height with a dragon tattooed from his back all the way to his arm he was very fit so he would normally tank top to show off his muscles.

He had yellow colored skin along with blue colored eyes and had an earring on his left ear his ability was Pure Luck,he also had a sword he called Kim the sword is the strongest sliver weapon in the world.

Now I know Luck it isn't really an ability but this guy has been really lucky, the only reason why Cesar signed him was because he had the willingness and experience with fighting and the fact that he was lucky.

Amora was something else from head to toe she was sexy, intelligent and fun.

She had Brown hair she was pale skinned she had brown colored eyes he was about six feet tall she had a nice pair of breasts along with a curvy figure her ability was possession.

She can literally possess someone with two different means first is called Complete control she can control the person without physical touch while the other is full body possession this is the process whereby she becomes one with the individual and it is nearly impossible for the person to resist.

Cesar had arranged a location he and his team would go check out.

it was the Main Capital,the reason was simple there was a report of strange deaths, six children died while one was reported missing and the cause of death is said to be unknown.

It didn't take long for them to get there since they stayed at the second Capital.

Cesar first decision was to examine the bodies and check out the site of the incident.

Jason, Judi, Lisa and Damian wereto check out the site that the death occured while the others would check out the Morgue.


" So rookies what do you notice here in the bodies " Cesar said to Amora and Wong which he took to the Morgue to examine the bodies.

" Clearly there is no sign of struggle or any point of contact at all in any of the bodies " Amora pointed out " you are wrong " Cesar corrected.

" there is signs of strangling in one of the victims but that wasn't the cause of the death for any of them " Cesar said.

" it was like they all died of old age " Amora said " well you know what they say.... Kids grown up so fast " Wong said as he laughed.

" it isn't funny Wong " Amora said but Cesar was already giggling.

" what you too " Amora said disappointedly " you can't really blame me though " Cesar smirk then he proceeded to touch the body which was strangled immediately he had a vision.

Cesar saw a man in a hoodie with sliver eyes he has an evil smirk on his face " I am The Light, the beginning, the end and everything in-between " The man said and vanished

" Boss!! Boss!! You good? " Amora said tapping Cesar who looked like someone that woke up from a bad dream

" Yeah am good " Cesar replied quickly with a faint smile on his face " You got me scared for a second there Boss I thought you were thinking of dieing of old age or something " Wong replied with a smile.

A Street In The Main Capital

Everyone was looking around for clues when Damian heard a voice in his head

" Damian is it...you see I really like you because you seem like a smart guy for someone to have telekinesis you must be very sensitive...tell your boss to stand down he is messing with forces he can't comprehend " The voice spoke but Damian was quick to respond.

" You are in for a real treat cause my boss is technically the most powerful foe you will ever face wait.....hold up he might be the last foe you will ever face ".

Suddenly Damian felt a sharp pain in his brain as he yells in pain and was bleeding profusely from his nostrils.

he passed out and fell on the ground as the others came rushing towards him.


" Elijah you have been reborn you have become more powerful and clearly more older....your name shall be Blaze " The light spoke to Elijah who is now known as Blaze.

Blaze has completely changed from a twelve year old boy to a nineteen year boy with a muscular figure, blonde hair and had sliver eyes like The Light.

" you are my number one hundred and because you are the last you get to hang with me for a while so i will teach the ropes but for your first mission... ".

A hospital in The Main Capital

( Two hours later )

Damian is awake with the whole team waiting on him " What the hell happened out there " Amora asked as Damian stands up slowly.

" well he was in my head he managed to break through my defenses and got into my mind... And I believe he has information about us " Damian said a little worried.

" relax rookie he was in my head to but it was like he left a message in the body of one of the victims " Cesar said consoling Damian.

" at least we know he has that ability, he seems to be a powerful foe a little more powerful than I might have given him credit for " Cesar said.

" we found one of his hundred Berserk " Lisa said " How? " Wong asked " he literally told us were we could find it " Judi said.

" while you two were having a moment we found white dust in the particular area where the first boy was strangled it led to a warehouse where the product of the chemical has been recorded...." Jason said.

" it's about a couple of mile away from the main capital the warehouse haven't been used for about fifty years and berserk activity have been recorded there so we believe he was there a while ago before he took a pit stop here to take the kid " Lisa explained.

" Get ready we are about to have the time of our lives " Cesar said as she signaled Lisa and Judi to follow him.

" what is it Boss? " Judi asked " They are too fresh to go on this mission and their abilities can't really do any serious damage " Cesar explained as Lisa and Judi understood what he meant.

They knew Cesar wanted them to babysit the newbies and they didn't like it.

" What do you want us to do Boss? " Judi asked showing no sign of discomfort.

Cesar was shocked at Judi response he was expecting her to grumble or say I told you this would happen but she was just cooperative.

This was a character Judi has been displaying since Lucas' death.

" me, Jason and Wong will go after the Berserk while the rest of you are going to find out more about this Light guy " Cesar replied.

Cesar's plan was simple Damian was a telekinesis user but he also had a touch of telepathy on his mind like a tracker so he would be able to trace this Light guy to his origin.

And if there happens to be any problem he trust Amora would be able to stun this with possession guy even if it was for a minute or even a second it was enough for them to get out there.

" and remember if you guys come in contact with his guy just contact me don't fight " Cesar said looking directly at Judi cause he knows she was the stubborn type.

" Why the hell is he looking at me? " Judi asked Lisa like she was innocent.

" I dunno... Maybe that's because you don't always listen to orders especially if it was from the boss " Lisa corrected as they walked out of the room discussing.

A warehouse in the Main Capital

The room was dark and there was only a faint light and The Light was busy teaching Blaze how to use his ability of plasma.

This ability works in two ways ( Blaze could create a solid weapon from nowhere using his plasma ability and at the same time Blaze could shut down all the nervous system in anyone's body making them black out completely ).

" I upgraded your plasma ability, I have shared two hundred years of sword fighting knowledge to your brain and I have amplified your body which means you look like a nineteen year old boy but you are actually still twelve " The Light explained in a husky yet gentle tone.

" Sir why are you doing all this? " Blaze asked " it's all about balance I am sure you will understand one day " The light said with a chuckle this time he removes his hoodie revealing his face.

The Light had a sliver short hair with sliver eyes he had a tattoo on his neck that was linking down his body looked similar to Cesar's but you can't be fully be sure because the rest of his body was covered up.

His skin was colored brown, he was about the same height as Cesar or a little shorter and he also had an earring but it was totally different from Cesar's own.

In a very simple tone The Light was clear more handsome than Cesar but yet they seem to look alike " I promise you a new ability if you get the job done " The Light promised as he walks into the corner of the dark room.

" if anything walks through that door kill it " The Light said to a large figure in the dark who didn't even move or say anything.

" I am going to have some fun " The Light chuckled and then vanished into thin air.