Chapter 3: Shadows of the Night: A Rescue and a Revelation

"S- Sumi? Sumi!" Shouta shouted.

Shouta managed to catch her unconscious body before she had hit the ground, Shouta started rapidly shaking her body to try to wake her up, but it wasn't working, Shouta was about to give up, but he thought to himself "would I really be a good person if I gave up and let her body just stay there?" So he sprinted to try to get a doctor or at least an ambulance, he was so focused that he ran onto the streets, when he did a car was driving past as well but he didn't see it. When he finally realized it it was too late, he was already infront of the car, even if the car, stopped it would still hit him. But just then he felt an arm grabbing the back of his shirt and he got pulled, he looked behind him and it was a random man who saved him.

"Are ya' okay?" Said by the random stranger.

Shouta noded his head in agreement, Shouta was speechless due to the incident that just happened, so he couldn't find the right words to say so instead he moves his head whether he agrees or not. The man offered to walk him home, Shouta was skeptical at first but eventually he accepted his offer.

"Just to not be creepy I'll tell you my name, Ryuunosuke Hifumi" said by Ryuunosuke.

"I am Shouta Miyuzuki" said by Shouta.

"So what were you doing out of that road?" Ryuunosuke asked.

"Well my friend needs help, she just collapsed out of nowhere." Shouta replied.

"Oh so it's your girlfriend?" Ryuunosuke asked.

Shouta's face turned entirely red from blushing too hard. "W- what n- no" Shouta tries his best to deny it. Ryuunosuke just laughs and says "little man I really got you there hahahaha, your face turned red as a tomato." Shouta was embarrased.

*in Shouta's mind*

"Why did my face turned red all the sudden? It was just a joke but it felt like something, is this what falling in love feels like? When he mentioned if she was my girlfriend, my heart was beating really really fast, it was like a F1 car."

"Look kid, I'm not a medical expert but I am still gonna walk you home, because I don't know if you've experienced pain before, and I don't want you to just be walking alone, I mean it's night in tokyo nothing really good happens when it's night, even though it is pretty safe most of the time, you can't be too sure, I mean I've seen it first hand, many dangerous people lurk in the streets of Tokyo, they may seem like regular people but they're way too despicable to be human." Said by Ryuunosuke to warn Shouta.

"That bad huh?" Shouta asked.

"Yes very bad" Ryuunosuke replied.

"I'm just messing with ya' " said by Ryuunosuke.

"QUIT DOING THAT! WILL YA!!" Shouta yelled at Ryuunosuke.

"Although still even if it's safe, becareful out here, you may never know who is lurking in the shadows" said by Ryuunosuke.

"Anyways I have more things to do back at my home so I'll see ya' when I see ya', if you need anything hit me up" said by Ryuunosuke.

Ryuunosuke hands Shouta a bussiness card with a symbol, bussiness name, and a contact number.

"I can't read Japanese, like hell I'm calling him" said by Shouta.

Shouta walks back to his apartment to see that Sumi was still unconscious on the ground. Shouta failed to get help so he picked her up and walked into the apartment building.

"Wait she's actually pretty light" A detail said by Shouta.

Shouta reached his room and placed Sumi onto some mattresses and placed a blanket on her body. [Yes he bought a full size mattress]. Shouta began to organize the stuff he bought from the market. After 2 hours he finished and he was exhausted so he sat on the ground and rested. Eventually due to extreme exhaustion he fell asleep on the ground. After a while Sumi woke up and saw Shouta laying on the freezing ground, fast asleep.

"Shouta?!" Sumi said in a weak voice.

"Shouta, why are you on the ground?" Sumi asked.

Shouta didn't respond as he was already asleep, Sumi didn't want Shouta to suffer for her, so she tried to drag his body onto the matress but he was too heavy. So she thought of a strange idea, and it was to sleep with him at the ground. At first this idea was a horrible idea, but then again she didn't really have a choice, it was either letting him suffer or sleeping with him. She prayed before she slept, thanking the lord for his blessings, and apologizing for the sins she's commited. She then grabbed a blanket and covered Shouta and herself and prayed that he won't mind.

The sun had risen and Shouta woke up first because he was fully energized at that point, when he woke up he realized that there was a blanket on him and Sumi was right beside him, he freaked out when he saw Sumi on the ground but he calmed himself down as he didn't want her waking up because of him freaking out.

"Sumi? Why did you do this?" Shouta asked but quickly realized that she was a deep sleeper. So he picked her up and placed her on the mattress again. After a while Sumi woke up to Shouta trying to cook but was failing so bad.

"Come on work with me here" Shouta was devastated as he really couldn't cook, but he was determined.

"Alright 46th egg don't fail me now" said by Shouta.

Sumi was shocked to hear "46th egg" because he used up way too many eggs. Sumi tried to get up from the bed but she was struggling, so she just crawled instead. When Shouta realized this he stopped what he was doing and rushed to Sumi to help her out.

"No I'm fine Shouta, keep your eyes on the food, you don't want to make it 47th egg do you?" said by Sumi.

"B- but you're struggling" said by Shouta.

"I'm fine Shouta I can get up on my own." Said by Sumi.

Shouta continued cooking, and his egg exploded into bits. Shouta was upset because he couldn't cook.

"Didn't your mom teach you how to cook?" Sumi asked.

Shouta stared at her with a "really?" look

"Oh yeah right, I'm sorry" Sumi apologized to Shouta.

"Let me cook Shouta, you can sit down and wait." Said by Sumi.

Shouta sat down and watched her cook breakfast for both of them.

*in Shouta's mind*

"Yeah this is what falling in love feels like, my heart craves for her attention, even though she has black hair, brown eyes, and wears glasses that doesn't mean she doesn't look good, she looks elegant."

Shouta still can't help but remember the incident last night.

*in shouta's mind once again*

"I still remember last night, I nearly died, I felt something else, I felt like I've experience the same thing somewhere before, but where?"

Shouta's thinking was interrupted by the smell of Sumi's cooking. "It was beautiful" Shouta described. "It was like heaven" Shouta yet again described. After eating breakfast Sumi asked Shouta "Why did you take car of me?" Shouta got confused by what she meant.

"I mean you brought me to your room and you slept on the floor." said by Sumi.

"Why did you sleep with me?" Shouta asked.

"Well it's because I felt bad for you sleeping on the floor." Sumi replied.

"But we're both minors aren't we?" Shouta asked.

"Look Shouta, just keep it a secret that we slept together." Said by Sumi.

"But it's illegal ain't it not?" Shouta asked.

"Yes, but just keep it a secret, my parents will be mad if I got sent to jail" Sumi replied.