Girl come up a little further!

"Mr. Shen, my son he ..." Yan Liheng looked at Shen Yi with some concern, and Zhang Fengyi also looked nervous and uneasy.

Shen Yi glanced at the couple and said in a faint voice: "I said I would cure him, naturally I won't go back on my word. Now you guys go wait outside and come in when I tell you to."

Yan Liheng answered coyly and pulled Zhang Fengyi out of the ward, waiting outside the door.

"Girl you're fine to stay here." The escort girl was just about to follow her out, but she was called out by Shen Yi.

There was a good feeling in this girl, anyway, there was a delay now, so why not just treat her at once, later is later.

The girl did not squeak and quietly stood aside and watched. She was also curious as to what techniques this Mr. Shen, who did not give her a good impression initially, had to cure an unconscious patient.

Shen Yi looked at Yan Shen, his face expressionless, his hands pointing at his legs, quickly repairing the leg injuries. The damage was very serious at first, and then Dr. Gao could only barely give him control over his condition before he was able to retain it until now.

Otherwise, his legs would have been completely scrapped.

The process was not complicated, in just a minute's time, Yan Shen was cured of his leg injuries, and now he only needed a Divine Cleansing Talisman to make Yan Shen wake up.

But Shen Yi didn't do that now, he had to clear the toxins hoarded in the liver of the escort girl's body here, if Yan Shen woke up it would be more than inconvenient.

He couldn't let him look at someone else, a girl, exposing her stomach for Shen Yi to give treatment.

"Girl, now I'll treat your facial problems." Shen Yi got up and looked at the girl and said with a smile.

The girl looked at Shen Yi with some surprise, pointed to Yan Shen, and asked in confusion, "Is he ... done with this treatment? How to look at or not wake up ah ..."

Shen Yi smiled, "If you are willing to let him look at you to show your stomach, I will give you treatment, I can let him wake up now."

The girl's face suddenly blushed, lowered her head and did not dare to look into Shen Yi's eyes.

"Okay, let's go to the sofa over there, you just lie down, don't think about anything." Shen Zhan pointed to a sofa in the resting area of the ward, signaling the girl to lie on it.

"Do I need to take off my clothes?" The girl squirmed for half a day and asked tremblingly.

Shen Yi smiled, just now looked at still a quite brave girl, inside is still very reserved.

"No need, you just need to lift your blouse up a bit to reveal the location of your liver."

Hearing Shen Yi say this, the girl lightly nodded her head, this is good to say a little, at least not so shy.

The girl walked to the sofa and lay flat on it, her hands grasping the hem of her blouse, struggling inwardly. In the end, slowly lifting up the blouse a little bit, only revealing a slit, and the white skin at the intersection with the pants revealing a little bit of whiteness.

"Girl this can't work, you're only revealing the small intestine part, you still need to come back a little more at night." Shen Zhan let out a light laugh, the girl was still too nervous.

"Hmm." The girl's mouth issued a soft sound, once again up a little, flat belly revealed, but the edge of the blouse just tightly pasted on the liver part out, or not.

"Girl come up a little more, it'll be fine." Shen Yi gave her an encouraging look to eliminate her nervousness.

The girl's face was already blushing, and a little bit further up, she could reach the bottom of her plumpness, revealing the edge of her wrap.

Despite her inner

Despite some shyness, the girl still lifted the blouse up a little more, the pink blouse with flannel pattern was revealed, and vaguely one could still see a chasm in the darkness under the blouse's cover.

"Girl what is your name ah, just now I heard them call you Miss Sun." Shen Yi did not rush to strike, but slowly leaned on the edge of the sofa and chatted with the girl.

"My name is Sun Yujiao." The girl replied softly, not daring to look directly at Shen Yi because of her blushing face.

"Well, Miss Yujiao don't be nervous, take a deep breath as much as possible and relax." Shen Yi comforted.

Sure enough, under Shen Yi's continuous comforting, Sun Yujiao indeed calmed her mind a lot and was no longer so shy.

After her breath completely stabilized and calmed down, only then did Shen Yi slowly raised his palm and pasted it on her white belly.

Obviously felt Sun Yujiao trembled, and her skin contracted for a while. However, it quickly stretched out again, and the skin was no longer so tight.

However, Shen Yi frowned after his palm touched Sun Yujiao's skin. He discovered that there was still a hidden disease in the other party's body, although it was not serious now, but if it went on for a long time, it could be a big problem.

Shen Yi found that within Sun Yujiao's plumpness, there were some small hard lumps. This belongs to glandular hyperplasia, not too serious, but if it is not effectively controlled for a long period of time, it will slowly develop into fibroma, and then myoma, and finally cancer.

Often many girls do not pay much attention to this piece of the problem, usually do not feel the pain, just let it go. When you feel the pain, you can just take some medicine to reduce the inflammation and finish the job.

Often, this is how the condition is delayed, leading to the deterioration of the consequences.

Since he had discovered this hidden disease, Shen Yi could not turn a blind eye to it, but if he wanted to treat the problem, for the time being, he could only remove the wrap, and he used his hands to rub and touch it to eliminate the lumps for her.

Just don't know whether a reserved girl like Sun Yujiao would agree.

"Miss Yujiao, now there is a problem I must clarify with you, you have lumps here, if you don't eliminate them in time, it will be unfavorable in the future."

Shen Yi did not have a playful mind and told Sun Yujiao very seriously.

Being pointed at her plump parts by Shen Yi, Sun Yujiao's face swished red. However, inwardly, it is quite shocking, separated from the wrap, the other party can not see, and then again, even if you see, do not personally grasp it, simply can not be found.

But the other party did not look, not to mention the hand to grab, and even the lower edge of her wrap did not touch, just use the palm of the hand to touch their own belly, actually know that there are lumps.

What level of medical skill is this, simply too amazing!

Sun Yujiao only focused on her inner shock at Shen Yi's medical skills and temporarily ignored the somewhat embarrassing issue. It was only when Shen Yi reminded her again that she suddenly came to her senses.

"Ah? Still have to take off your clothes?" Sun Yujiao immediately exclaimed in shock, and her heartbeat, which had managed to calm down, began to accelerate again.

Shen Zhan drew back his palm, stood quietly to the side, and said solemnly, "Miss Yujiao, I hope you can face up to this problem, if you can't eradicate it completely, it will have a great possibility of triggering cancer in the future."

"There is no need to be embarrassed, right now you are just a patient in my eyes, you can completely treat me as a doctor. I have my professionalism and moral code of conduct, this is the minimum professional ethics issue as a doctor. Of course, if you can't let go, I won't force myself."

After saying that, Shen Yi no longer say more, the words have come to this point, whether or not he wants to go out to treat, it depends on how Sun Yujiao come to choose.