Chapter 14: See you later

"Can you stay here for a little longer? I feel lonely" said by Sumi

"S- sure I guess I could stay" said by Shouta

*back at Shouta's House*

"Alright Masahiko I know Shouta Drugged you but you gotta at least cooperate" said by Hana.

"Oh- but why? Why must it happen~" said by Masahiko in a very concerning way.

Hana looks at Masahiko with utter confusion and disgust.

"Why must what happen?" Said by Hana

"Come one Masahiko, why must what happen?" Said by Hana

Hana shakes Masahiko vigorously trying to get her to snap out of it.

"Oh Hana, I've always wondered, why do you look this beautiful" said by Masahiko in a very very concerning way.

"Wtf" said by Hana

Masahiko grabs Hana's shoulders and puts her hand on her cheek, and she leans in very close.

"Oh nah, I'm not dealing with this" said by Hana

Hana pushes Masahiko away from her trying to get some distance. She ran towards Shouta's room to get her phone to call Shouta, she successfully evades Masahiko for now, but will it last long.

*back at the hospital*

"So why did you want me to stay?" Said by Shouta.

"Well I guess it felt natural, my senses told me to do so" Sumi replied.

"Senses?" Shouta Asked.

"The voices in my head, I called it my senses" Sumi Replied

*in Shouta's mind*

"Well I do kinda miss it when her memories aren't all botched up, but then again it is what it is".

"Well did you want to talk about something?" Shouta Asked.

"Well I do have a question" said by Sumi

"What is it?" Shouta Asked.

"Who are you?" Sumi Asked.

"Well I thought I already said who I was" Shouta replied.

"I tend to forget things I guess" Sumi replied.

*sighs* "I'm going to write it down, just in case you forgot" said by Shouta.

Shouta wrote something on a piece of paper.

"There this should be something you'd remember me by" said by Shouta.

Sumi grabs the paper and opens it, but shortly gets interrupted by Kiyomi opening the door very loud.

"Didn't I tell you Shouta to stay away from her!" Said by Kiyomi Furiously.

*in Shouta's mind*

"Wait how on earth did she manage to find me?"

"I'm sorry Shouta I tried to stop her but she just kept tackling us" said by Kaiser.

"Us?" Shouta Asked

Katsuhito walks out of the shade to reveal himself.

"Katsuhito?!" Shouta said with utter confusion.

"Yeah what's wrong?" Katsuhito asked

"I thought you sided with her" Shouta said.

"Well I found out that she ended up drugging my drinks all the time, and it caused me to act that way, you know I'd never betray the boyz" said by Katsuhito.

"That's true" said by Shouta.

Kiyomi then tried tackle Shouta but then gets tackled by Hana.

"Hana?!" Said by Kiyomi.

"You don't know how fast I'd have to run here because of that freak" said by Hana.

Masahiko still tries to catch Hana, but Shouta just grabs her.

"Masahiko chill out, I know I kinda drugged you but it was because you couldn't sleep and I felt bad and got worried you'll get insomnia because of it so I tried to help you out with sleeping pills" said by Shouta.

Masahiko now tried to fight Shouta but Shouta still held her tight and resisted all the hits that was being thrown at him.

[MidStory Explanation: The sleeping Pills that Shouta gave Masahiko were not normal pills and also not recommended for human consumption, but since he did it anyways here are the stages that Masahiko will experience overtime.

1st stage: hallucination and nausea

2nd stage: aggression (current stage)

3rd stage: body temp heating up

4th stage: Coma

And these effects only have a 20% chance of happening. ]

Just then it started to rain.

"Oh it's raining" said by Kaiser

"I'm really sorry Masahiko but I have to do this" Said by Shouta.

Shouta karate chops her neck to knock her out. And it worked, Masahiko got knocked out almost instantly.

"You alright Hana?" Shouta asked.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" said by Hana

Kiyomi tried even harder to break free from Hana.

"Stop resisting Kiyomi, this isn't like you at all" said by Hana.

It got so bad that they called the police. The police got here eventually. The police told Hana to let her go and they'll handle the rest, just then when they tried to capture Kiyomi, she grabbed the police's gun and pointed it at everyone. The police tried to negotiate with Kiyomi to drop the gun but she didn't comply and she prepared to shoot. She shot the gun without hesitation, but who did she shoot? It was Shouta, she shot at the direction of Shouta, but before she shot it she said "This is for all the trouble you've caused me Shouta!".

But then Shouta's vision began to slow down, it's like seeing in slow motion, he thought to himself "Am I finally gonna die? Right here right now? Finally god you've answered my prayers I've wanted to die soon, finally the suffering is over." He closed his eyes and smiled.

But just as the bullet was gonna make contact with Shouta's body, he was pushed and his vision slowly sped up till it was normal. When he opened his eyes he saw Sumi dashed in the way and took the bullet, when Shouta's mind finally realized what happened, he thought to himself "Wha? What happened". Then when he saw her body his eyes became soulless and he ended up falling onto his knees and his eyes began to tear and he began shaking Sumi's body.

"Sumi, Sumi Sumi" Shouta began saying after shaking her rapidly.

"Come on Sumi, no time to BS me, please wake up, I don't want to live in a world where you don't exist" said by Shouta.

No matter how Shouta tried he still felt helpless, he felt like he did something wrong, he felt something missing.

"PLEASE WAKE UP!!" Shouta screamed.

"Please I don't want you to die, we haven't goten married yet, there is so mich things to do, you can't just end it here." Said by Shouta.

"Why? Why did it have to be you? Why Can't it be me? You've suffered twice because of me, when is it my turn to suffer?" Said by Shouta.

"If only I could trade my soul for yours I wouldn't waste a second, I'd do it without hesitation" said by Shouta.

With a weak and faint voice Sumi managed to say "Jeez Shouta, you can stop talking now, I've already known how you felt for a long time, but then again this is why I was interested in you, because you had a lot to say, and you wouldn't give up till you won".

"Shouta I don't have much time left *coughs blood* but I want to say every time I spent time with you it's always a good time, it's like the good times are always with you, no matter how boring it got you found ways to extend our conversation, to make sure I never got bored, go on and live the life I've always wanted, achieve our goals, and don't follow my path make your own" and then she grabbed his head and kissed him.

Sumi took her last breath and then *flat line* her heart stopped beating, Shouta screamed and and cried. He saw her soul leave her body, and she said "Don't cry Shouta, Don't worry about me, I'll always be watching over you, and even if you forget about me I'll always love you. See you later Shouta"

Her soul descends to the sky and the sky cleared up and stopped raining.

"See you later Natsumi" said by Shouta.

A few years go by Shouta and his friends are doing well and everyday since Sumi died Shouta has been seen going up a mountain to talk to himself, that spot on the mountain ended up where Sumi and Shouta hang out and he goes there everyday to talk to her and update her with current events. No matter how bad the weather was or if he was sick, he went there regardless.

"You know Sumi senpai, I keep having the same dream over and over again, you and I met in a different way, we met in Tokyo after I got lost, it seemed like a fantasy story to me, and after some hardship we finally get together and we got married and had twins, I wish I could talk to you one more time, see you later Natsumi" said by Shouta one last time.