Chapter 1: Lost and found: A Chance Encounter?

The story of Natsumi Hina and Shouta Miyuzuki ended quick but satisfying. Only 14 chapters? pfft we can do better. This story is about what if Natsumi Hina never got hit by the tuck plus extended storyline. Here we go.

Shouta Miyuzuki was an American with Japanese blood in him, so he is a mix of American and Japanese. He speaks mainly english but sometimes Japanese, the reason why he mainly speaks english is because he often struggles with the pronunciation of certan words, and he also can't read japanese.

The airplane that is traveling to japan is landing very shortly at Haneda Airport. The captain announced that they are landing very shortly, and after a while they finally landed.

*yawns* "Finally after 14 hours *stretches* I'm home" Shouta shouted.

"Anyways I wonder what it's like here in the land of the rising sun" said by Shouta.

Shouta Miyuzuki has just arrived to Japan specifically Tokyo.


"Hello I am Shouta Miyuzuki, I am only 16 years old, and I came from New york City America, my favorite color is blue, and I am a Virgo. Apparently I have japanese in my blood after taking a blood test I found out, so I decided to spend my entire year here in Japan, hopefully I get to make a lot of friends and hopefully even get a girlfriend that I can eventually marry, but that is pushing my luck a bit too far. I have a bucket list of things to do like, Enroll in a great school, Learn the language, make some friends, and hopefully find my grandpa, cause my japanese blood came from there.

So my mother's name is Shara Dawson and my father's name is Yuki Miyuzuki, so you can probably tell where my japanese blood came from. My mother is doing well back in america but my father is unfortunately no longer with me, due to an unfortunate illness I was passed to my mother, but my mother isn't the nicest person so I felt like I was just rotting back in america, so I fled my home and went to japan using the left over money that I inherited from my father, I still have money left so I can survive, that's why I'm looking for my grandfather because he could teach me these things. Anyways I'm hording the spotlight way too long so let's continue with the story. "

"Alright based on my map the nearest apartment here should just be down the road" said by Shouta.

After walking for a while he was lost, he couldn't find the apartment and the more he walked the more he ended up lost.

"Sumimasen, Daijoubu?" Asked by a Stranger

"Oh uh I uhh umm" Shouta began to stutter as he could barely understand what she said.

"Soka, *clears throat* is this better?" Said by the stranger.

"Yes, I am really sorry to be a bother to you" said by Shouta.

"Bother? What do you mean?" Asked by the stranger.

"I mean you had to adjust to what english just because of me" said by Shouta.

"Oh don't worry it's no big deal, I speak english from time to time anyways" replied by the stranger.

"Anyways you probably don't know who I am, so let me introduce myself. My name is Natsumi Hina, nice to meet you" said by Natsumi.

"Oh that's a pretty name" said by Shouta while avoiding blushing.

"Oh why thank you random dude" replied by Natsumi.

"Oh yeah, I am Shouta Miyuzuki, nice to meet you too." Said by Shouta.

"Oh Miyuzuki eh, so you are a Japanese who doesn't know how to speak Japanese?" Natsumi Asked.

"Yeah I am, I know it may sound a little weird but yes it's true, but I do speak a little japanese from time to time." Said by Shouta.

"Oh is that so?" Natsumi asked.

"Okay let's hear it then" Natsumi added.

"Umm, I'm not sure I am ready for the humiliation that I'm about to experience" said by Shouta.

"Nonsense, come on I won't judge you, with a cute face like that how could I" said by Natsumi.

"Aww, you really think so?" Shouta asked.

"Well considering we just met, it's kinda hard to say that anyways, so for now based on looks yes you are adorable" Natsumi replied.

*in Shouta's mind*

"Oh my heart can't contain it, I've caught feelings for this person, she is saying I am adorable, and here I am just starstruck."

"Umm hello? Shouta? Maybe I should kiss him" said by Natsumi.

"WHAAAATTT!!!" said by Shouta.

"Oh it looks like your fine afterall" said by Natsumi.

"You know what forget it, I know you're nervous so let's just walk together" said by Natsumi.

"Come on, I'll show you around Shou" said by Natsumi.

"Shou?" Shouta asked.

"Yep! It's a nickname I gave you. What you don't like it?" Natsumi replied.

"What no, when did I say that? I think it's very cute, like you" said by Shouta.

"Are you trying to hit on me?" Natsumi asked.

"What oh umm uhhh oh I uhh" Said by Shouta while panicking.

"Don't worry it's fine I appreciate it, don't stress it" said by Natsumi.

"If you're gonna give me a nickname I'll give you one too" said by Shouta.

"Great idea! What do you got for me?" Natsumi replied.

"Let's see, how about Natsu?" Said by Shouta.

"Come on you can do better" Natsumi replied.

"Okay how about Hina?" Shouta asked.

"Hmm it's good but it's just my last name, so try again" said by Natsumi.

"Alright how about Sumi?" Shouta asked.

"Sumi? That's a great one! I love it!" Said by Sumi.

"Anyways what were you doing there Shouta?" Sumi asked.

"Well I kinda got lost" Shouta replied.

"Really? Where were you trying to go anyways?" Sumi asked.

"Well I am trying to get an apartment since I kinda just got here." Said by Shouta.

"Well I would let you live with me, but I don't know how my mom would react if she found out that I let a boy live with me, she'll the wrong ideas and then next thing you know everyone that I know now knows that I slept/lived with a boy." Said by Sumi.

"That bad huh" said by Shouta.

"Yes extremely. Wait if you are trying to get an apartment, then that means you're a runaway" said by Sumi.

".... " -Shouta

"Your silence confirms it" said by Sumi.

"Why did you left your home anyways? And where did you come from?" Sumi asked.

"Well I left home because I felt like I was trapped or suffocated back there on new york at america" Shouta replied.

":D" -Sumi

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Shouta asked.

"America ya :D" said by Sumi.