I like the big ones!

The crowd was led by the waiter to the second floor's luxurious large private room 888.

"This room only qualifies for VIP members to enter, and the minimum consumption must be no less than three thousand, Senior Jiang has really invested a lot this time!"

A few girls looked at the luxurious private room with 888 written on it, and all of them couldn't help but boo.

Jiang Wei inwardly a burst of complacency, he today is to start the money offensive, hard under the money, do not believe that can not take Qi Xuan.

"Small money, it's not worth mentioning, the key is that everyone is happy to play." Jiang Wei waved his hand and put on a very plain look.

Casually, he rewarded the usher with two hundred dollars, causing the other party to be thrilled and repeatedly express his gratitude.

When Jiang Wei did all this, he unintentionally swept Shen Yi a glance, and inwardly he was contemptuous. Reward two hundred, is intentionally to do a Shen Yi look, show his Jiang Dazhao's identity.

Shen Yi has no change in expression, not to mention half of his heart, the other side is willing to pretend to let him pretend enough, as long as they do not take the initiative to provoke their own, lazy.

The crowd entered the luxury package, I have to say that this limited consumption of luxury package can really not cover, inside the space that is called a luxury, that is called a grand.

The package room attendant is a very pretty little girl, twenty years old, looks quite fair and quiet, as soon as they met, they took the initiative to greet.

"Jiang Shao, you are here." The little girl smiled sweetly and greeted warmly.

"Xiao Xin, I invited my friends over today, go and bring your most expensive red wine." Jiang Wei smiled as he handed over a five hundred dollar tip, and also made a wink towards this waitress called Xiao Xin.

Xiao Xin took the money and obviously struggled a bit with her eyes, but hid it well and bowed out of the private room.

Shen Zhan saw everything in his eyes, there is clearly a problem here, just don't know what this Jiang Shao wants to get up to. The waitress called Xiao Xin just now, that momentary struggle just now, did not escape his eyes in the slightest.

"This Xiao Xin has kidney function problems, in another year or two it will develop into uremia." Shen Yi sighed inwardly, but with the other party seemingly not knowing each other, he also did not have the idea of making a move to save her.

After all, he is not the kind of great saint who wants to heal the world, only for those who have the favor with him, or more familiar friends, he will choose to make a move.

While Xiao Xin went to get the drinks, Jiang Wei began to introduce his three followers.

"These three are my friends, Zhang Shuo, Yang Xiao and Wang Dongchen."

The three of them nodded and smiled towards the five beauties, only that their eyes were not pure enough, always with a lewd look, and their eyes also always kept scanning back and forth on the several beauties, just as if the five beauties had a QR code on them, scanning back and forth non-stop.

"Shen Yi brother but really means ah, even our famous Jiangda University first flower of Qi Xuan took down, really let me admire ah."

Jiang Wei smilingly looked at Shen Yi, on the surface seems to be praising, but the contempt in the depths of the eyes did not escape Shen Yi's eyes, in addition to contempt, there is a hint of implied hostility.

Shen Yi just smiled without saying anything, but is subconsciously Qi Xuan in his arms. At this time are sitting on the luxury sofa, Shen Yi hand a cradle, Qi Xuan whole person is lying in his arms.

Qi Xuan inwardly is a tremor, this is the first time she and a boy so intimate contact, small heart "bang bang bang" jump straight.

Jiang Wei frowned again, inwardly a little crazy, in front of his face, actually so recklessly Qi Xuan in his arms, let him inwardly rise a nameless anger.

The other four of the five beauties looked at this intimate behavior of Shen Yi and secretly snickered. Of course, Xiao Meiqian was the exception, with a complex expression and lowered her head, not

know what she was thinking.

"You guys say this guy Shen Yi, is he taking the opportunity to eat Sister Xuan's tofu!" Lin Lele didn't even pay attention to Xiao Meiqian's expression, whispering to Wei Wei and Hao Yunjing.

"Don't talk nonsense! Shen Zhan is acting with Jiang Wei, don't think of people as nasty." Wei Wei blankly glanced at Lin Lele, and the other party just hemmed and hawed and didn't say anything else.

Jiang Wei quickly adjusted his mind, keeping a calm smile as much as possible.

"Where is Brother Shen Yi's high hall nowadays, ah, compared to what a big shot it is."

Jiang Wei this sentence is clearly in good conscience to say, he is through Shen Yi's dress guessed that the other party's parents designation is also not much background, but still say so.

Shen Yi indifferently smiled, "Jiang Daoshao this time can say wrong, my parents are just ordinary people."

"Then Brother Shen Yi is a veteran, he must be very good at coaxing girls. I've been pursuing Xuan Xuan for a long time but I couldn't get her, but you've snatched her away from me, it really makes me a little jealous."

"Actually, not every girl is that snobbish and dislikes the poor and loves the rich. At the very least, my XuanXuan is not."

Shen Zun said very casually, but Qi Xuan was trembling violently, that "my Xuan Xuan" instantly made her body like electric current.

This time, Xiao Xin has already returned from the outside with drinks, and there is a handsome man who is specially responsible for delivering the drinks at the back.

Jiang Wei once again took out a hundred dollar bill and threw it to the handsome man who delivered the drinks as a tip.

"Young Jiang is just atmospheric ah, this outpouring of money is so graceful." Zhang Shuo gave a well-timed shout of praise and even gave a thumbs up.

The other two also followed suit with a big pat on the back, puffing Jiang Wei up for a while, practically praising him to the sky.

Shen Yi really secretly smiled, desperately smashed money to pretend, this pussy pretend, also really enough blood!

Jiang Wei will be a wine tipper of beer in front of Shen Zhan, and then also put so much in front of himself, said with a smile, "Shen Zhan brother, today can meet is also counted as fate, let's play a small game how do you think?"

Without being told, Jiang Wei took out a pair of dice from under the table, with an impish smile in his eyes.

"Shen Yi brother let's play a dice game, guess the size of a hand to determine the winner, whoever loses, will drink all six bottles of wine in one breath."

"I don't like to play this kind of boring game." Shen Zhan said in a faint voice.

"Eh, it's no big deal for a man to play a game, unless Brother Shen Zhan says he's not a man." Jiang Wei sneered without a trace and laughed coldly.

A trace of displeasure surfaced between Shen Yi's eyebrows, it seems that this Jiang Wei is determined to provoke him. Since this is the case, then I will play with you once and play you to death!

"Okay, then I will play with you Jiang Dazhou, I like big ones, let's compare who throws the big ones." Shen Yi smiled playfully with a somewhat cynical look.

Shen Yi's phrase "I like big ones", coupled with his expression, the five beauties all obviously thought a little crookedly. Lin Lele even "giggle" a smile, also deliberately straightened a pair of plump, extremely to match Shen Yi.

"Brother Shen Yi is really good at joking! Then I'll go first!"

Jiang Wei shook the dice for a while, then violently snapped it on the tabletop with a smug smile.

"I'm sorry, Brother Shen Yi, I'm all sixes! You're going to lose oh." Jiang Wei scoffed for a while and took away the dice cup, the six dice inside were all six points facing up.

All of them were shocked, they didn't expect Jiang Wei to be a good dice thrower! This time Shen Yi was in trouble!