Chapter 11: Revelations and Resolutions

"Well if you must know, I live in a peaceful neighborhood, it is fine for the most part, crimes are usually a rare occurrence. But I just said that I live in a peaceful neighborhood but I didn't say that I grew up in a peaceful neighborhood" Said by Hana

Shouta still not buying it asked her "Well where did you grow up in?". She responded with "Well I grew up in a rough side of Japan, that's why I usually have an attitude of a leader. I grew up in Osaka-". Then Hana gets interrupted by Shouta "OSAKA!? That's where Masahiko lives". Then Hana follows up with "I know, cause when we all first met and we're introducing ourselves, I got surprised when Masahiko said that she was from Osaka".

"Now then let me continue my story, so ever since I was born till' middle school, I've lived in Osaka, it's been a long time that I've forgotten where I used to live. Anyways since Osaka has the highest crime rate in all of Japan it was rough growing up, and remember when I told you about my leader attitude, yeah I got it from there" said by Hana.

"Oh no wonder why you're so serious about so many things" said by Shouta

"Yeah, so since Osaka was a pretty rocky place my parents were also very strict about so many things, like doing household chores, being in a relationship, bedtime, and many more" Hana replied

"Oh so that's why you washed the dishes when you went to my house that one time, because of past trauma" said by Shouta

"Correct again, anyways so due to the rocky way of living I got sick and was rushed to the hospital, so that's why my skin is so pale" Hana replied

Shouta kept asking more and more questions about Hana's past, but the more questions that were asked the more uncomfortable she was about answering them, after more questions it got more and more personal. After a while Shouta finally noticed that she was uncomfortable answering them so he stopped questioning her about it.

"So Hana, one last question, why did you decide to move out of Osaka and go here in Tokyo?" Shouta asked

"Well one of the main reasons is because to escape from that hellish place, and the other is to explore more of Japan, you see staying in one place wouldn't be an ideal thing to do, considering that my dream is to become a surgeon" Hana replied

"You know Hana, you look and act tough but in the inside you're pretty fun and soft" said by Shouta

"I don't quite get what you mean by soft, but I'll take it as you trying to flirt" Hana replied

"W- what n- no, what are you t- talking about" Shouta replied

No matter how many times Shouta tried to deny the accusation he still kept stuttering and flanking.

"You're so bad at lying Shouta, and that's what I like about you" said by Hana

Shouta blushed as Hana was leaning closer to Shouta.

"Umm Hana what're you doing?" Shouta asked

"Well I guess you're bad at that aswell, but it doesn't matter, I know you like Sumi senpai anyways so it would be bad for you if I kissed you" Hana said

After a while of walking they finally arrived at Shouta's house, Shouta opened the door and placed Masahiko on the couch, then suddenly Hana asked "Say Shouta, do you live alone?", then Shouta replied with "Well yeah why do you ask?", then Hana replied with "Since you live alone, that means you do things yourself, buy groceries, do the laundry, cook food, and more". Shouta replied with "Exactly, it's a hassle but I can manage". Hana felt bad for Shouta so she said "Well you know what, since I live alone as well, I'll live with you for a while and help you manage". Shouta was befuddled with what she just said. "Just imagine me as a mommy figure" said by Hana. Shouta at loss of words managed to replied with "Well umm I don't know what to say, I mean I'm okay about you moving in but I don't know what you mean by A Mommy Figure". Then she replied with "I didn't mean it like that Shouta".