Chapter 5: Coffee date part 1

As Shouta was getting ready for his coffee date with Sumi, he got an unexpected phone call from Kiyomi.

*Incoming call*

"What why is Kiyomi calling me?" -Shouta


Why are you getting dressed up?

wth why are you spying on me?

*closes blinds*

who said I was spying on you?

you just said, why was I getting dressed, how did you know that?

lucky guess?

Nah don't ever call me again unless its urgent.

*hangs up*

"Oh shi- I got to tell Sumi about this" -Shouta

*calls Sumi*

Hey Sumi this is urgent

Yeah what's up?

Well Kiyomi was spying on me, because she knew I was dressing up.

well that is a little too farfetched don't you think?

That's what I'm saying

Well I gotta go, see you there

see you, I'll let you know if anything happens.

*ends call*

"Well, I gotta go now" -Shouta

"Shouta!" -Shouta's mom

"Yeah mom?" -Shouta

"You have a visitor" -Shouta's mom

Shouta is in confusion, as he was not expecting visitors or anyone in particular.

"Who is it mom?" -Shouta

*Shouta runs downstairs*

"Well Shouta you look nice indeed, it's as Kiyomi says" -Masahiko

"What're you doing here?" -Shouta

"Well I'm here to prevent your date from happening" -Masahiko

"Well you haven't moved on have you? I'm touched" -Shouta

"You idiot obviously I've moved on from your ass, what I mean is that you can't date her, she's our senior" -Masahiko

"Why not? you've dated Kouta senpai before"


Masahiko knew she was in a dead end, and she also knew that if she were to continue it would dig a deeper hole.

"Touché" -Masahiko

"Well I'm off now but remember our deal is still up if you want to accept go on" -Masahiko

"I'd rather die than accept that wretched offer" -Shouta

"Whatever" -Masahiko

Time passes by and Shouta walks towards Ai Cafe to meet up with Sumi. After a while of walking he finally arrived to Ai Cafe and was waiting for his date. Time flies and Sumi has yet to arrive at the specified location. Until at 9:01 she has finally arrived at the designated location.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Shouta" -Sumi

Shouta was starstruck as he saw Sumi in such a alluring outfit.

"What is there something on my face?" -Sumi

"No, its just you're so beautiful tonight" -Shouta

"Why thank you" -Sumi

"Well lets get coffee and chat shall we?" -Shouta

"We certainly shall" -Sumi

After ordering coffee and chatting for a while Shouta had a sudden apprehension.

"Oh no, I got an exam tomorrow, crap crap crap crap" -Shouta

"I'm sorry I got to cancel this date early Sumi senpai" -Shouta

*grabs Shouta's hands*

"No, its okay I'll help you study tomorrow" -Sumi

"For now let's enjoy what we started" -Sumi

"Okay thanks Sumi senpai" -Shouta

"For now why don't we talk about each other, I'll start; My name is Natsumi Hina I'm 18 years old and I'm originally from Osaka, Japan until I moved here." -Sumi

"Osaka!? That's far away from Tokyo" -Shouta

"Yeah but it was close to Kyoto" -Sumi

"Anyways my turn, My name is Shouta Miyuzuki, I am 16 years old, and I'm originally from Shibuya" -Shouta

"Oh I see you're 2 years younger eh, and from Shibuya that's not far from Tokyo Highschool" -Sumi

"Yeah but I live in an apartment so I live closer" -Shouta

"So Shouta can you forget what happens tonight?" -Sumi

"I mean it's going to be hard to forget what happens toni- " -Shouta

Sumi suddenly grabs Shouta closer kisses him in the lips.