chapter 13 capturing gu with good intent

Clansmen[ no sir we warned them before they even made an attempt, but they chose not to listen.]

Headmaster[ send healing Gu masters right away!]

Clansmen[yes sir]

I see so that's what happened I wasn't here in my last life so I wouldn't have known. Once they left I followed them although they saw me they didn't seem to care.

After about ten minutes of running I could hear screams and the smell of something burnt. In front of me there was several students running around some were bleeding all over the place.

The clansmen immediately went to heal them, as for the smell of smoke I could see one of the students was attacking the frenzy needle bees with what looked like a whip made of fire. Every time the swarm of frenzy needle bees were about to attack him he would hide behind the hive and then attack once they came around.

If I'm not wrong thats the rank 1 flame whip gu. That's one of the students in class B who has a b grade talent. He's also one of the few students who has an elders support.

Around him were several burned dead frenzy needle bees. What a waste..... He clearly only wants to turn them in for points, and to make sure that the Gu don't use their ability to pierce. He would stay near the hive since the frenzy needle bees have the instinct to protect their hive they wouldn't use their ability near it.

These frenzy needle bees have high value in our clan especially the Gu, because it can be fused with the string Gu to form needle Gu. A Gu that shoots out sharp pieces of thread and its food stays the same as the string Gu. Thus its value in the clan is always high, but it's only really valuable when it's alive, but capturing frenzy needle bees is very difficult.

Most of the time a defensive type Gu master and a healing Gu master work together to capture a few. Even then they don't capture many

I took off my backpack and brought out my eagle marionette. I took off his large green cloak and took his sword as well. I then brought out several different plant branches and attached them to the eagle marionette. Then I took out five jars filled with sleeping amber.

Then using marionette Gu I controlled eagle marionette to stand then I had eagle use the Gu that I had bought for it. Very quickly eagle and the branches on him were covered in a black liquid. I had bought kerosene Gu and gave it to eagle so that I could put him on fire. I then took out a flint and steel and with one spark eagle was set ablaze.

I then sent eagle near the hive, the frenzy needle bees were angry but there was nothing they could do to an enemy on fire. As the eagle kept burning it started to smoke more and more.

All the smoke was directly hitting the frenzy needle bees after some time some of the normal frenzy needle bees began to fall to the ground. While the rank 1 frenzy needle bees were getting sluggish as for the rank 2 they were still flying around with no issues.

The branches that I put on the eagle were sedative plants that can make people fall asleep if burned. My plan had always been to capture the frenzy needle bees. With them I could exchange for more useful resources.

I then had the eagle marionette sit down and then I began to control the jackal marionette. I had it pick up a two jars of sleeping amber and it started walking near the eagle marionette. The frenzy needle bees started attacking causing several small holes to appear on jackal. Had it been anyone alive they'd be dead.

He then started to pour sleeping amber on the rank 1 frenzy needle bees that were on the ground and once the amber solidified jackal picked them up and put them in his cloaks pockets. Now all I have to do is wait for the rest of the Gu to fall asleep even if the rank 2 Gu don't fall asleep they'll still be affected enough to let me capture them.

???[ What are you doing!!? how dare you steal my prey!!.]

I looked over to see the student who was attacking the hive with flame whip Gu. He was no longer near the hive, as he was about 20 feet away from me, staring at me with a angry glare.

Crim[ I did no such thing how dare you accuse me of such horrible thing. What evidence do you have that I interrupted your hunt.]

???[ What evidence!? Our clansmen are here and can clearly see that you are stealing my my prey. You think my Mera branch will just let this slide.]

So he was from the Mera branch no wonder he has a flame whip Gu. They specialize in fire type Gu.

As he was shouting the clansmen that came to heal the injured made their appearance

Clansmen[ what's going on here?]

???[ this scum is stealing my prey, and clearly he must compensate me by our rules, or I Jace Mera Ito will inform my uncle.]

Once the clansmen heard his explanation and his branch name they all began to stare at me

Crim[ I did no such thing how dare you accuse me Crim Don Ito of stealing from you.]

After saying my name Jace and the clansmen had different expressions. Jace was still mad but it was clear by his body language that he took a step back. As for the clansmen they no longer glared at me. Instead they all looked towards one man up front. As if understanding something the man walked between Jace and I.

???[ my name is Butch, and I think we all want to come to a peaceful resolution right? Now why don't you each explain yourselves one at a time.]

Jace[ theirs not much to say, I had found this hive of frenzy needle bees first and was collecting frenzy needle bees for points, but then he came and started a fire and I had to leave. Therefore he interrupted my hunt and must compensate me.]

Crim[ ha you mean to say all the frenzy needle bees were your prey. In that case all the cats and rodents are my prey by your logic any other students who hunted these animals stole my prey and must compensate me.]

Jace[ I never said all the frenzy needle bees were my prey, but that your smoke interrupted my hunt.]

Crim[ No the first thing you said was ( hOw dArE You sTeAl mY pReY) not how my smoke stopped you, therefore you claimed that all the frenzy needle bees were yours.]

Jace[ YOU!!!]

Just as he was about to yell at me more

Butch[ calm down we've heard your explanation Jace now lets hear out Crim]

Crim[ I was at the clan village about to leave when I overheard the clansmen say that some students were getting injured by a foe they couldn't handle. Thus I followed along when I arrived I found that the foe that was overwhelming them was the frenzy needle bees, and only Jace was fighting back by using his flame whip Gu. Thus as a member of the Don branch I used a herb with sedative qualities. Making the frenzy needle bees fall asleep and sealing them with sleeping amber. Not only did I stop the frenzy needle bees from hurting more of our clans men but I also captured them. I'm sure everyone knows the value of frenzy needle bees In our clan.]

The clansmen began talking with each other

Clansmen1[ its true he did fallow us here]

Clansmen2[ so he wanted to help his other classmates when he heard there was an enemy they couldn't handle.]

Clansmen3[ and he's even capturing the frenzy needle gu alive.]

Butch[ I've heard enough For now I will allow Crim to continue capturing the frenzy needle bees, but once we return we will inform the headmaster. Then he will decide what to do]

Jace still looked upset but what could he do these clansmen were all stronger than him, and if he tried to escalate the issue anymore he could tarnish his family's branch reputation.

Thus I continued to capture the frenzy needle bees under everyone's watch. Once jackal ran out of sleeping amber I had him return and get the last two jars of sleeping amber.

As he was half way finished with the last jar a change occurred with the frenzy needle bees. Before they were all chaotic flying around randomly with a lot falling prey to my smoke trap, but then they all gathered at the side of the hive where the smoke did not reach.

I wanted to move eagle so that the smoke would get them all, but he had already burned to the point to where I couldn't move him anymore. As I was looking at the ball of frenzy needle bees from the hive a Golden frenzy needle bee the size of a fist came out. Once I saw it I quickly had jackal run back to me and ran with him

Crim[ run!!! that's a needle queen!]

Jace[ a needle queen? why are you afraid of it?]

Jace said wanting to mock me, but before he could say anymore

Butch[ Hans protect those two and take them back to the clan, this has escalated to the point where we have to intervene.]

Butch said with a serious look, Jace still didn't understand but the man called Hans didn't care. He grabbed him and ran towards the clan.