chapter 12 strength path gu

Grip Gu a Gu worm that has a very simple effect it increases the strength of gripping. It's a simple Gu thus it's food is also common as it eats tendons.

This Gu left a deep impression on me thanks to the people who did choose this Gu. Although most people didn't make it all the way to the 6th fight some still made it to the 3rd or 4th fight obtaining the higher rank recipes.

After some time and experimenting new Gu recipes and fusion paths were created with this Gu. Such as fire hand, ice hand,qi hand, and several similar gu's were made thanks to grip gu. Though their was one Gu master that truly elevated this Gu.

He was in a demonic clan a clan that focused on soul path. Using grip gu and other soul path Gu worms he created a killer move called grab soul. He could literally take away someone's soul killing them instantly. Thanks to this killer move his strength greatly increased he even became an immortal.

Once he became a rank 6 immortal he deduced a new Gu soul grip gu. Shortening the time and cost of activating his strongest killer move. He would continue developing this Gu all the way to an immortal level.

One day though he began to sell soul grip gu's in the players shop. No one knew why but one thing was for sure he needed money. Since he would only accept irl cash and even though the immortal level Gu worm already existed plenty of people still valued such a Gu I was no exception.

At the end of the day grip gu was simply very compatible with many other Gu and can easily be added to a killer move increasing its value. So I must obtain its immortal recipe.

For now though I should prepare for the hunting test. A few days went by and the day of the hunt began.

Headmaster[ students today you will hunt the beasts on the outside of the clan. Behind me is a list of beasts that are common, beasts have different strength therefore they will also have different points. Of course if you find Gu they can also be used to exchange for points. Now let the competition begin!]

Some students ran off to hunt right away while some went up to the board to see which beasts give the most points. I went of to the south side of the village where there was less students.

I know of a beast that has a rank 2 strength path Gu worm in this area. In my last life a few students got severely injured fighting this beast to the point that the instructors had to intervene.

As I was looking around I heard a loud growl. So I chose to follow that sound after a while I spotted a large grey bear eating the corpse of a jaguar. That should be the beast with the Gu worm.

So I sent my jackal marionette at the bear. The bear was alerted once jackal was just a few steps away, but instead of having my jackal continue onwards I had it back away quickly. Just as jackal backed away the bears paw slammed into the place where the jackal once was creating a crater

I was right he does possess the Gu worm I'm looking for. The bear stood up and started to walk towards jackal, I had the jackal go towards a tree and place his back towards the beast.

The bear seeing his attacker stop charged at him. Just as the beast was almost within striking distance I had jackal tuck and roll to the side. As he did so the bear hit the tree snapping it in half. However is let out another growl this time though it sounded like it was in pain.

The bear was trying to walk on all fours only for its paw to be unable to support itself. It hurt itself striking the tree the Gu worm might have increased its strength but in a way its a double edge sword. Since the bear had no way to increase its defense its body could not withstand hitting something hard.

With its paw injured its speed heavily decreased. I had jackal raise its sword hand you could see that there was metal shards on the edges of the blade. I then activated wood shape Gu and the small metal blades began rotating around the sword.

When I had hired the blacksmith to make a custom item. I made four wooden bands and had him cover it and put metal blades on the edge. I then placed it on the jackals sword like hand, then using wood shape Gu I could have the wood holding the metal blades rotate essentially making a chainsaw.

With the bear being unable to walk I had jackal run around him and strike him using the chainsaw whenever it had the chance. The bear tried to attack with its other hand but with a injured paw it wasn't able to land any hit. Meanwhile jackal kept on hitting it with the chainsaw making it bleed more and more.

It started to react slower and slower. I had jackal stay in place in front of the bear keeping all of its attention on it. The bear raised its paw ready to strike. It's breathing had become rugged, jackal started to approach but before the bear could react five long strings wrapped around its head making it fall backwards.

The bear swung its paw hitting nothing it then tried to sit back up but that was enough time for jackal to run up to it and strike it's neck cutting deep. This time the bear fell down for the final time.

I approached it with a jar in my hand, I stood still looking at its body. After a while a small black flea crawled off the bears body. I then put the jar over it and backed away grabbing another jar out of my backpack. CRACK the jar was destroyed and the flea was trying to leave again but it was covered in a sticky bown substance.

The substance was called sleeping amber. It's often used to make Gu hibernate, and to store Gu that are not being used. It's usually not used to capture Gu since most Gu are fast, but I know this ones not.

I wish I could refine it but it's a rank 2 Gu it would take to long to refine it by myself. I'm going to need my family's help in refining this Gu. I then skinned the bear as the hide of the beasts were necessary for the points. I could get more if i brought the whole bear, but I'm not strong enough to carry a full grown bear. Even if I could carry it with jackal I don't have enough primeval essence to do so.

Having jackal fight and activating wood shape Gu at the same time drained me. I only brought a bottle of of liquid primeval essence in case of an emergency, but otherwise I don't want to risk exposing the liquid Gu. It's simply too valuable to lose, even if my branch family protected me they would definitely take the liquid Gu and use it themselves.

After I fully skinned the bear i headed back to the clan. Once there I turned in the bear hide and got 100 points for the bear. Slaying a bear would normally give nearly 200 points but since I only turned in the bear hide I only got half the reward.

I then started to refill my primeval essence using a primeval essence stone. Once I refilled my primeval sea essence I walked up to the point board.

It seems I'm in 27th place that's not bad. Most students are unable to take down a bear in a team let alone by themselves. Mainly because most students still only have the string Gu as their only Gu, but their are still a few students who have support from others.

Those students definitely have another Gu worm and are most likely in a team as well. I can't go back there to hunt, the only reason why I was able to find the bear was thanks to my past knowledge. I currently have no tracking Gu to help me find prey.

I only know of one other incident that happens during the test, but all I know is that it happens at the east side of the clan. In my last life I went with a team to the west side so my knowledge of what happens is only of what I'm told.

As I was thinking a few clansmen entered the clan carrying some injured students. It was hard to see how or where they got hurt, but by the amount of blood on their clothes it was clearly severe

Clansmen[ quick bring the medics!]

Headmaster[what happened out there? Why are they bleeding so much?]

As the medics began healing the students the clansmen explained to the headmaster the situation.

Clansmen[ a group from class B found a large hive of frenzy needle bees. Since there were Gu among them they tried to take them and...well you can see the aftermath.]

Headmaster[ and you lot just watched?!!]