Chapter 12: Moving in

"Oh yeah? Then what do you mean by Mommy Figure?" Shouta asked

"Why do you care so much about that?" Hana asked

"You can't answer a question with a question" Shouta replied

"Says who?" Hana asked

"Says me" Shouta replied

"Guys would you guys pipe down for a minute? Geez you guys sound like my mom and dad" said by Masahiko

It seems like in the midst of arguing they have woken up Masahiko from her deep sleep.

"Oh yeah I forgot you were still there Masahiko" said by Hana

"Can you give me an explanation of what you guys are doing?" Masahiko asked

"Well you see when we arrived here, I told Hana that I lived alone and she decided to move in, but she said to refer to her as a Mommy figure" explained by Shouta

"Mommy figure?" Masahiko asked

"Yes, Mommy figure" Shouta replied

The arguement continues and Masahiko started to get worried that if the situation escalated they might get physical, so Masahiko asked "So Hana-san, are you gonna move in?" And Hana replied with "Yeah, I will", and Masahiko said "Okay stop arguing about this Mommy figure before you guys get physical and instead me and Shouta will help you pack and move in temporarily, sound good?", after saying that both Shouta and Hana stop arguing and agreed.

A week goes by and still no reply from the doctors about Sumi's current state and condition, Shouta starts to get a little worried but Shouta's current concern is Hana moving in. "That should be all of it" said by Hana. "Okay Shouta now help me put it in the truck" Hana requested, but Shouta was dazed, Hana and Masahiko were confused at first and then they figured that he was in fact dazed. Hana grabs Shouta's shoulders and shakes him rapidly, Shouta's head bops back and fourth and still nothing, when all hopes were lost Hana slapped him.

Shouta finally snaps out of it, Masahiko was a little concerned that she might've slapped him too hard. "Finally you snapped out, you were dazed" said by Hana. "Was I? For how long?" Shouta asked. "A long time" Hana replied. "7 minutes" Masahiko quickly replied. "So Shouta since you're awake now, help me carry these boxes into the truck" Hana once again requested.

Shouta carried the boxes into the truck within 10 minutes. Then Shouta asks "Is that all of it?". Then Hana replies with "Yes that is all". Then Shouta says "Wow you really didn't have much stuff, I expected you to have way more". After that Hana says "What? did you expect a lot?". Shouta replies with "Yeah, I mean most of every girl has a lot of stuff". Then she replied with "Well I'm not most girls".

After driving back to Shouta's house, Masahiko felt like an outcast as she wasn't being noticed at all, it's like she didn't exist. Then suddenly Shouta says "Say Masahiko, you've been quiet, what's going on?". Masahiko felt noticed again, and then she replied with "Nothing's going on, I'm dine don't worry, I'm just really quiet".

After a while of driving they have arrived back to Shouta's house. "Hana let me help you unpack real quick" said by Shouta. "Thanks Shouta" Hana replied. While Shouta and Hana are unpacking Masahiko went inside and she wondered "Is Sumi senpai gonna be okay?".

"Okay that should be all of it" said by Shouta

"Thanks again Shouta for helping me unpack" said by Hana

"No problem" Shouta replied

"So, we'll finally live together, the three of us" said by Hana

"Yep, that's pretty unexpected not gonna lie" said by Masahiko

"So how long will you both live here?" Shouta asked

"I guess until Sumi recovers" said by Masahiko

"Hmm I guess when you don't feel lonely anymore" said by Hana

Some time passes and Hana asks everyone "Hey, have you all seen Kiyomi?". Then Shouta answers "Yeah me and Masahiko encountered her not a long time ago". And then Hana asks "Oh for real? What did she do?". And then Shouta replies with "She decided to be quite rude and kinda just saif mean things, kinda like what the typical bully would say". Hana replied with "Oh damn, what did you do?". Shouta kinda confused asks "What do you mean What did I do?". And then Hana replies with "I mean what did you do to her, she got stopped right? So what did you do to her?". And then Shouta replies with "Oh I didn't do anything, Sumi-senpai slapped her".

"Hey Shouta, you don't have to call her Sumi-senpai, I mean you have a crush on her right? So go and get her and confess your feelings then you don't have to call her senpai" said by Hana

"Wait I didn't tell you that I had a crush on her" Shouta replied

"Oh come on Shouta, it's obvious that you like her" Hana replied

"Anyways I'll cook dinner" said by Masahiko

"Uh uh uh, remember I'm the mommy here" said by Hana

"But I've got a bigger chest than you, you ain't feeding anyone with that" Masahiko replied

"Now that's kinda rude" Hana replied

"Well atleast I've got a perfect score in our exam" Hana added

"That was 3 years ago, let it go Hana" Masahiko replied