Chapter One

黄昏临近时,突然刮起了一阵大风.苏夏转头看向窗外的大树.风吹得大树的树枝左右摇晃,天空变得有些阴沉.她合上笔记本,关掉录音机,然后微笑着看着对面的老人."陈先生,希望这次没有打扰你.我希望下次能听到更多关于你和你所爱的人的故事.老者摆了摆手,示意苏夏,"没事.下次,请提前与我联系.我想与他人分享我和她的故事.苏夏告别了陈先生,开着她从跳蚤市场买来的二手车.雨突然下了起来,雷电交加,天空明显变暗了.想到陈先生,大家都叫他陈先生.陈先生是该地区最著名的慈善家.因为喜欢捐钱捐物,而且每次捐款都不小,而且陈先生既没有公司,也没有亲戚孩子,所以大家难免都在猜测陈先生到底是谁?于是,主编把这个看似简单,其实极其艰巨的任务,交给了苏夏.苏夏来过几次,都没问什么重要的事情,天天面色严肃的主编,又给了她一个星期的最后期限.很快车窗变得模糊不清,雨刮器迅速擦去挡风玻璃上的雨滴,车速也慢了下来...苏夏正想着明天该怎么和冰冷的主编说话,突然一个摇摇晃晃的身影冲向她的车.苏夏猛踩刹车,但已经来不及撞到他了.苏夏停下车后,在大灯下颤抖着向外看去,问道:"我撞到人了吗?那人躺在路边一动不动.苏夏连伞都没开,就赶紧下了车.她跑到男人身边,摇了摇他说:"你还好吗?醒醒吧!她伸手摸了摸他的脖子,然后松了一口气,说:"他还有脉搏!你吓死我了!苏夏使出浑身解数将男子抬上车,直奔市内第三人民医院.途中,苏夏给医院打了电话.所以当她到达医院时,她看到医护人员在医院门口焦急地等待.男子被医护人员抬进了急诊室,很快就有护士出来了,让苏夏付钱安排住院,只说病人受了重伤!苏夏不敢想象护士说病人伤势严重的时候伤势有多严重.会不会危及生命?付完费用,安排好住院治疗后,苏夏来到急诊室门口,对着"急诊"这几个发光的字重重地呼出一口气.她双手合十抵在额头上,低声说:"我希望你会没事的.她在手术室门前来回走动,最后在靠墙的椅子上坐下.她的眼睛偶尔瞥一眼手术室的门.就在天色渐亮的时候,手术室里的灯"咔嚓"一声熄灭了,医生从里面走了出来.苏夏急忙上前,还没等她开口,医生就先开口了,"病人伤势严重,头部钝器外伤,颅骨骨折,有少量颅内出血,两根肋骨骨折.身体上还有多处软组织挫伤.医生一边说着,一边跟着苏夏去了办公室,医生示意苏夏坐下.苏夏坐下后,忽然抬起头来,问医生:"他现在怎么样了?他什么时候醒来?医生放下笔,看着苏夏,道:"麻醉还没消,有少量颅内出血.目前还不清楚他什么时候会醒来.顺便问一下,病人是怎么受伤的?他为什么受了这么重的伤?苏夏不知所措,低声道:"他不小心被车撞了.医生生气地说:"被车撞了!你为什么在这么大的雨中开得这么快?另外,你和病人的关系是什么?你认识他吗?如果你不认识他,我就得报警了!苏夏听到医生的话,心慌意乱.她不能报警!她打算等那个人醒来再弥补.她已经决定用她所有的积蓄来补偿他.她不想卷入诉讼.她赶紧向医生解释道:"我们确实认识对方.我们正要..."她不知道该说什么,又解释说:"我开得不快,我甚至没有以每小时 30 英里的速度行驶!你可以检查我的行车记录仪.我没有骗你.请不要报警.医生以为他们是一对即将结婚的夫妇."如果你开得不快,为什么他受了这么重的伤?在你打他之前,他打架了吗?苏夏听到医生暗示伤势不是意外造成的,忽然想起那个人被撞的时候是踉踉跄跄的.她认为他在被她的车撞到之前一定是被殴打了,这加剧了他的伤势.她点了点头,对医生说:"是的!在被击中之前,他一定是被殴打的.医生摇了摇头,说:"回去准备一些东西,为你男朋友住院做准备.他仍在重症监护室,尚未脱离危险.你不需要留在这里.苏夏愣了愣."男朋友!"她连忙点了点头."如果他没事,请给我打电话."苏夏离开医院的时候,外面已经天亮了.她回到家,快速洗了个澡,换了衣服,然后去了公司.她紧张地坐在办公桌前,低声对旁边的于楠说:"冰山美人来了吗?就在她说话的时候,主编和几个人从会议室里走了出来.他们正在和身后的人讨论一些事情.苏夏只是看着他们.总编辑正要转身回办公室,就注意到苏夏低着头坐在那里.他对身后的人说:"让苏夏到我办公室来.然后他头也不回地走开了.Seeing the chief editor leave, Yu Nan came over and poked Su Xia's pale face with her finger. "Hey! What's wrong with you today? You look so listless."Su Xia replied weakly, "Oh, don't mention it! I had a rough night last night..."Before she could finish, Xiaoyang, the flatterer, floated over and said in a sly tone, "Little Su Su, haven't you finished that special interview yet? Oh, our dear chief editor wants to see you in her office! Hurry up, she doesn't like to wait." After saying that, Xiaoyang floated away.Yu Nan, glaring at where Xiaoyang had been floating, said indignantly, "What is he, anyway? Was he a wind in his past life?"Su Xia smiled lightly, "Love is love. I'm off to the execution ground! Wish me luck!"In the office, the chief editor was tapping on the keyboard when there was a light knock on the door. Without looking up, she simply said, "Come in."Su Xia stood outside the door, clutching the hem of her clothes, blinked, took a deep breath, placed her hand on the door handle, pushed the door open, and said, "Chief editor, you wanted to see me?" before closing the door behind her.The chief editor stopped tapping on the keyboard. "Su Xia, sit down. How's the progress with Mr. Chen?"Su Xia placed her hands on her lap and looked up at the chief editor. "I've almost completed the follow-up. Mr. Chen used to have a family business. He left home after a dispute with his family. When he left, he had shares, which is why he has some savings.""I see. Follow up on that and make it attention-grabbing, you know how.?"Su Xia nodded quickly. "Understood, I'll get on it right away. I'll head back now.""Wait! Why do you look so unwell?" The chief editor asked with some concern.Su Xia turned back, "Oh, it's nothing. I just didn't sleep well last night.""Alright, take care of yourself. After this project, I'll give you a few days off."Su Xia was pleasantly surprised. When did the Iceberg Beauty become so easy to talk to? She quickly replied, "Okay! Thank you, chief editor."Su Xia sat down at her desk, and Yu Nan approached, asking, "How did it go? Tell me, what kind of punishment did you receive? Were your fingers pinched? Were you scalded with boiling water?""Sigh! No punishment at all. I was asked to follow up on Mr. Chen's interview, and after that, I'll be given a few days off."Yu Nan pondered, "What kind of punishment is that? Changing tactics?" Su Xia laughed and patted Yu Nan's head, suddenly remembering the incident from last night, when the person was still lying in the hospital. She muttered to herself, "Could this be a blessing in disguise?"Yu Nan blinked, admiring her idol, shaking her head in confusion. Su Xia said, "Alright, go back to work!"The two of them busied themselves with their work.