It's evil! Living hell!

After Shen Zun left the Fire Cloud Hall, he made a phone call to Ah Si and asked him to come and pick himself up.

After a while, Ah Si drove to the abandoned factory in the south of the city and picked up Shen Zhan.

On the way, Shen Zhan briefly explained the situation to Ah Si, and asked him to send himself there, just wait for himself in the car, and not to follow him there.

However, Ah Si strongly disagreed and insisted on living and dying with Shen Yi to rescue Mo Xiaoqi.

"No way! I strongly disagree with you following over, I have ways to deal with them, but you can't follow and risk your life!"

"Brother Shen, I, Ah Si, am by no means a person who is greedy and afraid of death! Brother Shen looked up to me and recognized me as a brother. Now that Brother Shen is in trouble, how can a brother stand back."

Seeing that Shen Yi still wants to speak, Ah Si hurriedly grabbed Shen Yi before he opened his mouth and said, "Brother Shen, I have made up my mind, this time, I have to go with you to the difficult situation, no matter what I say. Unless, you don't take me as a brother!"

Shen Zun was touched, knowing that this trip was dangerous, but Ah Si didn't flinch. Although, Ah Si would become a burden to him if he followed him forward, this heart was enough to be worthy of Shen Zhan's relief.

"Alright then, be careful yourself." Shen Yi nodded his head and agreed, and after a short period of thought, he took out the last string of bracelet from his pocket and handed it to Ah Si.

"You wear this on your wrist, these three jade beads can protect you from death three times in times of trouble." Shen Yi said it plainly, but Ah Si was full of shock.

Can not help but take a look at the bracelet that Shen Yi handed him, there are only three simple jade beads on it, unobtrusive. It was those three jade beads that were all extremely poor quality jade.

"This string of beads can protect oneself from death for three times? Can it be that these three jade beads have a magical effect that can resist bullets?" Although Ah Si was a bit disbelieving inwardly, he felt that Shen Yi would never joke with himself about this, not to mention that he was even less in that mood in such an emergency situation.

Soon, Ah Si drove to the vicinity of the abandoned factory, this area was indeed desolate, dilapidated factory buildings that had long fallen into disrepair.

The surrounding area was deserted and overgrown with weeds, definitely an excellent place for killing!

Shen Zhan and Ah Si slowly got off the car, the time was 1:25 PM, only five minutes left from the 1:30 that Yan Shen had said.

"Ah Si, let's go!"

Shen Zun softly shouted and took the first step into the abandoned factory building. Ah Si took out his pistol, quickly opened the safety, coded the bullets, held the pistol, and cautiously followed behind Shen Yi.

"Hehe, Shen Yi really came, really some guts, it seems that this softball, waste label, should be able to remove." Yan Shen sneered, "However, it is still hard to escape death today!"

Mo Xiaoqi looked outside, and through the cracks in the debris, she could vaguely see Shen Yi slowly approaching, and couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement inside. Fortunately, Shen Yi did not let her down, really came to save her.

Shen Zun looked calm, slowly walking forward, between his eyebrows there is a faint anger, his eyes are very sharp, secretly containing killing opportunities.

"Shen Yi dangerous, there is an ambush!" Mo Xiaoqi suddenly shouted.

"Mard, stinking bitch you dare to ventilate!" Yan Shen shouted angrily, but he didn't dare to make another move against her.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

Right at this moment, gunshots suddenly rang out all around. Shen Yi reacted quite quickly, equivalent to a Houtian third level martial artist, even if he couldn't resist bullets head on, dodging normal pistol bullets could still be done.

Just at the moment Shen Yi dodged, the bullets densely shot through the position where he was standing.

As a bodyguard, Ah Si was in the habit of his profession and always maintained a high level of vigilance, and at the moment of the shooting, he made a judgment. Quickly flashing behind a piece of wrecked wall, he dodged the bullet attack.

"Ah Si, be careful yourself, I'll leave the people outside to you, I'll go inside to rescue them."

"Don't worry Brother Shen, dealing with these people, no problem!" Ah Si agreed in one gulp, waving his hand to indicate that he had no problem.

Shen Yi nodded, based on the square

bullets emanating from the surroundings, he quickly judged the general location of the gunmen hidden in the surroundings.

Immediately, his feet slid in the Dragon Steps, his figure flashed, and he quickly flashed to another earth wall, which was just in the dead center of the shooting of those hidden killers, and could not pose a threat to him at all.

Ah Si, in order to cover Shen Yi could smoothly rush into the factory building, quickly moved his body and shot back at the other party according to the position he judged.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Instantly, the sound of gunshots continued, reverberating over the empty abandoned factory. Luckily, this area was not populated, otherwise it would have caused quite a stir.


Ah Si accurately killed one person, dodged and hid in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike again.

Unfortunately, under the enemy's darkness, Ah Si was very passive. After killing three people in a row, he was unfortunately shot as well, and just when he thought he had been shot, he was surprised to hear a jade pearl on his wrist shatter and turn into powder.

He, on the other hand, was unharmed, with no sign of being hit by a bullet.

"Holy shit! It can actually save your life!" Ah Si's face was shocked as he looked at the only two jade beads left on his wrist.

At the same time, inwardly, he was more grateful to Shen Yi and more reverent.

Shen Yi knew that Ah Si had the defense spirit beads in his body, and would definitely be fine, so he did not put his mind on him anymore, and rushed through the outside blockade with all his heart and soul, and rushed to the entrance of the factory building with a burst of energy.


With a kick, he shattered the door and directly broke through the door, entering inside the factory building.

The moment he entered, he saw four black holes of gun muzzles facing him inside, and behind the four black-clothed thugs, stood Yan Shen with a grim smile on his face.

This place was very empty, empty, not even a place to dodge and hide. At this moment, being stared at by four pistols, Shen Yi's escape route was blocked for a while.

It can be said that facing this situation, Shen Yi was in a very dangerous situation.

Mo Xiaoqi was full of worries, she didn't want to see the next scene, Shen Zhan was shot, covered in blood. But being tied up, she could only be anxious and unable to do anything.

"Shen Zhan, I have to admire your courage, and you really dare to come and die! Not bad, very good!" Yan Shen laughed out loud.

Then he looked at Mo Xiaoqi and smiled grimly, "Mo Xiaoqi, I have to congratulate you for not looking at the wrong person. The Shen Yi you were expecting really didn't disappoint, in front of friendship and love, he chose you without hesitation. Tsk, it's really enviable and jealous!"

"However, it's easy to come and hard to want to live! When I capture him and leave him alive for now, isn't it enjoyable to watch how I abuse you in front of him!"

"Cut the crap!" Shen Yi gave a cold shout and looked straight at Yan Shen, "I have to save Xiaoqi, and my brother has to be saved as well! If you dare to touch even a hair on my brother's head, I'll pay you back tenfold!"

"Hmph, still showing off when you're at the end of your life! Shoot me, remember to keep him alive, for now I don't want him to die."

The four fast shooters, immediately opened fire, the bullets flew through the sky, shooting towards Shen Yi.


At the same time as the gunshots rang out, Mo Xiaoqi let out a cry of fright and closed her eyes, not daring to look ahead.


Yan Shen originally wore a sneering smile, but the moment the gunshot sounded, his eyes widened in horror. Because, all of a sudden, Shen Yi disappeared in place without a trace.

"MAD, where is the person?!"

Yan Shen cursed and rubbed his eyes vigorously, filled with disbelief. This was already the second time he felt that he had seen a living ghost, the first time was on Mo Xiaoqi, and this time was when Shen Yi disappeared for no reason.

It was too damn evil, it was really a living ghost!