Task completed and Escaping out [1]


As the crowd obediently followed Rey's directions, he set off towards the area where Jacob had ventured, as he was the final target to eliminate in order to retrieve the remaining two keys.

Navigating towards the predicted location of Jacob, he encountered boxes concealing Zero and, not far off, spotted the sphere containing Aiden.


Targets Remaining: <33/34>

Keys Required: <2/3>


He swiftly rescued Aiden and then commenced his search for the vessel harboring Zero. He rummaged through each container without success and was about to inspect the last one when he detected footsteps approaching.

Reacting instantly, he pivoted to confront the newcomer and was met with the sight of Jacob, smirking at him, clutching the coveted object.

"Seems I've caught a rat. Is this what you were after, you brat?" taunted Jacob, flaunting the item.

"Jacob, your end comes today, at my hands. I failed to finish you before, but today I will settle the score, and nothing will stand in my way," he declared, charging at Jacob with blistering speed.

Jacob didn't understand his words but still ready himself for battle but the speed of boy was too high to match up.

Jacob retreated, managing to evade a fatal blow but not without sustaining scratches across his chest. As he regained his footing and prepared to counterattack, he realized his adversary had vanished. Sensing imminent danger from behind, he turned just as a dagger aimed to end his life.

"It appears I have the upper hand," came the voice as the dagger descended, but an unforeseen event took even Rey by surprise.

Jacob's body was encased in a blood-red armor, transforming into a formidable battle suit.

"It was sheer luck that a few days ago, as I was dispatching an enemy, his blood spilled onto this orb I used as a paperweight, revealing it to be a powerful artifact. I doubt there's any artifact in this world that surpasses it. This artifact thrives on the blood of my foes, and today, you will witness its true terror, you foolish child..." His taunt was cut short by the sensation of Rey advancing on him.

"Blah, blah... You're quite the talker for someone about to meet their end today," Rey retorted, his face expressionless, as he began to swing his dagger at Jacob, who parried with ease. Biding his time, Jacob seized the opportune moment to grasp Rey's wrist and flung him against the wall.

Rey's scream echoed as he collided with the wall, but he rose, determined not to succumb to defeat for the twenty-fifth time.

"You show remarkable resilience, but it won't save you today," Jacob declared, launching himself at the boy with surprising agility for his massive frame.

A large sword materialized in his hand, and he brought it down towards Rey, who was still gasping for air to regain his composure. Rey managed to roll away in the nick of time, yet the sheer force of the attack sent him flying back a meter.

He rose, unsteady but ready to continue the fight, his body coated in dust and his skin marred with bruises from the impact.

"Where has your bravado gone now, boy? Or has fear taken hold of you?" Jacob mocked with a sneer.

"You think this can kill me? You're mistaken, Jacob. I swear, I will not let you escape this world," Rey shouted, blood trickling from his mouth due to an injury sustained from crashing into the wall.

Jacob, unable to comprehend Rey's words, thought him mad or delusional.

Rey, swiftly regaining his stance, charged at Jacob to end the confrontation, but Jacob was ready and countered with his sword.

He began to channel his Qi, complicating the battle for Rey even further. Yet, Rey refused to yield, fighting on as his stamina and resolve slowly but steadily waned. Meanwhile, Jacob's armor remained largely unscathed, healing from the minor cuts it had sustained.

The pressure of potential defeat made Rey tense; his movements grew clumsy, and his errors increased, leading to more injuries from Jacob's blade.

Half an hour later, Rey was found kneeling on the ground, one knee down, while Jacob stood with only a slight depletion of his stamina.

It was a complete defeat for Rey, but he was not ready to concede. However, given his condition, he knew victory was out of reach.

"Where's that confidence now, kid? You were the one who said, 'I will kill you,' but it looks like you're the one about to die here," Jacob taunted. His sword disappeared, reabsorbing into his armor, and he removed his faceplate to breathe in some much-needed air, finding it quite heavy to do so from within.

Aware that Rey was on the brink of unconsciousness, Jacob allowed himself a moment of relaxation, not anticipating what would happen next.

Rey who was waiting for a opportunity found it and with quick speed throw a dagger toward him as his gaurd was still a little low.

Jacob noticed the attack and was about to don his armor, but the dagger was swift, slicing through his cheek before flying past. Shocked, Jacob touched his cheek, his fingers coming away with blood. Enraged, he grasped his sword, intent on vengeance, but his adversary had vanished.

In frustration, Jacob drove his sword into the ground, creating a small crater. The resulting clamor echoed throughout the building, reaching even those whom Rey had aided in their escape. They trembled at the monstrous sound, hastening their flight.

Meanwhile, Jacob furiously searched for Rey, who was stumbling away, his body on the brink of collapse. Despite his trembling legs and the encroaching darkness of unconsciousness, Rey pressed on until he deemed it safe to rest and catch his breath.

His eyelids drooped heavily, but Rey knew succumbing to sleep meant certain death. In a desperate bid to stay awake, he stabbed his thigh with his dagger, banishing all drowsiness. He then tore strips from his clothing to bandage his wounds, which were already healing thanks to his enhanced abilities. His t-shirt, now fully utilized, left only the collar, which he discarded. His mask lay in ruins, and of his daggers, only three remained—one lost in battle, another hurled at Jacob.

As Rey sat, still hearing the distant sounds of destruction and Jacob's curses upon discovering the escape of the hostages and the death of his men, he surmised that Jacob would believe him responsible for the carnage. And Rey knew that Jacob would not flee; he was intent on killing Rey.


What will unfold next? How will Rey confront Jacob? Patience will reveal the tale. 

Thanks for reading.