Facing the fear. [3/last]


While Aiden and another were observing him, Rey, who had been in a daze, suddenly snapped out of it. He surveyed the scene and discovered that his intended target, whom he had been plotting against, was already dead, having succumbed to blood loss from his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.

Confused, Rey recalled making plans but could not remember anything thereafter. Despite his bewilderment, he shrugged his shoulders, walked over, and took the gun from the deceased's grasp.

He looked at the magazine and nodded as it was full with a single one missing as he remebered that the guy used it to scare the kidnapped people.

It was a common gun without any modification.

He try it on his hand and found it quiet comfy. After familizing with it he walked toward the hostage room as now only one guy was remaining.

"Let's end it now," he said, glancing at the screen to check the target number. <30/34>

He approached silently, and only when he was about eight meters away did the man notice him. His attire led the man to mistake him for a hostage.

He aimed the gun at him and took him into his grip, but as he was about to open the gate, he felt a touch on his head. Turning around, he found himself facing the barrel of a gun held by the man who, just moments before, had been trembling with fear, now looking like a predator.

"Please, let me go. I haven't done anything wrong; I was merely following the boss's orders," the man pleaded, trembling, while Rey, observing him, suppressed a laugh. 

It wasn't out of cruelty that Rey found humor in the situation; it was surreal, like a scene straight out of a movie.

Without hesitation, Rey pulled the trigger, and a crimson spray erupted with a resounding bang.

The sound terrified the people in the adjacent room, leading them to believe that the thugs had executed someone for defiance.

After a tense silence, the door swung open, and a young man, roughly 17-18 years old, stepped in. The captives braced themselves, fearing the worst, but the newcomer simply sighed in disappointment at not finding his intended target.

He surveyed the room, methodically examining each face without betraying any emotion, until he identified the person he was searching for.

"Listen, everyone, I'm here to help you escape. There's no need for panic or deception; just cooperate with me, and I promise to guide you all to safety," he announced, instilling hope in some, though skepticism lingered among others. His words were met with a cacophony of relief and disbelief.

"I've secured the factory. Only a few gang members remain with their boss. I'll take his place and assist you all..." He attempted to continue, but the rising clamor cut him short.

"Sir, please, I must get home to my children," a voice implored from the crowd.

"So what if everyone has kids or parents waiting for them? Sir, I will give you millions of Dragon points. My father is exceedingly wealthy," he declared as the bickering resumed amongst them.

Each one offered something, yet a few, less fortunate, remained silent, aware they had nothing to offer; Evan was among these.

Time passed, and Rey's frustration grew as he attempted to quell the shouting and brawling, but to no avail.

"Silence!" he bellowed, his voice booming, bringing them to a halt. He took a moment to catch his breath.

"I will decide who gets to leave," he announced, prompting silent prayers from the crowd, hoping to be chosen, though many were left disheartened by his decision.

"You there, the young man in that direction," he pointed.

The chosen one was taken aback, having assumed Rey would accept one of the many offers, yet he had selected at random.

Approaching the young man, Rey sliced through the ropes with his dagger, drawing many gazes, yet no one spoke a word.

"Thank you, sir. I will always remember this kindness and hope to repay it someday," the young man expressed his gratitude. And indeed, it was Evan whom Rey had freed.

"Sir, may I ask your name, if you don't mind?" Evan inquired as he was about to exit the room.

"UHHH... Well, my name is... Ah yes, 'THE RAVENBLADE'," he declared with an imposing tone, prompting laughter from many of the guys and even girls, as the name seemed humorous and his manner resembled something out of a comic or novel.

"Okay, sir, I will try to repay you someday," Evan said before dashing out of the room.

The others envied him, cursing him or their own luck, but Rey didn't pay them any mind. He took the boy's position and sat down, head lowered to conceal his mask.

Everyone remained fearful, doubting his power, and about half an hour later, the door opened and a man, known only to Rey, entered with two thugs trailing behind him.

It was Jacob with his thug duo, and the remaining targets he wanted to eliminate to escape.

"Where are all the guys, and why is there blood outside the door? Did someone try to escape?" he demanded as the thugs began counting the people and found that everyone was present.

"Boss, everyone's here, and no one is injured," one reported as they resumed their positions.

"If they're all here, then whose blood is this outside, and where are these bastards?" he questioned, glaring at them with fury but unable to act, fearing the consequences if the ones who sent them received an injured person.

"Bring my hit book; I suspect there's an issue here," he said, halting the man in his tracks just as he was about to leave.

"Sir, only you know the lock's password, and you've said it's a secret," the man replied, causing even Jacob to pause and nod after a moment's thought.

"Both of you stay here, keep an eye on them, and rough them up if anyone speaks out of turn," he commanded before walking away.

The two men nodded and exited the room to stand guard outside.

Rey stood up, pondering how to dispatch both guards, and soon an idea struck him.

He approached the wall where the light bulb was mounted and, with his blade, shattered it.

The ensuing screams alerted the goons, who entered the room only to be met with darkness. One reached for his phone to use the torch, but just then, his companion collapsed to the floor. Upon inspection, he realized the man was dead. As he turned to flee, he found himself within Rey's target range, and a dagger aimed at him pierced his body, sending him into eternal slumber.

Afterward, Rey freed all the captives by cutting their ropes and directed them to flee in the opposite direction of Jacob's location.

The group, having witnessed Rey's lethal efficiency, obeyed his commands fearfully.

Rey, leaving them behind, advanced towards the final confrontation and to retrieve the remaining keys.
