Chapter 7: Self Doubts

Shouta went back home. "Finally, I'm back home" he said.

"It sure is nice to have her as a companion" Shouta thought.

Shouta opened the umbrella once again and he placed it down right behind the front door to let it dry.

"Should I call the number she gave me?" Shouta thought.

He grabbed his phone, unlocked it, and he started to type the number.

"Maybe I'll just be a bother to her, so maybe I shouldn't call it right now" He thought, putting away his phone.

He layed down on his bed thinking "Will she like me back the same way I like her? I mean look at me, I look ugly, she doesn't deserve someone like me, she's too good."

"My chest just feels tight thinking about it, I mean I have no chance, and she probably likes other boys, like Kaiser from my class, damn it, he's handsome, she's probably into him." He thought.

"I'll just contact a friend" he said.

He pulled out his phone and contacted this friend of his.

"Hey, can we meet up in Kaze Cafe?" Shouta said.

"Sure I guess, but I do have strict parents, so let me get permission first." The friend said.

After a while of blank, his friend came back.

"So my parents allowed me, what time?" Teh friend asked.

"How about 7:00 pm?" Shouta said.

"Sounds great, meet ya there later!" The friend said.

Shouta hung up the call and prepared to go to the cafe. After 2 hours it was 7:00 pm and Shouta arrived just in time, he reserved a seat for his friend and waited. After like a minute or so his friend arrived.

"I'm so glad that you can make it Kiyomi." Shouta said joy ish.

"Looks like you weren't lying, you are punctual." She said.

"So what did you want to talk about." She asked.

"Well umm you know umm" Shouta stuttered.

"Okay okay chill out a bit, I'll ask you something before you continue." She said putting her finger right in front of his nose.

"So is it true that you have a crush on Sumi senpai?" She asked.

Shouta blushed very hard to the point his face were comparable to a tomato.

"Oh!! So you do have a crush on her!" She said laughing and clapping slowly.

Shouta seemed a bit embarrassed.

"Don't worry Shouta your secret is safe with me, but I do gotta ask, how did you fall in love with her?" She asked.

"Oh umm this is embarrassing, but she's kind and she's cute." Shouta said embarrassed.

"But I do gotta tell you, you have no chance." She said.

"Yeah I know..." Shouta said looking away.

"Damn it, why does she have to remind me about that? Like I know she doesn't like me, but I don't need constant reminders" he thought.

"Hey Shouta? You okay?" Kiyomi asks.

"By the way, I did get her number earlier." He said trying to change the subject.

"Yiee" she teased him.

"Stop that! You're making me embarrassed." He said.

"Okay okay, so are you gonna call it?" She asked.

"Should I do it?" He asked.

"Go for it bro, it'll be fine." She said.

"Hey about earlier I didn't mean for it to go too harsh, but it's the truth, and I'm on the same page as you, I have somebody I like, but I'm no match for him." She said trying to help Shouta out.

She held his hand after she said that.

"That's not helping" he said pulling his hand back slowly.

"Well it should, and since I am keeping your secret safe, I expect you do the same with mines." She said.

"Yeah yeah." He said.

"Thanks for the drink!" She said.

"I hope I gotta help you out a bit." She added.

"I'll give you my number, just in case you need anything from me." She said.

She gave her number to Shouta and gave him a kiss on the cheek, she waved him goodbye and left. Shouta blushed a bit from her kiss, and he left as well.

"Damn it, why did she have to do that? Now I have a kiss mark on my cheek from her lipstick." He thought.

Shouta went back home feeling joy ish from Kiyomi.

"Alright, maybe I should call her." He thought.

He grabbed his phone and started to type it in and he dialed it.

*Sumi's POV*

"Hmm? My phone is ringing, I wonder who it can be?" Sumi said picking up her phone.

"Oh it's Shouta!" She said with joy.

"Oh dear, this is the first time a boy has called me from my number, I feel nervous." She thought.

"Hello?" She said.

"Oh hey Sumi, is that you?" Shouta asked.

"Yes this is Natsumi, why did you call me?" She asked.

"Well I just thought that this could be a way to get closer with each other, to get to know each other better." He said.

"That sounds lovely! Sure I'd love to talk to you!" She said joyfully.

They talked for hours and hours, they shared many things similar like: The love for rain, same elementary school, same plan for college, similar birthday, etc.

"Ooh umm Shouta, I have to go, I hear footsteps, if I don't message you back, then I'm probably asleep or my phone was taken away" She said.

"Oh okay, Goodnight then!" Shouta said.

"Goodnight Shouta! See you at school!" She said.

Shouta hung up and layed down on his bed.

"This feels wonderful, I feel like I have a chance with her, she's wonderful, we share so many things alike, is this what falling in love feels like" he thought.

Shouta feels ecstatic, they approximately talked for 6 hours, and Shouta doesn't feel any sleepiness at all.

"Oh man, it's 3:00 am, I should get some sleep, Sumi probably doesn't want me sleeping at a late time like this." He said.

Shouta looked up on the ceiling, closed his eyes, and slept.