The Defense Spirit Bead has first appeared!

Inside the abandoned factory in the south of the city, Yan Shen was sitting in front of a dilapidated desk with a bottle of French imported red wine on the desktop.

At this moment, he was holding a red wine glass in his right hand, slowly shaking the red wine in the glass.

Around him stood four fighters in black suits, and the rest of the staff followed Zhou Ba to secretly hide in various parts of the plant, waiting for Shen Shen to come.

"Life must be happy, don't make the golden bottle empty to the moon!" Yan Shen raised his wine cup and put it on his mouth to take a sip, very comfortable.

"How did this waste of a man Shen Yi suddenly become so strong that even the National Arts Team stood up for him." Yan Shen muttered inwardly for a while, how could he not understand.

"No, just in case, I have to figure this out before I do!" Yan Shen looked towards Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan who were tied together, intending to start with them and force out the secret about Shen Yi.

"You two guys who don't know how to die, you were arrogant when you beat me up this morning. I said I would retaliate back and you all shall not die, now do you know you're afraid?"

"Hmph, Yan Shen don't get cocky too early, Brother Shen will definitely make you pay a heavy price!"

Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan angrily stared at Yan Shen, their eyes unable to kill him.

Yan Shen sneered, "It's useless to talk big! I can now give you guys a chance to live, tell me exactly what means Shen Yi used to make your national arts team so dead set on sticking up for him."

"Hmph!" The two men snorted coldly and tightly closed their lips without saying a word.

"Don't say it right, fine, I'd like to see if it's your mouths that are hard or your bones that are hard!" Making a move towards one of the thugs, "Break each of their legs for me."

The fighter nodded in agreement and copied a steel rod and violently smashed it against Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan's left leg, only to hear a "crunch" sound as the bones snapped.

"Ah ..."

The two let out roars of pain, their faces instantly turning red and swollen, their eyes turning blood red. The broken leg was a bloody mess, and blood continued to flow out through their pants.

"I'll give you guys one more chance, say it or not? If you dare to talk tough again, I'll make it so that you won't be able to keep your other leg!"

"Yan Shen, I'll fuck your mom, kill me if you have the guts!"

"Hmph, how dare you scream and curse, break the other leg for me."


The thug swung his steel rod and ruthlessly smashed it on the two men's right legs, instantly both legs were scrapped and blood flowed out.

This time, both Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan had their teeth clenched tightly on their lips, flabbergasted that they didn't let themselves let out a single shout. The pain was hard pressed in their hearts, the sharp pain of broken bones caused their bodies to spasm, their foreheads' veins rippled, their eyeballs instantly bulged, and their white eyeballs were filled with red blood, abnormally horrifying.

"Still really a tough guy ah, I really don't want to understand what kind of luck Shen Yi, that punk softie, has had, making the two of you pay so much for him. Unfortunately, later on, you guys will realize how stupid it is to do so!"

"Yan Shen!" The two of them forced themselves to endure the severe pain and squeezed out a few words with blood foaming from their teeth. "You will definitely not die a good death!"

"Hmph, how dare you talk tough! Then I'll smash your mouths, I'll see how long you can hold out!"

Yan Shen rose up in a violent rage, pointing at the two men and shouting angrily. Instantly, two beaters came beside the two of them and kept whipping them.

"Snap! Pah-pah-pah-pah ..."

Not too long after, Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan were beaten to the point where the corners of their mouths festered and blood flowed from their mouths, their faces were completely unrecognizable and they could no longer speak.

"Let's see if you guys still dare to clamor with me again!" Only then did Yan Shen nod his head in satisfaction, "Find a piece of cloth to gag the two of them, then drag them to that corner and hide them for me."

"It's almost time, I'm wondering if Shen Yi will come. Will he go to my uncle's place, or will he come here. Hahaha, I'm afraid that Shen Yi wouldn't even dream of it, I didn't even separate you guys, you're all here with me."

Yan Shen walked up to Fang Ming and Zhou Xiaoshan and sneered, "I just want to see Shen Yi in a difficult situation, so that he can make a choice in front of friendship and love. Whether your revered Brother Shen will care about your lives or not, we'll see in a moment."

Turning to Mo Xiaoqi's side, he slightly shook his head and sighed: "Tsk, Mo Xiaoqi why do you say you are suffering? It's your good fortune that I've taken a liking to you, but you don't know what's good for you, so you deserve to suffer on your own!"

Mo Xiaoqi had been hanging with her hands tied up like this for almost an hour. The wrists were strangled with several red blood marks, contrasting sharply with the snow-white skin, which was a bit shocking to look at.

"Bah!" Mo Xiaoqi spat on Yan Shen's face, her vicious eyes glaring fiercely at him.

Yan Shen wiped away the saliva on his face and angrily stared at Mo Xiaoqi.

of saliva, angrily stared at Mo Xiaoqi and yelled, "Stinking bitch, you still dare to spit on me. I'll teach you a lesson first now, bring me a whip!"

One of the beaters handed a whip to Yan Shen, who sneered, "Mo Xiaoqi, you brought this on yourself!"

With a fierce whip, he fiercely lashed at Mo Xiaoqi's body.

Seeing that the whip was about to whip over, Mo Xiaoqi was so scared that she lost her color, closed her eyes tightly and waited for this whip to strike her body.


At the instant the whip fell, she felt that all of a sudden, a layer of cyclone screen cover rose outside her body, hard resisting this whip and bouncing it back.

At the same time, on her left wrist, one of the three jade beads on that string of bracelets, shattered and turned into powder.

Mo Xiaoqi's eyes instantly widened, her heart was very surprised and shocked. She couldn't figure out how a whip could be bounced back without even touching the corner of her own coat!

And what happened to the layer of cyclone that suddenly appeared? How could one of the jade beads in the bracelet somehow turn into powder?

"Could it be ..." Mo Xiaoqi instantly connected the two together, but it was still hard to mentally accept this.

Because this is too unbelievable, simply can't make people understand, moreover can't be explained by science!

Compared to Mo Xiaoqi's shock, it was Yan Shen who was most shocked.

He lashed down a whip, but was instead met with a strong resistance, which hardly rebounded the whip in his hand back.


Yan Shen felt quite clearly that it was not a normal rebound, but a recoil bounce back!

The force of that recoil caused him to be somewhat unable to grip the whip in his hand, almost bringing him down. Until now, the tiger's mouth of his right hand that was holding the whip was still in severe pain, and his entire right arm was gripped with pain and soreness, not daring to exert himself.

"Mard, what's going on?" Yan Shen froze and looked at Mo Xiaoqi, realizing that the other party's eyes were also confused for a while, greatly puzzled.

"I don't believe in evil anymore, is there a ghost?!" Yan Shen eased his right hand and once again grabbed the whip and lashed down hard.


This time it was more direct, the whip instantly flew out of Yan Shen's hand off his hand, along with Yan Shen's entire right arm instantly dislocated and fell to the ground.

"Ah ..."

Yan Shen fell to the ground, letting out an agonizing cry, his left hand grasping his right arm tightly, his right hand almost scrapped, actually unable to clench into a fist.

Appalled was written all over his face, Yan Shen looked at Mo Xiaoqi with horror as if he had seen a ghost. He couldn't understand, what in the world was going on in Mo Xiaoqi's body that actually produced such a strange power.

Mo Xiaoqi at this time completely understand, really is her bracelet on the effect of jade beads. Because when Yan Shen's second whip came down, the second bead instantly ruptured and turned into powder.

And, produced the same effect, a cyclone produced, resisted the whip, hard shock back, protect her all around.

Mo Xiaoqi in this moment inwardly filled with shock, she did not know where Shen Yi got the bracelet, seemingly inconspicuous jade beads, actually have such an effect.

With this jade bead, it was like adding three more lives to her!

Unfortunately, there were only three such beads, and now that two had been depleted, only the last one remained. Fortunately, Yan Shen was also shocked and didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

Mo Xiaoqi became even more curious about Shen Yi, the things he casually took out were actually so magical, simply appalling.

Such a magical bead, have not even heard of, let alone seen. If this is said out, designated no one will believe what he said.

Simply can not understand, difficult to give a reasonable explanation! It was estimated that it would be handed over to a scientific research organization, allowing a group of scientists to study it over and over again, and would not necessarily be able to give an accurate answer!

Simply too unbelievable, too unbelievable!

While sighing in admiration of Shen Yi's bullishness, there was also a trace of sadness. Because, this string of bracelets is her hard to ask over, Shen Yi everywhere did not intend to give her.

Such a magical bracelet, Shen Yi actually took the initiative to give to Chen Qiaoling, so it seems that Chen Qiaoling in his mind status is much higher than his own!

Thinking of these, Mo Xiaoqi can not help but feel a pain in her heart, some gloomy and sad ...