Chapter 6: The Downpour: Strange Sudden Memories

Shouta stares outside the window wondering if Sumi has similar feelings for him. Just then rain starts pouring and Shouta realized that he did not bring an umbrella.

*in Shouta's mind*

"Why did it have to rain? Out of all the time it could've rain, why now. Alright Shouta don't panic... don't panic... It's okay, the rain will stop soon.... you don't have to worry about the rain..."

Shouta's breathing becomes heavy as he began to panic, sweat slowly starts dripping from his forehead due to him panicking. Masahiko notices this and asks "Hey Shouta, are you okay?"

Shouta looks back at her trying to hide his sweat, he looks at her with a straight face and says "I'm fine". Masahiko looks at Shouta with a confused look, she adjusts her glasses and she replied with "Okay, if you need anything just ask."

The rain started to pour harder and lightning started to flash. The rain became heavy and soon it turned into a thunderstorm. Shouta began to panic even more due to the rain becoming heavier as he didn't bring an umbrella.

*in Shouta's mind*

"I don't know a single person here except Masahiko and Kiyomi, but it would be very awkward to ask either of them, even though Masahiko told me that I could ask her it'll be embarrassing for me to ask."

Time passes by slowly but surely, Shouta began to control his breathing and calmed down a bit, the rain still hasn't die down after a long amount of time. After a while the bell rings and everyone began to pack their things and leave, they said their goodbyes and left, however Shouta stayed in the classroom longer than everyone else, he tried thinking of an idea on how to avoid being hit but it was all of his ideas were futile. Sumi walks pass their room and saw Shouta was the only one remaining.

She approached him and asked "Why are you still here?" Shouta turned his head slowly towards her and he said, embarrassed "I- I forgot m- my umbrella". Sumi smiled and slightly chuckled at him and says "Oh no worries, I'm still here... I can share my umbrella with you if you want^^ ".

He thought to himself "She's like a savior, a true goddess... But wait, after that incident happened she's still willing to help me out..."

Shouta was debating whether he should accept the offer kindly or reject the offer out of respect, "Thanks Sumi but I don't want to keep relying on you, it's not that I hate you or anything like that, I just don't want to be clingy at you." He said sincerely.

Sumi's eyes glistened as Shouta said those words, "Shouta... I- I don't care, you're sharing this umbrella with me whether you like it or not". Sumi grabbed his hand and ran towards the exit, Sumi looked back at him and smiled, Shouta never felt this kind of feeling before "is this what it feels like to fall in love?" Shouta kept asking himself. Sumi suddenly stepped on a puddle and slipped, Shouta's mind began to play a strange but familiar memory, her slipping towards the road triggered a memory, it felt so real... it's like it's gonna happen just now.

"It's that dream again... what is going on? It's like... It's happened before" said by Shouta in his mind.

Shouta instinctively grabbed her hand and pulled her back right before an incoming truck drove past them "Hey, watch it!" The truck driver screamed. Shouta was horrified after what had happened, he was sweating so much. Sumi's breathing became heavy as she nearly got ran over by an incoming truck.

*in Shouta's mind*

"What was that? It's like I knew what was gonna happen... These memories I've been having, it's like they've happened before, but when?"

Sumi hugged Shouta tight as her eyes began to tear up, her legs was shaking, she fell onto the ground as her legs stopped working out of fear. Shouta grabbed the umbrella and picked up Sumi. "Don't worry Sumi san, I'll carry you home". Shouta was unsure about his feelings for her before as it was natural for him to fall in love easily with other people, but this time he was sure that she was the one he wanted. He felt that his feelings was true and unlike before.

Shouta struggled a bit to lift her up, even though he was taller than her, she was heavier than expected. After a while of trying he finally succeeded and lifted her up, Sumi screamed as Shouta nearly dropped her, she held him tight and told him "Shouta! Please don't do that. I'm still your senior!" Sumi slapped Shouta and yelled at him "That's what you get for nearly dropping me like that!" Shouta looked down as he felt the sting of her slap, She looked at him with a guilty look and said "H- hey Shouta.. I didn't mean to slap you too hard, please don't be sad, I'll kiss you to make you feel better." Shouta's face began to turn red as he heard those words come out of her mouth.

"Wait really?" Shouta asked in a unsure voice.

"I'm just joking, but you turned so red" said by Sumi.

Sumi laughs at Shouta and she says "you should've seen your face, the fact that you turned so red" Shouta was unable to think clearly but he manages to say "You know you gotta stop getting my hopes up like that, I could've dropped you". Sumi grins and says "Do you perhaps like me?" Shouta blushes and stutters "M- me? N- no way" Sumi laughs and replies "Oh yeah? Then why were you so red when I said that I'll kiss you?" Shouta replied with "I- I'll take a kiss from anyone". Shouta kept trying to deny her accusations but Sumi wasn't convinced at all.

Eventually, they both arrive to Sumi's house, "You know, we live particularly close to each other." He said. "Yeah, it's odd, maybe it's a coincidence" said by Sumi.

"Should I introduce myself to your parents?" Shouta asks.

"W- what! No way, they'll assume things" Sumi replied.

"I was just joking." Said by shouta.

"Well you better be, you got me nervous there." Sumi replied.

"H- hey you turned red as well" said by Shouta.

"W- what n- no, what are you talking about?" Sumi began stuttering.

Shouta laughed at her and Sumi looked away covering her face in embarrassment.

"Well since my legs are working again, you don't have to walk me inside." Said by Sumi.

"Oh alright then." Shouta replied.

Shouta puts her down gently and began to leave, but right before he left Sumi said "Wait! I may not have given you a kiss, but I'll give you my number as a good second place" Shouta's eyes filled with excitement his heart never beated this fast in his life before. "Oh and keep the umbrella, since yous still have to walk in the rain. Just return it to me tomorrow at school." She said after giving her number to him. Shouta waved goodbye to Sumi and left, Sumi entered her house to see her mother standing there. "Who was that young man?" Her mother asks.

"Oh he's just a friend from school" Sumi replied.

"He seems nice, maybe invite him over for dinner sometime" her mother suggested.