A pair of soft rubbing bodies hard!

This problem had been bothering her for a long time, and she had been treated with traditional Chinese medicine before, but unfortunately it could not be completely eradicated. At the time, it looked like it had subsided, but after a while, small hard lumps would appear again.

Normally, she could not notice any difference, but a few days before each sexual intercourse, it would swell and hurt terribly, sometimes like pins and needles.

When I touch it, the lump inside is almost like a stone, hard.

However, it will slowly subside and gradually become smaller after coming blood, and the pain will slowly diminish.

After a week, it will become completely small and no longer feel pain.

After a few times of repetition, Sun Yujiao did not take it seriously, anyway, the pain is only for a few days, so bear it and it will pass.

Now, when she heard Shen Yi say this, and saw that his expression didn't look like he was joking, Sun Yujiao began to beat a small drum inwardly.

Extremely struggling on the edge of curing or not curing, unable to make up her mind.

At this moment, it wasn't that she didn't trust Shen Yi, but she was a little embarrassed. In front of a boy, taking the initiative to reveal her plumpness, not only showing it to the other party, but also letting him rub and touch it with his hands, thinking about it is shameful.

Shen Zhan saw the meaning of struggle in her eyes, did not urge her, this matter still needs her to make up her own mind.

"Mr. Shen, in addition to this method, is there any other way ..." Sun Yujiao gathered courage and asked with a shy face.

Shen Yi shook his head and said, "As far as my current ability is concerned, I can only give you the elimination of the lumps through a special maneuver, completely eradicating the cause of the disease, and no more recurrence. As for the future, there might be a better way, but I don't dare to guarantee when that will be."

This point Shen Yi did not hide, but there was also some prevarication.

He was now at the late stage of the first level of Qi cultivation, and when he reached the second level of Qi cultivation, he would be able to refine pills. With just one elixir, he could easily dissolve the glandular mass.

But he didn't have the strength or the heart to refine such an elixir right now. With only cultivation in mind, refining such an elixir was simply meaningless to cultivation.

Although he had a good feeling about Sun Yujiao and appreciated her personality, it was not enough to refine a pill like this specifically for her.

Now that he had discovered the lump hidden disease, to be able to step in and treat her without charging a penny was already a great care. He was not a philanthropist, nor was he a charitable person, he had his own principles for doing things.

Sun Yujiao sighed inwardly, it seems that only this one way is feasible. Putting his heart across, avoiding medical treatment is not a wise choice, nor is it the way modern people should behave.

Today's society, many male doctors are involved in the piece of female intimate problems, including male doctors in obstetrics and gynecology, and even specialized male breastfeeders.

Thinking about how those women can accept it, what can't they accept, not to mention that it's still a matter of crisis of life.

"Mr. Shen, I've thought it over, I trust you." Sun Yujiao said with a firm gaze.

Shen Yi nodded with satisfaction, although Sun Yujiao was a bit reserved, but when it was time to let go, she still let go and didn't keep it a secret.

"Good then, take off your top now, I'll start treating you. Don't worry, from now on you won't suffer for those few days every month." Shen Yi nodded and smiled.

Sun Yujiao lowered her head in shame, and inwardly angered a sentence, this you can also know, what kind of person are you in the end? Why is the medical skill so powerful ah!

Determined Sun Yujiao, also no longer squirming hesitation, a moment to take off the shirt. Just in lifting the wrap, slightly hesitated, but still very decisive to take down.

A pair of plump and erect big white rabbits jumped out, with a little bit of shy red, shyly bowing their heads.

It was a very beautiful peach shape, naturally graceful, standing in front of the chest, like two unattainable peaks.

Shen Yi instructed Sun Yujiao to lie down flat, keeping her mind as stable as possible and her breath calm.

After a few deep breaths, Sun Yujiao closed her eyes, let herself keep quiet, do not think about anything, silently admonishing herself in her heart, this is in the treatment of her hidden disease, not the other.

Shen Yi first placed his hand on his stomach, stopping at about the location of the liver, urging the true qi in his body, along the palm of his hand, slowly injecting it into Sun Yujiao's body, clearing the toxins that had accumulated within the liver.

After about a minute, all the toxins within the liver were cleaned out. Sun Yujiao's face also looks better, the few light color spots completely disappeared, the skin is fairer and more translucent, the texture is even and shiny.

After doing this, Shen Yi only began to align his hands, rubbing vigorously, his true qi condensed in his palms, forming a layer of warm qi whirlpool.

Quickly striking, both hands held on the two big white rabbits, with the help of the warm qi cyclone, began to slowly rubbing up.

The stimulated plumpness, instantly became more solid, erect, and showed signs of expansion.

This was a natural reaction, Shen Yi did not treat Sun Yujiao like he had given Lin Lele to increase her cup size in the first place. Now it was simply giving her to eliminate the internal lumps and dissolve the gland blockage problem.

The warm palm stroked the delicate parts, and Sun Yujiao couldn't help but gasp, the strong stimulation, like a current, attacked her whole body and attacked the lower part.

That kind of strange feeling made her feel like she couldn't control it and wanted to moan out. However, the reserve that had always been within her heart still allowed her to control it, not allowing herself to scream out.

Although her lips were tightly closed, her mouth still let out a vague "babbling, calling and buzzing" sound, and her body also twisted in an uncontrollable small range.

Legs rolled up, and then quickly straighten, and then cross each other, rubbing back and forth between the legs, especially the root of the thighs, friction is even more powerful.

Sun Yujiao can not help but put her hand on the mysterious zone between her legs, where it is swollen and uncomfortable ...

Shen Yi a bout of rubbing after, from the palm of the hand to pass to the sensation, clearly feel the lump in the rapid elimination.

Finally, after two minutes, Shen Yi withdrew his palms and let out a long breath, finally the treatment was completed.

However, Sun Yujiao was still in the middle of that strange feeling, temporarily unable to recover. Her legs were clamped to her right hand, her face was flushed, and her expression was extremely strange, and her appearance was just like an evil fire burning.

Shen Yi shook his head and played a God-clearing talisman towards Sun Yujiao, immediately Sun Yujiao regained her consciousness and hurriedly put on her clothes in shame.

"Well, all your body problems have been solved now, and the discoloration on your face has disappeared, so you don't need to worry about such problems appearing in the future."

Hearing Shen Yi say this, Sun Yujiao also temporarily forgot about her shy appearance just now and hurriedly checked in the mirror. Sure enough, a soft face appeared in the mirror, white and red, with no shadow of color spots.

Sun Yujiao immediately cried tears of joy, troubled for many years of "freckles female" nickname, today is finally get rid of.

"Mr. Shen, thank you."

Perhaps the emotion is too excited, Sun Yujiao immediately jumped into Shen Yi's arms, hugged him tightly, tears flowed straight out, those are tears of happiness.

But Shen Zhan was hard to get up, Sun Yujiao was so excited that she only focused on the mirror just now, and her clothes had not been put on yet.

This body close together, obviously feel in front of the body, there are two groups of soft rubbing the body. Although through the clothes, but still can clearly feel that kind of soft soft soft feeling.

Shen Zun a burst of secretly screamed bitter, Yu Jiao girl you are again excited, also first put on good clothes ah, you this pair of soft friction body is very difficult, do you know.

I am a doctor is not false, but brother is also a meat eaters, not herbivores, you look like this, but some of the danger signal.