the plan to get myself kidnapped. [3]

Once the trio exited the office, they made their way to the classroom and bided their time until school's end. At precisely 2:00 pm, the final bell rang, and the students bolted from their classrooms to the gates with the speed and enthusiasm of escapees finally tasting freedom.

{A/N: It's a common sentiment that school feels like a prison, and I'm no exception. The final bell's chime is like a chorus of angels, a sweet symphony to my ears. It's the moment when freedom beckons, and the melody of the last bell is music to my soul. How do you feel when liberation is just a ring away?}

Although James wanted to run away, he decided to join the other two, and they all left the school building together. Just as they were about to exit through the main gate from the outside hall, Evan suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked back at both of them.

"Sorry, guys, I have to head home immediately, and I won't be able to make it to school tomorrow or the day after. Please don't come over; I won't be there since I'm going to meet someone important. Just promise me you'll remember me, no matter what happens, okay? And I promise I'll return soon so we can definitely have some fun," Evan said, his gaze fixed on the ground as if it were a masterpiece.

One could notice that Evan's eyes began to water as he spoke, aware that he wouldn't see his friends for a long time.

"What are you even saying? There's no way we're going to forget you in just two days. That's like, blink and you'll miss it, and suddenly it's Wednesday. Plus, when you get back, the treat's on me, so chill out," James exclaimed, playfully thumping Evan on the head.

"And hey, I've got your back. I'll keep James in check while you're gone, so he doesn't turn this place upside down. You're usually the one to rein him in, but I've got this," Rey assured, patting Evan on the shoulder with a grin.

Evan's face lit up with a smile upon hearing his friend's answer, and they all began discussing various topics as they walked to the junction where their paths diverged towards their respective homes. After bidding each other farewell, Evan headed in the direction of his home.

"Sorry guys, but this feels like a partial goodbye," Evan mused, "I'm uncertain how long it will take for me to return, or if I'll even be able to... No, I mustn't think like that. I will make it back to them, and when we reunite, I promise to be the one who will surprise them and offer my support to make them stronger."

Unbeknownst to the trio, they were being observed from afar. Indeed, these observers were the very thugs who had encountered Evan in front of the factory. Now, they were covertly monitoring him, promptly informing their boss of the boy's whereabouts and sending a photograph of him with his companions. This enabled their boss to begin gathering information on each of them, for as the adage goes, "To catch a mouse, one must set a trap." Jacob, too, was intent on capturing Rey and, as part of his strategy, planned to kidnap one of Rey's friends to lure out Rey.

After reaching home Rey enter in his room as Aiden was making noises to listen to him but he waited until he come home and when he returned home Aiden quickly come out of his body and looked at him with slight anger. 

"What transpires now, and why do you gaze upon me with such an expression? Have I erred once more?" Rey inquired, advancing towards his bed before taking a seat.

"Young man, do you not grasp that you alone can perceive my presence? Why then did you disregard my attempts to converse? Now, due to your naivety and inattention, your family and friends shall bear the consequences," Aiden declared, his eyes wide with incredulity at Rey's sheer ignorance.

"What are you talking about? I would be crazy to let you out in public, who knows what you might do. And the idea that not bringing you out is harmful to my family and friends is a joke. If you're anything like these so-called 'God's Relics,' then I'm sorry, but I don't want to be associated with you," Rey said, clearly annoyed by Aiden's mysterious and puzzling speech.

"Okay so you don't want to Asso..., wait who's there." Aiden was about to say but suddenly he turned around and looked towards the right side of the room where a single drawer was placed, and he float towards in a hurry and told Rey to open it.

Even in anger, Rey opens the door as he doesn't want to get hurt by him and open it slowly as he was little scared, but he found nothing beside some stuff and a pendant inside a glass like cage.

"What is this thing, boy?" Aiden inquired; his curiosity piqued as he felt a surge of energy that seemed vaguely familiar. He couldn't quite place it, but he was certain he had encountered this same force before.

"Oh, this?" Rey's voice softened, a small smile touching his lips. "It's very precious to me. A childhood friend gave it to me," he explained, the memory bringing a fleeting warmth to his expression.

"Judging by the look on your face, I'm guessing it's a girl?" Aiden remarked, his face breaking into a wide grin.

"No, no, we are straying from the topic. Tell me, why did you say that I am putting my family and friends in danger?" Rey asked, attempting to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"Indeed, you may not realize it, but you made a serious error when you and your friend were returning home today; some individuals were following you both and I sense some killing intent from them towards you and I think they're the guy who you meet this morning while going home and that's why I think you and your friends are in danger as they would be able to find you easily and I think you should get leave for two days as well as." Aiden waited for a moment and then said.

"I think they would be stalking you until your house tomorrow as they left after sometime later while following you. And even we have to prepare for the Wednesday as it's going to be a hell ride for a newbie like you as you even have to kill somebody and by the looks of you, I don't think you are ready for it, but everything start with first so why don't now." Aiden said without a pause and see the reaction of Rey whose mind got blank.

"So, you're saying that while we were conversing, those thugs were spying on us, and now that they've seen my face and my friends', they could be in danger," Rey stated, his expression one of complete comprehension.

"Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to say at that time, but no one listened to me; they even spoke ill of me," Aiden said, turning around as if he were angry with him.

"I'm sorry, Sir Aiden. I apologize and swear that I will heed your every command, so please help me," Rey pleaded, trying to appease him.

"Alright, stop making that face and listen to me first," Aiden said after a few minutes of observing Rey's gloomy expression, who was attempting to please him.

"Yes, sir," Rey responded, straightening his back.

"Okay, first tell me how much money you currently have." Aiden asked.

"Huh money I have around 8540 Dracins. But why are you asking for this." Rey said while looking at him in confusing.

{ Dracins: Name of the currency approved by all 5 Kingdom on blue star Plant.}

{Five Kingdom are: 1. Dragon Kingdom  2. Pheonix Kingdom  3. Jade Turtle Kingdom  1. ThunderPeak Kingdom  5. Ice Heart Kingdom. }

"No, we just need to pick up a few things for our plan and the mission ahead," Aiden declared, his evil grin sending shivers down his spine.

"No—nooooooooooooooo..." Rey tried to intervene, but would Aiden listen? Who can say? Guess we'll have to stay tuned to find out what unfolds in the next chapters.

So did you think that Rey was able to save his Money from Aiden and if you want to know so just wait as patience pay a good result. 


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I assure you that the next one will be even more astonishing. Farewell, have a wonderful day, and remember to add this to your library for instant access to the latest chapter.