Quite the characterful policewoman!

"Officer Tang, someone reported a large explosion in the area of the shantytown, the exact cause is unknown, and it's unclear if there are any casualties for now." In the alarm center of the Jiangnan City Police Department, a handsome police officer hung up the phone and said to Tang Xinyi.

Tang Xinyi frowned tightly and immediately greeted the handsome police officer with, "Wang Sheng, let's go out to the police immediately and follow me to investigate."

"Alright, Officer Tang!" Constable Wang Sheng immediately got up and followed Tang Xinyi onto a police car.

Immediately, the sirens sounded and the flashing warning lights lifted off. Along the way, all the vehicles steered clear, and the police car drove towards the shantytown unhindered.


Shen Zhan led the crowd back to the vegetable market, and saw that the scene was still in its original state, only that the vegetables, which were originally spoiled and not in shape, were all scattered on the ground. On Mrs. Fat's side, there was a field of broken tofu on the ground, covered in dust.

"Remember what I said when I was leaving?" Shen Zhan coldly glanced at Director Tan and the others, scaring them so much that they couldn't help but want to back away.

"Now that I'm back, it's time to settle the score. How much are these green vegetables of my mom's, according to the market value? Director Tan, you give a price."

Being stared at by Shen Yi, Director Tan was uncomfortable and stammered, "This, this ..."

Qin Huiqin sighed, "Easy, as long as you are fine and return safely, it's good. This bit of greens isn't worth much, so I think we should just forget about it."

"Sister Huiqin, how can we forget about this? Have you forgotten how they tortured you just now, it's fortunate that you have a good son, what if you didn't, have you thought about the consequences." Fat Sister-in-law was not happy and spoke first.

Shen Zhan nodded his head, he had a good feeling about this fat sister-in-law, and said with a straight face, "Mom, Auntie Fatty is right, sometimes you can't be too merciful. For these scum, mercy is a sin. They have to pay the price for their behavior."

Qin Huiqin sighed and didn't say more, Shen Yi had a point, so she didn't ask any more questions and left everything to him.

Shen Yi saw that Qin Huiqin did not block any more, turned back to look at Director Tan, sneered and said, "Why Director Tan, can't you calculate it? Shall I do the math for you?"

"Throwing out the cost fee of the greens themselves, my mom has to have labor fees for her time here all morning. With the sun on her head at noon, there has to be a high-temperature fee, and with the lower temperature early in the morning, there has to be a cold-proofing fee as well. In addition, you come here to make trouble, so that my mom was frightened, but also have to calculate a shock fee, there is also this spiritual damage fee, later go to the hospital to do a checkup fee, medical expenses, nutritional costs, plus a driving costs ..."

Xue Xiaomiao couldn't help but "puff" and burst out laughing. Looking at her brother's seriously calculating appearance, it was really shameless and a bit cute.

Of course, this kind of cuteness was shown in Xue Xiaomiao's eyes. However, in the eyes of Director Tan and the others, it was incomparable hatred, inwardly cursing the other party's shamelessness!

"Let's do it this way, the total count is more than two hundred thousand, so I'll give you a discount, just give a direct two hundred thousand, and we'll just take a loss and not care about it." Shen Yi waved his hand, showing a generous demeanor.

Director Tan inwardly twitched fiercely, secretly cursed: preferential you a big head of hell ah! Nima opened his mouth to ask for two hundred thousand, but also eat a little loss does not count, this pile of green vegetables can be worth a thousand dollars?

No way, the other side has opened his mouth, opened the price, they are the heart to want to counter-offer, but also do not dare to say it directly.

What do you mean by eating a dumb loss, people like Director Tan and others are really the only ones!

"Small business, refuse to accept white notes, all cash settlement." Shen Zhan's sentence made them curse again.

Had to let Zhang Zihao brought a little brother, take them to the nearest bank to take out two hundred thousand to compensate to Shen Yi.

Shen Zhan took the money and nodded with satisfaction, revealing a look of having suffered a loss and sighed: "You said that my mom worked hard to sell vegetables and save up some money for my sister's dowry, and it's a shame that all of you spoiled it."

Xue Xiaomiao face immediately a red, no good anger at Shen Yi a glance, whispered muttered: "Brother, you pit people why involve me."

Shen Yi turned around and handed the money to Qin Huiqin, telling her to keep it, causing Qin Huiqin to cry and laugh. Other people have envied, this money is too easy to come, open your mouth on 200,000, this has to sell a few years of green vegetables to earn out.

Then look at the second dog, the other party is still lying on the ground like a dead dog, legs broken, waste a hand, simply can not to normal people, can only lie on the ground.

"Your name is Second Dogzi, this look is the only way you live up to your name. Spoiled the tofu, now you crawl over to me like a dog and eat the tofu on the ground, I'll settle the score with you."

Second Dogzi wanted to cry on the spot, his nickname was Second Dogzi, but he wasn't really called that. Still really treating him like a dog was too much of a bully.


p; "Stop!" At this time a crisp voice came, listen to this small voice is quite sweet, sugar content at least four plus.

No need to look, just based on the voice alone can guess the arrival must be a beautiful woman.

Shen Zun turned around and looked, then his expression was a little surprised, what came was indeed a beautiful woman was good, but it was the person who made him not to be seen, that beautiful police officer Tang Xinyi.

"Officer Tang what a coincidence, met again here." Shen Yi snorted and greeted her.

"Hmph, it's you again!" As soon as Tang Xinyi saw Shen Yi, she was not in a good mood, and her chest shook. "What are you doing? You're wantonly insulting other people's personalities! A malicious sexual personal attack! Even if one is a person of ten evils, there is still a minimum dignity of personality that is not to be violated."

Shen Zhan was instantly displeased, his brows slightly wrinkled, "Officer Tang, if you have something to do just go and get busy, I don't have time to listen to your education here. Besides, to educate my mom is here, it's not your turn."

"You!" Tang Xinyi angrily pointed at Shen Yi, a trace of anger surfacing on her pretty face. "In short, I don't care what happened. If I'm here, I'll never allow you to mess around and wantonly violate other people's human dignity."

"Don't lecture me with that set you learned in the police academy." Shen Zhan was also enraged, glaring at Tang Xinyi, coldly saying, "Talking to me about personality? If I wasn't here, today, my mom, and this fat aunt, their personalities would not be protected. You say, for this kind of person, do I still need to give him the dignity of personality?"

Tang Xinyi was momentarily speechless, not knowing how to answer, but still very dogmatic, she replied, "That won't work either! They made a mistake and have their own laws to punish them, you don't have the right to privately punish others."

"Well then, Officer Tang let me ask you, do you have a mom?" Shen Yi looked straight at Tang Xinyi, making her heart a little hairy.

"Nonsense! Of course I have a mom, what exactly do you want to say, just say it straight." Tang Xinyi said without a trace of anger.

"I want to ask Officer Tang, if you weren't a police officer, when you saw your mom being bullied at will by the bad guys, was your first thought to go to the police, or to go up and beat the bad guys up."

"I ..."

"You don't know how to answer that do you? Let me tell you, there are times when you cops, and the so-called law as you cops call it, are simply worthless in certain situations!"

"Your mom is about to be killed by a bad guy, and the police didn't come, so you're obeying the law my ass. Who cares what the law says, just beat it first. If you really want to talk about the law, do you have to wait until the people are all beaten to death before you can use the law to protect yourself? What's the point? Even if the law shoots the bad guy, can the person he killed still come back to life?"

Shen Yi approached Tang Xinyi step by step, and the other party retreated step by step, her heart getting weaker and weaker.

"So, I'm telling you, take back your so-called law in front of me, don't talk to me about human dignity. I only have one principle, if I have a grudge, I will repay it!"

Tang Xinyi was actually slightly reddened by Shen Yi's words, and for the first time, she was so speechless and stifled in her heart. Argued: "Then you can not treat people like this, but also let people like dogs, this is simply too ... too bullying."

The second dog was moved by a snot and a tear, and could not hold Tang Xinyi's pants leg and cry, finally looking forward to a loved one ah!

Shen Zun coldly looked at Er Dogzi and took out those interrogation records from his pocket. "Officer Tang, I'm also a person who works according to principles, and in no way am I arbitrarily bullying others. This is their interrogation statement, see for yourself."

Tang Xinyi's expression froze, not expecting the other party to have preparations ah, with a puzzled look took it from Shen Yi's hand and slowly viewed it.

Only to see, Tang Xinyi's face became more and more ugly, and finally it was so gloomy that it was about to drip blood.


Throwing the interrogation record into the hands of Wang Sheng, who came with him to follow behind, he kicked over towards Erdogzi, shouting under his breath, "You scum, animal, I'll kick you to death!"

Shen Zun, and all the people present all froze, this is again what is going on. Just now, there was a mouthful of human dignity, how come she started to move her hands, uh, to move her feet.

Look at this kick kick to the two dogs, that call a ruthless ah, the pain of the two dogs shouted, heart straight curse Tang Xinyi, a crazy woman!

"Officer Tang take it easy, if you kick again, you'll kick him to death. Pay attention to the image, quality quality." Shen Yi hurriedly pulled her back.

"Hmph, to this kind of human scum, animals are worse than things, still talk about what quality, directly kick him to death to finish. Living is also polluting the air and wasting national food."

"Uh." Shen Yi rolled his eyes for a while, this sentence is like his style.

And then look at the angry face of Tang Xinyi, Shen Zun inner a burst of laughter, did not expect or a quite personality of the police flower, at least not hypocritical, cynical.