Plan to get myself kidnapped [4]

"Please, Aiden, no! I'll do anything you ask—call you master, teacher, or even sensei—but please, not this. Don't use my money. It represents two years of painstaking savings, every penny collected with diligence. It will all be gone. Please, I implore you, don't proceed," Rey pleaded, his voice rising in desperation. However, Aiden remained unmoved by Rey's pleas and manipulated him to sit in front of his computer.

He searches a black-market website in which they sell weapons and special equipment for killing like even Grenades, Machine Guns and even historical weapon like sword, spears, blade, daggers and bows also for special people who use it to kill people with it known as martial artist they are not that many in front of public but everyone knows that someone like the big families doesn't show their power in front of public.

But how Aiden came to know about this site and how he discovered it remains known only to him.

"So, we have approximately 8500 Dracins at our disposal, setting aside 40 Dracins for acts of mercy. With this amount, we can... hold on, I need to locate the necessary item and then assess the quality of the weapon, considering the likelihood of combat and potential fatalities," Aiden stated, tallying the coins before commencing his search for the requisite gear.

After an exhaustive search, Aiden finally paused and stretched Rey's limbs with the intensity of someone who had just completed a ten-hour shift.

"Alright, we've got the suit and the mask, which are essential for protecting your identity and shielding your face from dagger attacks. The suit is bulletproof, albeit with a few imperfections and a bit of weight, but that's what made it affordable—otherwise, it would have cost us everything we have," Aiden explained as he prepared to place the order.

"Hey, wait, why did you buy this black coat? It doesn't even have any defensive properties, nor does it serve any purpose beyond aesthetics," Rey remarked, scrutinizing the last item that cost 300 Dracins solely for its appearance. 

The coat was entirely black, reaching down to the man's knees in the picture, and featured numerous hidden and standard pockets that could potentially be used for carrying weapons.

"Indeed, I purchased it for its sleek appeal. As my host, you ought to exude a certain sophistication, not the appearance of a military figure. That's the reason for my choice. However, let's put that aside and review the costs once more: the Protective Suit is 5800 Dracins, the mask is 900 Dracins, and, importantly, the Black Coat is 300 Dracins.

It's under our budget and we have time to look for weapons and by our remaining budget we can't afford a better weapon ahh but wait we can afford a dagger or something with a good quality so let's search it." Aiden said after checking the listed product and try to find a weapon for defense but he knew that it would be used for offence and it was a hunch or not he had an idea that this adventure is going to made a massive change in the personality in Rey, his host, and he wants it in a good way not the other or if it goes in other direction than he predicted then he have to step in to fic the problem. As he doesn't want to make an innocent kid into a ruthless psychopath killer.

Little did he know that this incident would turn Rey's life upside down thereafter.

"So, it's settled then; our order is complete. I've acquired a decent dagger named 'Scorpion Fang' for 1300 Dracins. It's not the best, being a secondhand item, but it's in good condition, which is what we need. Plus, 200 Dracins for expedited delivery, which is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 4:15 p.m.," Aiden explained as he finalized the order and described his choice, glancing at Rey, who was looking disheartened.

"My money." Rey said while looking at his hard worked money last time and then he remembered something and look at clock on the wall and ran out of the room.

"Now what happened to him?" Aiden said, fading away and returning to his body.

"Ah, I'm late for the job again today; the manager is going to kill me, I'm sure," Rey said while rushing out of the house and quickly heading towards the store.

As events unfolded with Rey, Evan was perched on his bed, peering into an aged laptop, sifting through his search engine history for a particular website he had mistakenly visited. Indeed, he referred to the very site where Aiden and Rey had been browsing for equipment.

"Okay found it." After finding for 10 minutes Evan finally find the site and entered in it and saw many weapons and spying tool in it and without being diverted, he searches for a specific equipment called the hidden blade which can be hidden in one body and can be used with a single button, and he found it with a lowest price 800 Dracins. 

"We'll let me check..." He quickly checked his account and find 927 Dracins in it which he had saved for future use, but he was using it as his last stretch which can help him to go to that place.

"Well thank god I have enough, or I would have to ask from them, but I don't want to take their help in it. And wait, yes there is a day available tomorrow or who knows how much I have to give them extra charges for it." Even said after placing his order and going out from his home to buy the food form remaining money as he wants to be in good state while doing this mission.

"Based on what I know of the past, they'll kidnap me on Wednesday and trade us with a big family. That's when I must find a chance to escape and locate the relic that can aid me," Evan muttered to himself as he stepped out of his apartment.

'But if I don't acquire what those ten mentioned, I'm as good as dead. I can enter that place, but surviving the exit hinges on that item's power. It must be there, or I'm doomed,' Evan pondered while heading to the store to buy food products.

After purchasing some cup noodles and canned food, he returned home to await the next day, which would bring him one step closer to the success of his mission.

Do you think the object Evan desires is the same one Rey seeks? If so, what will happen next remains a mystery that time will unravel.


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I assure you that the next one will be even more astonishing. Farewell, have a wonderful day, and remember to add this to your library for instant access to the latest chapter.