Chapter 4: Recollections: The Parallel World?

"I mean not like a have a choice anyways" said by Shouta.

"Good, then just keep your mouth shut" said by Sumi.

"I have somewhere to go, go find a school and enroll there, and you should complete another task on your list" said by Sumi.

Sumi leaves after cooking breakfast, Shouta didn't want to bother her evenmore so he didn't care chasing her. Shouta took her word and searched through the internet, and eventually found one he enrolled and waited. He ate the breakfast that Sumi cooked and after that he got dressed and he explored Tokyo for a bit while waiting for the school to reply.

"Alright, Tokyo is massive, how am I gonna explore this place, it'll take me at least 2 days to finish exploring the place" said by Shouta.

After hours of exploring Shouta got tired and went back to his apartment, he hasn't explored most of Tokyo, he only explored a quarter of it. "Man Tokyo is huge, it will take me at least 3 days to visit all the popular tourist spots, not to mention the expenses, I'll be broke by then". He went back to his apartment and looked in his phone and still no reply, this went on for days even weeks until after 3 weeks. "Huh? A notification appeared, ohhh?" Shouta's body was filled with excitement as he was accepted, the email said. "Hello good evening Mr. Miyuzuki, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted in Tokyo Highschool. Although I have to inform you, we are currently in the final quarter, and because of that you will have to catch up on some works in order to pass, we will send it directly to you. Goodluck Mr. Miyuzuki"

"Huh??" Shouta was befuddled.

"Many works to catch up to in order to pass?!" Said by Shouta.

"I guess it's fair since I enrolled very late, it can't be that much anyway" said by Shouta.

*notification 99+*

Shouta clicks on the notifications, "WHATT!?!!? 99+ works?!!?" Shouta was very surprised but he expected it, since a year of works is a lot so he expected a lot but not that much. Shouta spent his entire 2 weeks doing nothing but schoolworks, until he finally finished "Finally" Shouta was relieved, he stretched and sent all of the schoolworks he had to do. The school sent him the schedule and said he will be starting tomorrow morning.

"I wonder what this school is like, am I gonna get a girlfriend? If I do, I want it to be like her, but that'll probably never happen, I mean look at me, who would like someone like me? Not even my mom likes me, even so I can't let that stop me from trying." Said by Shouta.

"I guess it's the same dinner anyways, I'm running very low on money, man if I had enough money I'd explore the world, but I have to explore Japan first" said by Shouta.

Shouta went to sleep after eating some instant ramen because that was all he could afford.

"Sumi? Sumi!!" Shouta couldn't scream lpud enough, he witnessed her being hit by a truck while chasing after her. Shouta woke up, he was sweating he looked at the time, "was that just a dream? That felt real, very real, it felt like it was happening in front of my eyes, it felt like it was happening right now." Shouta got dressed, and still thought about that dream, his legs was shaking, everytime he tried to stand, he kept falling. He finally calmed down as he saw the sun rising, "is this why they call it, the land of the rising sun?" He walked towards the school as he saw cherry blossoms fall down.

"Hey, excuse me, is this Tokyo Highschool?" Shouta asked a student.

"Umm yes? Can't you read?" Said by the random student.

The random student met up with her friend group and started laughing because of Shouta.

"What was that for?" Shouta said to himself.

"Man, this is the worst, I can't read Japanese or speak Japanese at all" said by Shouta.

"I know some words but that's it" said by Shouta.

"Hopefully I find my classroom" said by Shouta before running in the school to find his classroom.

"Just as I thought, the classrooms are all in Japanese text, the school didn't mention this" said by Shouta.

"Hey are you struggling?" Asked by a random student.

Shouta looked back and it was the same student back at the entrance, the one who made fun of him [kinda].

"Are you gonna laugh at me?" Shouta asked.

"What no, I would never, anyways, I've never seen you before, are you new here?" Said by the random student.

"Uhh yes actually, I just transferred" Shouta replied.

"My name is Kiyomi Kaitou, Nice to meet you" said by Kiyomi.

"I am Shouta Miyuzuki, Nice to meet you" said by Shouta.

"Shouta Miyuzuki eh? So you're japanese?" Kiyomi asks.

"Well technically I'm half American half Japanese" Shouta replied.

"Half eh? Very interesting. So what Japanese can't read Basic Japanese words?" Kiyomi asked.

"Well again I'm half American Half Japanese, I was raised in America so I didn't have time to learn Japanese." Shouta replied.

"I didn't really ask" said by Kiyomi.

"Well, I am Shouta Miyuzuki nice to meet you" said by Shouta.

"You said that already" said by Kiyomi.

"Whatever just introduce again" said by Shouta.

"Fine, I am Kiyomi Kaitou, nice to meet you" said by Kiyomi.

Shouta offered his hand for a handshake, but she bower her head, Shouta and Kiyomu was confused for a second and stopped moving. They both yelled as people misunderstood what they were doing [if you know you know] Shouta and Kiyomi just blushes and looks away from each other.

"You're despicable" said by Kiyomi.

"You're the one bending over" said by Shouta.

"Again I was bowing, and second of all why would I bend over for you?" Said by Kiyomi.

Shouta stutters as he was trying to find the right words to say, "What? Can't say anything?" Said by Kiyomi.

*in Shouta's mind*

"It's so weird, it's like I've seen her before, but where?"

"Hello?" Said by Kiyomi, she snaps her fingers to try to get his attention.

"Shouta?" Sumi asked.