The toughness of this lower back is good too!

"You scum hurry up and get over there, eat all the tofu on the ground for me, not a single bit left." Tang Xinyi shouted angrily, feeling that she wasn't yet relieved, she kicked the second dog again.

"Just be thankful that it's a harmonious society now and saved your dog's life. Be thankful that I'm wearing a police uniform and came over to perform my official duties today, or else with your character, I would hate to shoot you on the spot."

Tang Xinyi was too emotional and didn't notice that her words were a bit inappropriate. On the contrary, followed by the handsome police officer Wang Sheng for a while face stunned, have long heard that this beautiful police officer Tang police officer is very personality, today always have the honor to learn, indeed enough brutality!

The two dogs are now want to die of the heart have, thought to see the police came, but also stood on his side to speak, finally looked forward to the savior. Who knows, the other side said change face on face.

Just now also a righteous female police officer, instantly turned into a female hooligan, without saying anything directly punching and kicking. Nima have you so when the police it, just give a little hope, not waiting to see the dawn, came to a headache, fell into hell.

The two dogs inwardly indignant, the face of a strong dragon pressure of Shen Yi, and a tigress as powerful as a police officer Tang, he can only will be inside the stock of aggression to hold back, unwillingly and reluctantly toward the front of the scattered tofu crawling to the ground.

With a look that was about to cry out, he reached out and grabbed a piece of dusty tofu from the ground, and in his heart, he felt a sense of dread, "Nima, can I eat this? How can I eat it?

"Eat quickly, if you're any slower, I'll make you eat a gun!" Tang Xinyi coldly drank, scared the second dog son clenched his teeth, will be full of dusty tofu hard stuffed into the mouth, eat up a big mouthful.

In no time, he was nauseated and dry-heaving, but seeing Tang Xinyi's eyes burning with rage, Er Dogzi had a chill, forcibly subduing the uncomfortable energy that was pouring out of his stomach, and didn't dare to stop as he continued to grab the tofu from the ground and stuff it into his mouth.

Tears were streaming out of his eyes, and inwardly he cursed Director Tan and his ancestors for all 18 generations. He was so miserable, all because of him.

The people who had been oppressed by the two dogs could not help but clap their hands and shout with great excitement when they saw this scene. It's really true that evil has its retribution, it's not that the time has not yet come!

The brutal, tough, unscrupulous gangster Chen Er Dogzi finally got his comeuppance today! It's a pain in the ass!

Shen Zhan didn't bother with the crowd's excited looks, but instead smiled playfully and looked at Tang Xinyi, "I wonder what official duty Officer Tang came over to perform today?"

Tang Xinyi then snapped to attention and glanced at Shen Yi without any good humor, "I let this bastard make me angry, almost forgot to do the right thing."

Turning back to take a look at the back, shouted, "Wang Sheng, what are you standing there for, don't you know that we are here to carry out our official duties."

Wang Sheng only felt a burst of internal aggression, muttered: Well big sister, you also know that you are here to perform official duties ah, just now you that posture, a standard female gangster, and now is to blame me.

With the top boss can not reason, let alone a beautiful police boss, more can not reason, only this black pot by him to back.

The ass ran to the front of Tang Xinyi, with a helpless smile, and Tang Xinyi nodded down.

"Since you're here, let me ask you, earlier there was a big explosion in this area, what exactly is the situation? Were there any casualties?" Tang Xinyi looked at Shen Yi and asked out loud, her tone quite a bit hard.

Shen Yi just couldn't get used to the other party's tone of questioning, just as if he owed her money. Impatiently waving his hand, he said, "No big deal, it's just that I blew up the police station here."

"Uh-huh." Tang Xinyi mechanically nodded her head and gave a light hmmm, then instantly woke up, revealing a surprised expression and looking at Shen Yi, "What? You ... you blew up the police station ...?"

Not only is Tang Xinyi shocked, is Wang Sheng also forehead big cold sweat, eyes very surprised to look at Shen Yi.

A burst of heart can not control themselves, straight to mutter: my God! What kind of person is this? He even dared to blow up the police station, but he also said it with such a straight face, not taking it seriously at all. This teenager in the end is a doudoune moncler outlet, or really fucking bull over the fire ah!


sp; other onlookers can not mention how big reaction, one by one with a ghost like looking at Shen Yi, the corners of the mouth a twitch, eyeballs are about to fall out on the ground.

They just heard the big explosion over there and saw the dust flying in the sky instantly, but they were not quite sure what was going on.

Now heard, actually this kid will be the police station to blow up, this is bullish ah!

"Bad, bad, will be the police station to blow up, this crime is not light ah!"

"Did not see the police officers are down to investigate it, this is not to be arrested and sentenced to ten or twenty years."

"Hey, young people do things impulsively, this is good, a big trouble! What's the use of being powerful again?"

The crowd issued a whisper, Qin Huiqin's face changed greatly, her body was slightly trembling, very worried for Shen Yi.

Fatty sister-in-law is also very worried: "Huiqin na, your son is also too lawless, that is the police station ah, how to blow up just to blow up, this is not good."

Qin Huiqin was anxious, but there was nothing she could do. Like their status, they simply do not know any big names, not Prime waiting to be arrested by the police, sentenced to jail ah.

Shen Yi glanced at the dumbfounded Tang Xinyi, secretly: is not just bombing a police station, people director are in it, also did not see like you this excited.

"Do you dare to say it again, for your words just now responsible?" Tang Xinyi glared at Shen Yi and asked in a cold voice.

"Just blew up a broken police station, I still need to repeatedly confirm with you." Shen Yi said unconcernedly, pointing to Zhang Zihao and District Governor Xiao and the others, "They're all here, they can all prove it for me."


For the first time, Tang Xinyi felt that her mind was a bit bloated, having experienced dozens of cases, not hundreds, but dozens. Has never seen a person like this teenager in front of her, did illegal things without caring, actually also oddly pointed out to her, behind those people can give him proof.

This is how honorable thing, afraid of others with you to steal credit? And so many people to give you proof, proof of ah! That are all witnesses!

Tang Xinyi was completely infuriated by Shen Zhan and shouted coldly, "Do you remember what I said? I said that if one day you commit a crime in my hands, I will definitely make you look good. This is all your own fault, no one to blame. Now, I'm going to take you back to the police station immediately to be investigated."

"I haven't finished my business yet, I don't have time to go back to the police station with you." Shen Yi didn't want to bother with Tang Xinyi anymore and directly turned his back.

"It's not up to you!" Tang Xinyi shouted, reaching out to grab Shen Yi.

Shen Yi lightly dodged, causing Tang Xinyi to pounce. The latter grunted angrily and reacted quite quickly, instantly kicking out.

Unfortunately, as fast as she was, she was nothing in Shen Yi's eyes.

Reaching out and holding Tang Xinyi's ankle, he laughed softly, "Officer Tang I'm not interested in your feet, no need to show them to me on purpose."

With a smooth pull, Tang Xinyi instantly came to a one-horse big split crotch, standing horizontally on the ground. That posture was perfect, a standard one-horse!

"Heh, I didn't see it, Officer Tang's body toughness is not bad." Shen Yi laughed, letting out a praise.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Tang Xinyi was touched by Shen Yi's ankle, but also took the opportunity to let her split on the ground, deliberately humiliating her, that brute strength immediately exploded out.

Bouncing up from the ground, Tang Xinyi swung her fist towards Shen Yi.

Shen Yi lightly laughed, body shape a flutter, instantly and again hold Tang Xinyi's white wrist, body Tang Xinyi behind a turn, suddenly the other body lost balance, toward the back to a waist action.

Of course, this is Shen Yi deliberately, Tang Xinyi can not control their own body, forced to bend backwards.

"Well not bad, the toughness of this lower back is also very good." Shen Yi lightly laughed a little, and hastily reached out to assist Tang Xinyi's back, instantly the two of them came to a very chic look, extremely ambiguous.