Homo-Abel Chapter Fourteen (14) ( Snitch )

A Street in the Main Capital

Damian, Amora, Lisa and Judi just got off a vehicle and was searching for any signs of The Light when.

" I thought you got the message kid " The Light said as he walked out of a corner with his hood on.

suddenly the whole vibe changed and there was pressure that they found it hard to breathe.

" We didn't come to fight " Amora said quickly trying to breathe properly.

" I killed six children and you want me to believe that you don't want to fight back " The Light said.

" What she is meant to say is who are you and why are you doing this " Damian said as his put two of the finger on his right hand up to his head trying to counter the pressure with telekinesis.

" Brilliant shielding your mind and that of your friends from my grasp and at the same time countering my aura " The Light praised.

" but you should know by now that I am too powerful for you to block" The Light said as he walked forward slowly as they pressure stronger and stronger that they were almost at their knees and bleeding from their nostrils.

" Better.... be safe.....than.....sorry " Damian responded with a smirk on his face.

" i want to get my hands dirty.. all this commanding around has made my hands soft and weak " The Light muttered in an audible tone as he vanished.

All of a sudden he was behind Judi as he punched her into a building nearby as she completely black out bleeding profusely.

they all turned around but no one was there Lisa rushed towards Judi but the more she ran towards Judi the more she was far away it was like it was impossible to reach Judi.

" Damian how do you want to play physical or mentally " The Light voice resounded as everywhere was bright.

Damian suddenly finds himself in a void environment " I never taught that technique would work " Damian chuckled thinking he was in the mind of The Light.

" it didn't.... you are in a pocket dimension one of the millions i possess I saw your attack coming miles away " The Light said as he took off his hoodie and shirts completely revealing all his tattoos which were very similar to Cesar's ( But Damian hasn't really seen Cesar take his clothes off ).

" I am extremely powerful than boss, my real name's Derek the reason why i am showing and telling you all this is because i have selected you " Derek said

" whatever it is you want with me i will pass " Damian said.

" you see that's where you don't get me, I can keep you here forever if i want to. I am immortal your body could be taken away from this place but your mind will remain here forever " Derek explained.

" I am not afraid " Damian said clearly unmoved by Derek's statement " No but when you meet my little sister you will be, you see in our family she is the most feared " The Light said.

" She could even kill The LOTR ( lord of the realm) but then i will lose my number two and the world would be without balance "

" wait you mean to tell me you control everything and every one " Damian commented clearly shocked.

" Obviously I clearly have you all, do you think The Gens was the idea of Maine " Derek said with smile.

" do you think the Berserks were an accident?... Bestit is just an experiment for gods and for the Dark Lord "

" Why are you telling me all these?, why are you going all this?, you clearly very powerful you own everything what else do you want? " Damian said as he falls on his knees.

" what I want from you is simple, I need an inside man, I have already appointed one but I need another more trust worthy allie I don't just play a game with one card on the table " Derek said with a smile.

" How the hell are you sure I will cooperate and why do need someone on the inside of our small team anyway? " Damian asked a little scared.

" you are so powerful you coul wipe the whole team out the face of the realm "

" you are a smart kid Damian you are bound to cooperate and as for why I want you to be my number one hundred and one... well that's classified but with due time I will reveal all the secrets of this world to you just like I did to Maine " Derek replied and then vanished.

" tell them about what you encountered but don't reveal to much information " Derek voice resounded as it faded away.

A Warehouse in the Maine Capital

Cesar, Wong and Jason walked into the warehouse and saw a boy ( Blaze ) hanged in chains.

" Help me....Let me out I can fight " Blaze yelled as Jason quickly rushed towards him " Wait!! " Cesar yelled as Jason stopped the floor began to rumble.

" oh no he is coming let me out quickly " Blaze yelled but as Jason touched the chain a large air wave from no where he hit him sending him through the warehouse walls into the next building.

" he is here " Blaze said in fear and a large man of about nine feet tall came out from nowhere his eyes were white which meant that he was a Berserk.

" You.... Walked... Through.... That..... Door....Which means.... You are going to..... DIE!!! " The Berserk yelled.

As the whole Warehouse came crushing down completely the waves sent Cesar and Wong flying into the next building.

But lucky for Wong the wall that he was supposed to smashed through was already destroyed so he just went through the building and fell on a bed.

" That lucky bastard " Cesar muttered to himself and he stood up and dusted himself and ran towards the Berserk and gave him a powerful punch on the belle but the Berserk didn't even budge.

" so what's are you punch immune " Cesar said in disappointment and his head was smashed into bits with only one clap.

" Whoa!! " Wong said as he watch from the broken building window " I think am gonna leave,it would probably be for the best " Wong said.

immediately a huge wave blew destroying the whole building except from the position Wong was standing.

" That was a cheap shot " Wong said as he drew his blade and jumped down from the building rushing towards the The large man but as he took a swing at the man he tripped on a stone and fell.

The sword flew up and hit the chain connected to Blaze and it broke freeing Blaze in the process.

" Help us !! " Wong yelled as the sword fell into his hands, he quickly picks it up and slides below the berserk cutting him on his left leg but the wound wasn't fatal hell it was like a bruise.

" I am Igor number ninety of The Light's army and it would take more than a slight brush to wound me " Igor ( the large Berserk)said proudly as he catches Wong grabbed him by the neck.

As he open his mouth about to unleash a powerful wind,strong enough to rip Wong into pieces.

An insect flew into Igor's mouth making him choke and he drops Wong.

Blaze has finally ripped the last chain from his body.

He was swift to create a weapon ( he created a plasma sword about five feet long and 30 inches wide ).

Wong looked at Blaze who nodded at him and they both attacked Igor.

" Do you see how fun it is to just watch your team mate work " Cesar said seated as Jason who was besides him nodded in agreement.

" you are still bleeding though " Cesar said to Jason " I know " Jason said as he cleaned the blood on his head with a piece of clothe.

( Boom!! ) Igor hands and Blaze's plasma blade came in contact with each other and the wave from the blast destroyed the remaining part of the whole warehouse Cesar and Jason had left the area before the wave hit them.

Wong on the other hand was behind Igor when they clashed so he was safe because Igor was huge.

" let's finish this " Wong said to Blaze who smiled and then enlarged his blade two times the original size.

While the Dragon tattoo on Wong's came out and attached itself to Wong's Sword.

They both attacked Igor at the same time cutting him all over very deep but Igor didn't even feel even the slightest pain all he did was fight harder and his attacks became more deadly.

" Alright that's enough....stand back everyone " Cesar said to Blaze and Wong as he dusts himself.

" what you want a piece of me " Igor said " I actually I do " Cesar said as he color of his eyes became golden

" Ignite " Cesar said softly as Igor caught on fire.

This struck fear in Wong and Blaze

" Show off " Jason said but Igor didn't even flinch in pain all he did was run towards Cesar.

When Jason saw this he stretched out two of his fingers and there was a loud noise ( BANG!! ) Jason had blown a hole in Igor's head and Igor drops on the ground and dead.

" I had that you know " Wong said as the dragon crawled back into his skin.

" So who the hell are you? And how did you end up in chains if you can fight like that " Jason asked.

" just a traveler, I got caught up in whatever this is " Blaze said simply.

" He should totally join out team " Wong said as he walked up to Blaze and placed his arm on Blaze's shoulder.

" Nah our traveller wouldn't want to meddle in our affairs " Cesar said as he took a look around.

" If you would have me I would love to join " Blaze replied quickly " Aren't you traveling anymore? " Jason asked with one of his eye brows slightly up.

" What ever he is....he messed with me and I want in " Blaze replied honorably then Cesar starred at him for about two seconds.

" alright " Cesar said and walked away while the others followed but Blaze stood back.

" Aren't you coming " Wong asked " I need to....uh!!.. take a quick piss i will be right behind you " Blaze said.

Blaze then turned around and walked towards Igor corpse and then knelt down " thank you friend for everything " Blaze said

" he didn't die in vain " Derek said appearing from thin air.

" I don't like my warriors to die in vain....you are now the number ninety as a gift from Igor " Derek said as all of a sudden Blaze felt a burn on his waist as he removed his shirt the figure (90) was seen on his skin.