Invitation from the Xiao family

To buy materials, one had to need money. This thing is just like the spirit stone in the cultivation world, you can't do anything without it, and the more the better.

Isn't there that saying, more money is better!

"Money na ..." Shen Yi sighed, intending to find a part-time job first to earn some money if he really can't.

If he wants to borrow from Wang Xi again, he really can't pull his face. Well at least not to say, he is also a real immortal down to earth, before the "predecessor" borrowed even if. If now he still go to borrow money, also too say not go.

Just when Shen Zhan was at a loss, suddenly another beautiful girl appeared in front of him, and still towards him.

According to his memory, Shen Yi knew that the girl who walked towards him was named Xiao Meiqian, and she was also the school beauty of the city's first high school, and she was in the same grade and different class.

Speaking of Xiao Meiqian, there is a slight relationship with him.

Father Shen Xinheng and Xiao Meiqian's father Xiao Yuanchen, was once a very good comrade in arms, Shen Xinheng or Xiao Yuanchen's class president.

Back then, the two had teased that if the two of them gave birth to a child in the future, both boys or girls, then they would be a pair of good brothers and sisters; if it was a boy and a girl, then they would be engaged in a baby marriage.

In any case, the two men's comradeship, but also in the next generation to continue.

Later, the two ended their service and were assigned down. Xiao Yuanchen's family is relatively good, entrusted some relations, stayed in Jiangnan City work. Within a few years, it has become the mayor of the urban area of Jiangnan City.

Shen Xinheng does not have any relations, he also does not care to trust relations through the back door, with this kind of dishonorable means to obtain a position for themselves.

Therefore, Shen Xinheng was assigned to Jiangbei City, became a small section of the local tax bureau.

Over the years, because of his straightforward character, he had offended many people, and even the director of the Local Taxation Bureau was a bit resentful of him. When Xiao Yuanchen had already become the mayor of the city district, Shen Xinheng was still that small clerk, without the slightest progress.

Then later, Shen Xinheng fell on hard times and his family fell into disrepair. In this realistic society, everything is in the interests of the actual situation, affection to the side of the actual situation, when the comradeship affection, how much can still be left nowadays.

Look at Shen Yi here in high school for three years, a total of two times to go to Xiao Yuanchen's home. One of them was when his father came over to visit his comrade in arms, and called him in passing; the other time was when Xiao Yuanchen was sick, and Shen Xinheng was too busy to come over, so he let Shen Zhan take his place to look at Uncle Xiao.

In other words, in these three years of high school, his father's old comrade-in-arms, Shen Yi's Uncle Xiao, did not once take the initiative to invite him to his home as a guest.

For the first time a joke of betrothal, Shen Yi long ago did not put in the heart. In this era, who cares about this thing, married or not as usual cheating, let alone or doll marriage.

Only, I do not know Xiao Meiqian suddenly came to find himself today, so-called what is the matter? Three years in high school, Xiao Meiqian has never taken a positive look at their own, more disdain and their own words.

She also knows that there is such a thing as a doll's marriage, so she despises herself so much. After all, there is still a big gap between herself and her.

No matter what, since he met her, it looks like she took the initiative to come over to look for himself, in reason, it is necessary to go up and say hello.

"Hello Mei Qian, I didn't expect to meet here." Shen Zhan revealed a smiling face and went forward to greet.

Xiao Meiqian was wearing a white low-cut dress today, revealing a large area of snow-white in front of her chest, with rising peaks and deep gullies. Under the slender water snake waist, it hooked up an exaggerated arc, and the firm buttocks were tightly wrapped under the set skirt.

The snow-white long legs, flawlessly exposed in the air, a pair of high-heeled white sandals on the feet with two pink bows printed on them, very nice.

The net height of one meter six and a half Xiao Meiqian, with the eight centimeter high heel sandals, is not much inferior to Mo Xiaoqi.

However, Xiao Meiqian's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled in displeasure after hearing Shen Yi call her.

"Tonight, my dad called you to the house for dinner, so don't be late."

After saying that, Xiao Meiqian turned around and left, as if Shen Yi was like the plague, avoiding as far as possible.

However, just a few steps out, Xiao Meiqian stopped, slowly turned around, coldly said to Shen Yi, "Please call me Xiao Meiqian in the future, remember!"

Leaving such a sentence, Xiao Meiqian walked away without looking back, a head of shawl hair along with the figure of walking, fluttering in the wind.

Shen Yi smiled blandly, "Xiao Meiqian? It's just a name."

For Xiao Meiqian's disdain and cold scorn, Shen Yi did not put it on his mind at all. A girl that he had never put on his heart, no matter how much he ignored and looked down on himself, he couldn't hurt him.

Besides, in his opinion, he, a True Immortal, was not so bored that he would get serious with some mortals. Nowadays, to him, nothing is as important as cultivation, because Xiao Qi is still suffering in the Nine Spectral Cold Lands, waiting for himself to go and rescue him.


In the afternoon, Shen Yi really did not go to class. All in the major drugstore and jade store, and some small stalls selling animal skins to wander around.

Instead, he saw some items that can be replaced, only the price is all too high, and the few hundred dollars in his hand is simply not enough.

"It seems that one really has to find a job to earn money." Shen Zhan shook his head and let out a bitter smile, looking at the time, it was also time to go to Xiao Yuanchen's house.

Riding on his own small broken bicycle, in addition to the bell does not ring which are ringing, towards the Century Park villa community.


Shen Zun cycling thinking about his mind, did not pay attention to his feet, the tire pressed on a yellow leather clip, bounced a little.

"Eh?" Shen Yi froze, stopped the car and picked up the yellow wallet to check.

Two palm-sized yellow leather wallet, obviously an old antique, the outside have been extremely serious wear and tear. This is an old-fashioned wallet, inside empty, presumably who threw here do not want.

Just when Shen Zhan was ready to throw the yellow leather wallet away, not far away came two people, a little girl wearing a sweatshirt, assisting an aged old lady.

"Girl, you don't know, this money is life-saving money! This is the money that my granddaughter used to get medicine for her mom when she set up a stall at the night market after school at night and sold mountain goods for more than three hundred dollars."

"My son died early, and it was my daughter-in-law who took care of the family. She's worked hard day and night over the years, and she fell ill a few days ago, lying in bed and unable to get up."

"I thought of going to grab medicine for my daughter in law tonight, who knows ... if this money can t be found, what can I do about my daughter in law s illness!"

The little girl helped the old man while comforting her, "Granny, don't be anxious, let's look for it again. If you can't find it, you can come home with me to get the money. I came out for a run tonight and I didn't bring any money with me."

"Girl, thank you so much. However, how can I ask for your money. The fact that you can accompany me for a piece to find money already makes me very grateful."

Shen Zhan heard their conversation and mentally realized. The money in here had long been taken away, leaving only an empty wallet thrown on the road.

"Ai!" Shen Zhan sighed, seeing the old lady's old age and anxiety because of the lost money, made him feel sorry for her.

Stealing the five hundred dollars in his pocket and stuffing it into the yellow wallet, he wanly smiled, he was still worried about the money, but now he was penniless!

However, Shen Yi did not have any reluctance. He originally did not place too much importance on money, and this was not a treasure for cultivation.

Besides, being able to help a person was also the Tao, and Shen Yi would not turn a blind eye to it.

"Granny, are you looking for something? Do you see if this yellow leather wallet is something you lost?" Shen Yi handed the yellow wallet with money stuffed in it to the old lady.

At the moment of seeing the yellow wallet, the old lady immediately showed a surprised expression.

"Yes, yes, yes, this is the yellow wallet. Young man, really thank you. If not for you, I ..."

Shen Zun could not see the old man so polite, hurriedly put it into the old lady's hand, found an excuse to say that there was something else, and rode away.

"What a good man na!" The old lady said softly, opened the yellow leather wallet to check the number of money inside.

The little girl who came out for a night run looked at Shen Yi's departing back, and inwardly was also a burst of joy, not realizing that she had also met a person who picked up money.

"Ah, girl, this money is not right!" After the old woman opened her wallet, she exclaimed out in some shock.

The little girl froze, inwardly "thump", could it be that the person deliberately took the money inside?

"Granny, how much money is missing?" The little girl instinctively asked this sentence.

"The money isn't missing, it's more! It turns out that I have some change in here, and only one hundred. In total, it's only a little more than three hundred. But look, this is a whole five hundred. This is not my original money!"


This time, it was the little girl's turn to be shocked. She was so smart that she realized once she thought about it, this money must have been deliberately put in by that person just now.

The original money inside the old lady's wallet must have been taken away by someone else.

"This, this ..." The old lady didn't know what to say, and could only rush in the direction of Shen Yi's departure, and said gratefully, "What a great person!"

The little girl felt a little blush, just now she really misunderstood people. Although it was just a short glimpse, but Shen Yi left a very tall image in her mind.

Shen Yi did not think too much, he just followed his heart and did what he thought he should do!