Chapter 4: Preparation

It is thursday currently and one day away from exam day, what will Shouta do?

"Well I didn't expect you guys dating, I thought you haven't moved on from Kouta yet" -Shouta A

"Shut up Shouta, we're not dating" -Sumi

"Yet" -Shouta A

*Shouta's mind*

"Well what am I gonna do? I am forced to listen to their idiotic orders, and if I don't accept then we're gonna get in so much trouble"

"So what're you planning on doing for the exams Shouta?" -Shouta A

"Well I don't know" -Shouta

*Shouta A's phone rings*

"Oh damn, I have to take this phone call, you guys go on ahead" -Shouta A

"Hey Sumi, I'm sorry if I made your life a living hell" -Shouta

"Why do you think that?" -Sumi

"Well I clearly made your life difficult by bringing you into this mess, this is all my fault, I should've just ended my life early, then maybe this wouldn't have happened" -Shouta

"No, please don't kill yourself, you have a life ahead of you" -Sumi

"And don't worry it's not your fault at all, it's mines, if I didn't exist then this wouldn't have happened" -Sumi

They constantly blamed themselves, because of the current situation they're in.

"Hey Sumi are you free later? If you are then can we go get some coffee?" -Shouta

*Sumi speechless*

As Sumi went speechless, Shouta regrets asking her out as he thought it was way too early.

"Nevermind I'm sorry I ever asked" -Shouta

*Shouta runs away*

"W-wait Shouta come back" -Sumi

Sumi panics and chases after Shouta. After a while of endless running, Sumi was left breathless and tired, Sumi rested for a while wondering if Shouta is okay.

*Sumi's mind*

"Damn I should've said something, then maybe he wouldn't run away again, I messed up again. Wait I should text him again''

"What should I say? Hmmm, Aha maybe "hey I don't think you're a freak" No, he will think that I assumed that he was a freak. And he didn't say anything about him being a freak"

"I'll just say hi"



"Hmm, from Sumi?" -Shouta


want to go get coffee and talk later?

I'd love to but, it is as you said" what if they saw us?"

It won't matter, it is as you said "I don't care what they think, if they have a problem with it then so be it".

Ok fine, What time? What place?

how about 9:00 pm at Ai cafe? Sound good?

sounds good to me.

Okay see you there.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe we're going on a date" -Shouta