Chapter Two

At noon, Su Xia and Yu Nan went to the restaurant downstairs from the magazine office, and Yu Nan placed their order.

Su Xia couldn't shake off her concern for the man still lying in the hospital bed. While Yu Nan was ordering, she suddenly shouted to Su Xia, "I ordered grilled meat with rice for you!"

Nodding, Su Xia waved her hand to Yu Nan and shouted back, "Got it!" The phone rang, and it was the man's attending doctor from the hospital. "Hello, this is the Third People's Hospital."

"Dr. Qin, hello, I'm Su Xia. Oh, about the patient from last night..."

Dr. Qin remembered, "Oh, it's you, Miss Su. The patient's vital signs are stable now. However, the head injury is serious, and he has not woken up yet. If all goes well, he can be transferred to a regular ward tomorrow."

Hearing this, Su Xia felt relieved and quickly said, "That's good, thank you, Dr. Qin. If there's any problem, please call me."

After hanging up, she sat at the dining table. Despite ordering her favorite grilled meat with rice, she had no appetite. After a few bites, she stopped eating.

Yu Nan looked up, puzzled. "Aren't you usually fond of grilled meat with rice? Why aren't you eating? Hurry up, it'll be time soon." Su Xia explained, "I had too much for breakfast, so I'm not hungry now."

Yu Nan nodded and continued eating. Su Xia hadn't eaten anything for breakfast, but she was not in the mood to eat now and didn't feel hungry.

They were busy for the rest of the afternoon, and as it was time to leave, people started leaving one after another.

Su Xia was still busy typing. When she finished, the street outside was already lit by dim streetlights.

Su Xia packed up and walked heavily to the underground parking lot. The dim lights, accompanied by the hissing sound of the fluorescent lamps, felt a bit eerie.

She felt a chill down her spine and for the first time, she felt scared. She looked around but saw nothing.

She got into her car, closed the door, and locked it quickly, feeling relieved. Su Xia drove her car out of the underground parking lot towards home.

However, inexplicably, she ended up driving towards the hospital. When she arrived at the hospital entrance, she realized her mistake. Since she was already here, she decided to go and see him.

Walking down the hospital corridor, she felt the coldness of the hospital. The intensive care unit was at the end of the corridor. Su Xia walked slowly, her footsteps echoing in the hospital corridor, until she reached the intensive care unit.

Standing outside the door, she looked through the glass and saw the man lying on the bed with a white bandage wrapped around his head, with traces of blood seeping through the bandage.

From head to toe, she noticed that he was very tall, which was Su Xia's first impression. Seeing him with various tubes inserted into his body made her feel sorry for him. He must be in a lot of pain, right?

Thinking this way, she felt someone approaching from behind. Turning around, she saw a nurse holding a package and handing it to her.

The nurse, seeing Su Xia's puzzled expression, said, "These are the clothes taken off your boyfriend. Please check if anything is missing." "Ah, thank you," Su Xia hurriedly thanked her.

The nurse, seeing Su Xia's pale face, comforted her, saying, "Don't worry, your boyfriend can be transferred to a regular ward tomorrow."

Hearing the nurse say "your boyfriend," Su Xia felt embarrassed and wanted to explain, but she decided against it. "Okay, then I'll go back now. Please take care of him," she said.

The nurse looked at Su Xia's back and thought, they're about to get married, and they've encountered this kind of thing...

Back in the car, Su Xia placed the bag of clothes on the passenger seat. She realized that she needed to find his family. He would need someone to take care of him when he was transferred to a regular ward tomorrow.

She turned to look at the bag on the passenger seat and emptied it, searching for something to contact his family. However, she found nothing in the jacket or pants pockets, not even a piece of paper! There was nothing to contact his family, let alone prove his identity! Frustrated, she could only wait for him to wake up and ask.

She drove home. She lived in an old neighborhood without an underground parking lot, so she had to park her car at the entrance of the neighborhood every time.

This community looks old and worn out, but the property management is very good, and everything is very attentive. The neighbors are also nice. Everyone is very friendly and will greet each other when they meet.

Su Xia just arrived at the security guard's gate when the security guard stopped her. "Xiaoxia, you're off work so late? Here's a package for you," said the security guard as he took out a package from the guard room.

"Yes! Just got off work. Thank you, Uncle Li," she said, reaching out to take it.

Uncle Li smiled and waved his hand, "Young people should take care of their health and not work overtime too often. Your body won't be able to take it!"

Su Xia smiled back at Uncle Li and said goodbye.

As she walked forward, she saw her neighbor, Ye Min, walking back with her three-week-old son.

Ye Min's son, Tong Tong, was bouncing towards Su Xia, and she quickly squatted down to pick up the little one. "Aunt Xia, Tong Tong misses you so much! Have we not seen each other for two days? Do you miss Tong Tong?"

Su Xia smiled indulgently and looked at the little one, "I miss you! I miss you so much that I can't sleep!"

Ye Min walked over, "Tong Tong, come down quickly. Aunt Xia has worked all day and is tired. Tong Tong, are you the most well-behaved?"

Tong Tong, hearing his mom say Aunt Xia was tired, hurried to come down. Su Xia said, "Xiao Min, it's okay when there's nothing to do. I haven't seen Tong Tong for a few days. I want to hold him for a while."

Ye Min helplessly flicked Tong Tong's nose with her finger. The two adults and one child walked towards their homes together.

Ye Min asked, "Is work very busy recently, Xia? I always see you leaving early and coming back late, and we never get to see each other."

Su Xia sighed, "Yes, I'm working on a special feature interview recently, and I have to rush to write articles."

Ye Min nodded, "I know, I've been there too. I used to write articles overnight, but you also need to take care of your health. Work is important, but health is more important."

Tong Tong, now hugging Su Xia's neck, also said, "Yes! Aunt Xia, health is more important!"

Su Xia, holding the little one, smiled and replied, "Okay, I'll listen to Tong Tong. Will you promise Auntie not to watch TV tonight and go to bed early, okay?"

The lights in the corridor came on as footsteps approached, and the dim light illuminated the entire corridor. The dirty lampshade made a hissing sound as the filament inside emitted a dim light.

Su Xia put Tong Tong down, raised her hand, extended her pinky finger, and hooked it with the little one, sealing the promise, and said goodbye.

Su Xia took out the keys from her bag, opened the door, changed into slippers, and went to take a shower. It was summer, and she was sweating all over, so a shower would cool her down.

After the shower, Su Xia made herself a simple egg noodle and ate while browsing her friends' circle.

At the hospital, two nurses were changing the dressing for a man lying on the hospital bed. Another nurse was staring at the man's profile on the bed.

His profile, in this dim and warm light, seemed to add a dazzling haze. In the dim light, one could see his long eyelashes, slightly red lips, and high nose bridge. Even with his eyes closed, it was not difficult to imagine how handsome he would look with his eyes open.

The two nurses reluctantly walked out of the ward, not noticing that the man lying on the bed's fingers trembled slightly.

The next day, Su Xia woke up suddenly. She had dreamed again. Her mother was still so painful, but she couldn't do anything about it. Su Xia sat up, rubbed her hair with both hands, and lifted the quilt to go to the bathroom to wash up.

When she finished washing up and walked out, she looked at the clock on the wall. Oh no! She was late today. There was an important morning meeting. She quickly tidied up and hurried out.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on the way, and she arrived at her workstation just in time. Xiao Yang came to inform everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting.