School belle Mo Xiaoqi

Thinking of the bet he had just made with Mr. Wang, Shen Zhan inwardly laughed coldly.

Although the Four Elephant Spiritual Root was slow to cultivate, twenty days or so was enough time for him to reach the third level of Qi cultivation.

At that time, the birth of spiritual sense, not to mention the textbook knowledge of the entire senior year, or the books in the entire library. With just one sweep of his spiritual sense, he would be able to completely grasp it.

Even if he planned for the worst, at the end of the month, he wouldn't be able to reach the third level of Qi Practicing. However, there was absolutely no need to doubt about reaching the second level of Qi Practicing.

Although the second level of Qi Practicing was still unable to give birth to spiritual sense, his memory was far beyond normal, calling it unforgettable was not an exaggeration.

As long as he was given a little bit of time to go through all of his senior year knowledge, taking the number one exam in the entire school would be just like playing.

For a True Immortal, this was just like a child playing house, nothing technical.

That was why Shen Yi agreed to the bet with Mr. Wang without hesitation.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this was a kind of madness on his part, and a bit silly. Only he himself knew clearly that he had the strength!

"Teacher Wang, I don't care how you are as a person. But if you're targeting me like this, then I won't be blamed for being impolite." Shen Zhan sneered, he waited to see Mr. Wang's horrified face after the mock exam at the end of the month.


In the front row of the classroom was an extremely beautiful girl with a gorgeous appearance. A pair of beautiful moon eyes, set off by foggy eyebrows, appeared particularly spiritual. A straight and arched agaric nose, with pink red lips underneath, was very sexy.

The body was convex in front and curved in the back, covered by the blue dress, and the white skin was like a layer of milk was applied.

This girl's name is Mo Xiaoqi, is the famous school flower. She is also the object of the previous "Shen Yi" crush, but has not dared to confess.

Later, the matter of her crush on Mo Xiaoqi was somehow spread out. This matter has also become a laughing stock in everyone's mouth, and they have laughed at the toad wanting to eat swan meat.

Shen Yi's earlier resistance made Mo Xiaoqi also slightly stunned, feeling that he was a bit abnormal today.

But then agreed to the bet with Mr. Wang, let Mo Xiaoqi just a little change of opinion about him, and quickly suppressed, but also inwardly pressed a belly of fire.

Shen Yi's crush on her was not a secret, it had been rumored. Just now, Shen Yi did that, in her opinion, is just want to show himself in front of her.

For this goon, softball, to dare to secretly have a crush on herself was simply a disgrace! Now, with the additional label of a goofball, it was even more humiliating to her!

"After class, he must be warned sternly before he gets involved with himself less, shame on him!" Mo Xiaoqi said indignantly.

Shen Yi, who was walking on the road, did not take the matter of the bet too seriously, and at this time was thinking about the materials for refining spirit talismans.

This was not a cultivation star, and many materials were not so good to find. Perhaps, it was not even possible to find all of them, and one could only find some other materials instead.

"What materials are good?" Shen Yi was still pondering hard, and unknowingly came to the school playground.

"Hey buddy, don't stay in the classroom during class time, why did you run here?" A boy sat next to Shen Zhan, thieving with a bad smile.

Shen Zhan looked at this somewhat lean, monkey-like guy and knew that he was his best and only friend.

His name is Wang Xi, is a sports specialty student, usually Shen Zhan like to call him Xi Zi. His family's condition is quite good, his parents started their own business, there is an advertisement design company, which can create a million or eight hundred thousand income every year.

On weekdays, they take good care of Shen Yi, and have lent him money many times to support his life.

"Xizi, when I earn money in the future, I will definitely double it to pay you back." Although Shen Zhan was no longer the previous Shen Zhan, but for Wang Xi's behavior, nowadays he was also very appreciative.

"Why, it's just this little thing, you still always hang on to it. You can find a job in the future and then say, I ..."

Suddenly, Wang Xi stopped talking because he saw the school flower Mo Xiaoqi walking over.

Shen Zhan took a look at Wang Xi's expression were dumbfounded, also followed his eyes to look, just happened to and Mo Xiaoqi came to a four eyes relative.

However, at this moment, Mo Xiaoqi's eyes were not very friendly, just as if she wanted to kill someone.

Taking advantage of the break between classes, Mo Xiaoqi came out to look for Shen Yi, wanting to give him a warning, and didn't expect to find him on the playground.

"Shen Zhan, I'm warning you, from now on, you're not allowed to secretly like me again, do you hear me!" The moment he opened his mouth, it was an unceremonious warning.

Mo Xiaoqi's height is one meter seventy, which is only ten centimeters shorter than Chen Yan, if you don't look at the looks and other external conditions, the height alone, the two are still quite compatible.

However, together with the looks and external conditions ...

Mo Xiaoqi is a standard white rich beauty, her father Mo Shenghui is the chairman of the Shenghui Pharmaceutical Company, which has a lot of pharmaceutical chain stores and a net worth of more than 100 million. The mother works in the Drug Administration and is the office director.

On the contrary, Shen Yi, without handsome appearance, ordinary to put in a pile of people, do not bring a glance to recognize. As for his worth, he is only worth a few hundred dollars, because he only has a few hundred dollars in his pocket, or someone else Wang Xi gave him a few days ago for living expenses.

For Mo Xiaoqi's words, Shen Zhan felt a little funny, like there is wrong? Also not allowed to people secretly like, seen unreasonable, have not seen so unreasonable.

If not in the "predecessor" secretly love each other's sake, Shen Yi are lazy to take care of her. He is a True Immortal, and he does not care to bother with a girl.

However, Shen Yi

wanted her to understand. Don't think that just because you are a school flower and a rich white girl, you can be above the world. At the very least, he, Shen Yi, didn't eat this.

At the same time, he also let her understand that she should not be so self-centered, and that he did not have eyes for her at all. In his heart, there is only Xiao Qi!

"Are we two very familiar? If not, how do you know that I secretly like you in my heart? Furthermore, liking is liking, do I have to make the mistake of secretly liking?"

Shen Yi clasped his hands on his chest with a cynical attitude.

"You ..." Mo Xiaoqi was a little moved to anger, not expecting this goon, softball, actually also dared to openly molest herself.

Of course, if Shen Yi knew that Mo Xiaoqi thought so, he probably stormed out early. He had never even liked her himself, so how could he say that he was molesting her.

"Anyway, I just want to tell you, stay away from me in the future, don't appear in my world again. Me and you, we're not from the same world!"

It was not known whether it was intentional or unintentional, the latter sentence, Mo Xiaoqi said in an extraordinarily heavy tone. The meaning of her words is very clear, she Mo Xiaoqi is a princess who is high above the world, while Shen Yi is a beggar who begs along the street, there is no comparison.

What Mo Xiaoqi didn't expect is that Shen Yi actually nodded his head in a serious manner and said: "You're right, I'm really not a person of the world with you. Don't worry, as long as you don't appear in my world, I will never bother you."

"Well, I'm very busy, I'll leave first if there's nothing else." After saying that, Shen Zhan didn't pay attention to Mo Xiaoqi's expression and left the playground.

Mo Xiaoqi didn't expect Shen Yi to just walk away, making it seem like she was dumped.

"Who do you think you are, pretending to be noble with me? Serves you right for being conned by Wang Pai Pi! Rotten mud can't stick to the wall!" Mo Xiaoqi snorted coldly and looked at Shen Yi's back with even more contempt.

In her opinion, Shen Yi's seemingly light-hearted behavior just now was nothing more than pretending to be noble and acting like he didn't care.

Its purpose was still not to draw her attention and to make herself look at him highly.

"Unfortunately, using such despicable means is only used by an uneducated goon and softie like you. A piece of trash is a piece of trash, and pretending to be strong enough to disguise yourself won't change a piece of rotten mud."

"Hmph!" Mo Xiaoqi snorted coldly, flung her dress, twisted her slender waist and walked away.

Wang Xi looked at Mo Xiaoqi's slender back, his heart was stirred, quickly caught up with Shen Yi and said, "I say buddy, you're awesome! In the face of Mo Xiaoxiao, you dare to be so draggy?"

Shen Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "You also saw, as soon as she came, she threatened to warn me, and also forbade me to like her. I dang true ... how could I like someone like her, too self centered."

Accidentally almost spoke out of turn, however, Wang Xi did not notice it at all.

"Alright, just stop pretending. However, I have to warn you, in the future, really stay away from Mo Xiaoqi, beware of getting into trouble."

Shen Yi looked at Wang Xi with a very solemn attitude, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"You don't think I'm joking. There are too many people in our First Middle School who like Mo Xiaoqi, that Zhang Jin and Xie Hui in your class, they all like her."

"However, the two of them are far from rank enough. There are two other major heavyweights pursuing Mo Xiaoqi, one is Qi Mingpeng and the other is Yan Shen."

"If you dare to think ill of Mo Xiaoqi, they won't let you off easily. So, you'd better stay away from her."

Shen Yi's eyes narrowed, he knew about these two people Wang Xi was talking about.

Qi Mingpeng was a famous second-generation official, his old man was an extremely bullish figure, the mayor of Jiangnan City. Although Yan Shen did not have an official background like Qi Mingpeng, his background was not weak either.

Yan Shen's father Yan Liheng is a member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and his mother Zhang Fengyi is even more powerful, in addition to being the boss of Tiansen Furniture Company, he also has another even more bluffing identity, the underground emperor of Jiangnan City, the black boss Zhang Zihao's own sister!

On their backgrounds alone, Qi Mingpeng and Yan Shen are not on par with each other, and each other is also well water, relying on their own means to pursue Mo Xiaoqi.

However, in school, it was still Yan Shen who was a bit more powerful. He, Cheng Huaqing, Guan Kejia, and Yu Keming were known as the four little bullies of the first middle school, and no one dared to mess with them easily.

Cheng Huaqing, Guan Kejia and Yu Keming, these three people, are not a general generation, are people with background.

Cheng Huaqing, the son of Cheng Haidong, chairman of Haidong Real Estate Development Company, with tens of billions of assets, known as the second richest man in Jiangnan.

Guan Kejia, his father is the director of the Customs and Excise Department, Jiangnan City, by the sea, customs import and export tax, are his father said.

It's a beautiful job, very rich. It is said that his father did not less benefit from it, that is, some distant relatives, also followed the development of up.

Yu Keming should be the least among the four of them, but he has a beautiful and capable sister, married to a rich foreigner.

Although the foreigner's son is older than his sister, he is rich. Yu Keming's family also followed the light, and Yu Keming was able to occupy a place in the four little bullies.

At the beginning, these four people had warned Shen Yi's "predecessor" that if he dared to make any wrong moves against Mo Xiaoqi again, he would beat him up once if he saw him again.

At that time, he was still careful to avoid these four people, and avoided them from a distance when he saw them.

Shen Yi from the "predecessor" memory to know all this, light laugh: "If they do not come to mess with me, so be it. But if they want to do the same as before, sorry, this immortal is an existence that you can't afford to mess with!"