Whoever plays the fool is a grandson!

The beauty of the crowd all looked at Shen Zhan worriedly, but this is a breath of six bottles of beer. Obviously, Jiang Wei had bad intentions, he knew he wouldn't lose, so he purposely used a higher degree beer, with 12 degrees of original wheat juice.

He wanted to take the opportunity to fix Shen Zhan, and his intentions were extremely sinister!

But even if you know that this is Jiang Wei intentionally whole Shen Yi, the crowd also can not count, can only watch Shen Yi eat this immediate loss.

"Shen Yi, this ..." Qi Xuan quickly broke away from Shen Yi's embrace, her face was filled with nervousness.

This is all because of her, everyone knows, Jiang Wei so whole Shen Yi, is only because he is Qi Xuan's boyfriend this identity, let him heart jealousy.

The rest of the four beauties also have a worried look on their faces, Jiang Wei showed this hand, Shen Yi is clearly the rhythm of certain loss ah! How can this still compare, already lost!

Xiao Meiqian at this moment, also raised his head, incomparable worry, hands kneaded the corner of the coat, extremely nervous, palms are about to sweat.

Wei Wei and Hao Yun Jing both secretly shook their heads and sighed, there is no way out, the best result is also a draw. The best result would be a tie. But the result of a tie was also tantamount to a loss.

Not to mention, unless one was a dice rolling expert, who could roll all six points at once to be the same!

"It's over, it's over, do I need to prepare an adult diaper for Shen Yi in advance!" Lin Lele looked at Shen Yi with a serious face, and her mouth was full of headless words.

"Shut your crow's mouth!" Wei Wei, Hao Yun Jing and Xiao Mei Qian all glared at her and chided in unison.

Lin Lele spat out her tongue and knowingly closed her mouth, no longer speaking.

Jiang Wei smiled smugly and said, "Brother Shen Zhan, do we still need to compete?"

"Of course, it's not my style to retreat without a fight." Shen Yi smiled blandly and did not take the six points he showed to heart.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I appreciate Brother Shen Yi's attitude of going hard even though he knows that he is unbeatable. Come on then, let me see how Brother Shen Yi can turn the tables. Hahaha ..."

Jiang Wei inwardly but coldly laughed: stupid! I don't know how many years I've practiced this hand, just you deserve to compete with me, don't know how to die!

The remaining three dudes also revealed sneering smiles, all waiting for the moment when Shen Zhan made a fool of himself, to make a big mockery of it and humiliate him properly.

Dare to pretend to be the boyfriend of the school's flower Qi Xuan in front of Jiang Shao, is to take the humiliation!

Shen Yi slowly moved his body, reached out and took the dice cup, laughed softly at Jiang Shao, raised his hand and put the dice into it, slowly shaking it in the air.

It was only shaken for less than five seconds before it was snapped onto the tabletop, looking at Jiang Wei with a smirk on his face.

Jiang Wei wrapped his hands around his chest with a disdainful smile, and the remaining three dudes also showed sneering expressions, believing that this was Shen Yi playing a trick.

The five beauties also gathered over, wanting to see what number Shen Yi had rolled. However, looking at his demeanor it seemed like he wasn't worried at all.

"Shen Zhan, if you lose, you can't cheat ah, whoever cheats is a grandson." Jiang Wei intentionally ridiculed a sentence, want to Shen Yi a army, let him come to a difficult to ride.

Shen Yi smiled, slowly removed the dice cup, the crowd all looked over. Instantly, although some people's faces changed greatly!

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I happen to have one more point than you. You lost!" Shen Yi smiled faintly, but Jiang Wei had a face of shock and anger.

Only to see that out of the six dice, five of them were six points, and on the last dice, it was seven points!

"Ah, this, what's going on ..."

The five beauties all froze in place, a face of disbelief, properly on the dice, how could there be an inexplicable extra point?

Jiang Wei and the three big dilettantes were also dumbfounded for a moment, and the three dilettantes who were originally still brewing emotions and would later ridicule and mock Shen Zhan profusely, all ate toads like toads, their throats were abnormally uncomfortable, and they almost didn't suffer from illnesses.

"Impossible!" Jiang Wei immediately exploded in rage, pointing at Shen Yi and saying angrily, "Shen Yi, you cheated!"

Shen Yi sneered, he was tampering with the dice, when he put the dice into the dice cup, his little thumb quickly flicked on a dice.

As a result, a dice changed from six dots to seven dots!

Only, Shen Yi's maneuver was extremely fast, and it was done in a particularly secretive manner, so no one could find out at all. Estimatedly, there were not many people in this world who could discover this technique of his!

Looking at Jiang Wei, who was going crazy at the moment, Shen Yi laughed coldly inwardly. You Jiang Da Shao can design a whole me, I still talk to you about the reasoning! I'm not going to reason with you, I'm just going to use my own way of doing things to cure my own people, that's my style!

"Mr. Jiang, if you can't afford to lose, just say so... If you're roguing me like this, it's detrimental to your status as the student council president. Playing dice was your suggestion, the dice were also provided by you, I put them in in front of you guys, that eye of yours saw me cheating."

Being ridiculed by Shen Zhan for a while, Jiang Wei was like eating a dead child, froze and couldn't say anything after holding his tongue for a long time.

Jiang Wei at this moment really have a kind of want to vomit blood impulse, everything is within the plan, can be said to be flawless. Originally has locked the victory, Shen Yi must be defeated, but ...

That damn point, where the hell is it? Where is the ah?

Jiang Wei inside a burst of madness like hissing, this time by Shen Yi completely hit the face. No, exactly, should be his own ruthless slap in the face!

He also wanted to take the opportunity to fix Shen Yi and humiliate him properly, but who had thought that he had lifted a stone and smashed his own foot!

"I'm willing to lose! Young Mr. Jiang, please." Shen Yi sneered, play with yourself, play with you to death!

"Cough cough, I remember just now, Mr. Jiang said himself, whoever cheats is a grandson." Shen Yi sneered at the other party again without any trace, a cold laugh inside.

Jiang Wei at this moment could not slap himself, why did he say this sentence. Now it's good, made himself a difficult to ride the tiger.

The saddest thing is that, originally wanted to properly fix Shen Yi's, specially asked for a high beer with a wort concentration of 12 degrees, but now, it's completely become his own bitter wine.

Jiang Wei was so angry and depressed that he couldn't describe it in words.

He had no choice but to tilt his head back, pick up a bottle of beer and start drinking it.

Guldon! Gu-dong! Gulp!

Jiang Wei took a big gulp, was choked several times, almost sprayed to the outside, was suffocated with a red face, just as difficult as constipation.

Finally six bottles of beer finished, Jiang Wei's face has become red, I do not know because of the alcoholic effect of the drink, or drink too fast, can not breathe to the suffocation.

This side just put down the bottle, Jiang Wei violently rushed into the restroom inside the room, a large mouth of wild vomit up.

The three dudes were dumbfounded and rushed over to give Jiang Wei a pat on the back.

The five beauties all looked at Shen Yi with excited faces, and Qi Xuan was also excited. Inside actually ghostly really Shen Yi as her boyfriend, not the fake kind.

Such a man is simply too good, too amazing! Too let a person's heart surging!