chapter 14 pleading my case

I kept running until the hive was long out of my sight. Only resting when I needed to catch my breath, then I kept running till I was back at the clan. Hans and jace were right next to me as well

Hans[ I must go inform the headmaster]

With that he left as while Jace and I were still trying to compose ourselves

Jace[ what.... The hell..... is a needle queen?]

He said while still struggling to breathe

Crim[ Its a rank 4 Gu that can produce frenzy needle bees, and it can also be considered a thousand beast king since it can command lower rank frenzy needle bees.]

As I was explaining a large group of Gu masters ran past us to the location of the hive. They were simply too close to the clan to be allowed to stay. So the clan will either kill the needle queen or chase it far away.

Once I rested enough i walked over to where the headmaster and the branch representatives were at.

Headmaster[ oh child is there something you need?]

I then explained what had happened at the frenzy needle bees hive. Putting a large emphasis on how I went to help my classmates and capturing the Gu.

Most of the representatives were indifferent to my story, but their was one that was so mad he stood up from his chair and pointed at me.

???[ so you admit to stealing his prey, by the rules of this hunt you must compensate Jace]

I guess he's the representative of the Mera branch, as for the representative of my branch it's my mother. After all I am her son and my sister is in this competition as well.

Mother[ he can not have stolen a prey that was never prey to begin with. From what I hear he saved all the injured students from being attacked more and even managed to bring out the needle queen. Letting us know of such a danger before it could grow more. Not to mention he was actually able to capture the frenzy needle bee Gu alive. I'm sure everyone knows the value of the frenzy needle bees in our clan.]

As mother was finishing her sentence Jace came in and ran up to his family's representative.

Jace[ elder John please seek out justice for me]

John[ no matter what you say his intentions were it doesn't change the fact that he interrupted his hunt. Headmaster by the rules Jace must be compensated.]

The headmaster was rubbing his forehead

Headmaster[ now now let's calm down. I'm sure Crim did so with kind intentions. How about this, Crim why don't you give some of the frenzy needle bees to Jace]

Crim[ normally I would agree with you headmaster, but when I got there I saw that Jace was barely able to defeat the normal frenzy needle bees let alone catch them. All the frenzy needle bees I have are Gu worms. Their value is like comparing a normal human to a Gu master. I just cannot see why I would do such a thing, now had Jace been able to capture the frenzy needle bees alive I would agree but the fact is he is not capable.]

Jace[ YOU!!! think that I am....]

Before he could finish

John[ enough Jace!, how about this you speak about capability. I suggest a one on one battle Jace vs Crim. If Crim wins we of the Mera branch will forget all about this, but if Jace wins as compensation you must hand over half of the frenzy needle bee Gu that you acquired.]

Crim[ why would I agree to that, if Jace wins he gets valuable Gu and if he loses the match he loses nothing. While if I lose the Gu that I worked so hard to capture would go to someone else, but even if I win I'd get nothing. That's not a fair trade]

Mother[ the clan rules state that if you want to challenge someone to a dual over an item you must put up another item as collateral payment.]

Oh looks like my mother wants me to fight Jace. It makes since though through this I can protect our household name and gain experience no matter the outcome. This is the true way to raise a Gu master by trial not by babying me and handing me everything on a silver platter.

John[ then how about 300 primeval stones.]

Crim[ Sorry but I don't want primeval essence stones. I can get those easily unlike frenzy needle bee gu]

John[ then what do you want?]

Crim[ I want a certain Gu refinement material and enough of it to rival half of the cost of my frenzy needle bees. Don't worry I'll be sure to pick a material that's in the clan]

At first John was upset with my request until I said that it was a material that's in the clan, had I asked for a rare material that wasn't in the clan he would have surely refused.

John[ deal]

Headmaster[ then to the training grounds.]

We all made our way to the school's training grounds

Headmaster[ as the headmaster I will be the referee. Now since this battle was initiated because of questioning ones ability. Both students may only use the Gu and items that they had on them at the time of the hunt. Any disagreements?]

No one said a word

Headmaster[ then both of you put your hands on top of mine.]

Jace and I did as he said and a pink spider that looked like it was made of thread appeared.

Headmaster[ do you both agree to the rules I stated earlier and will fight with up most honesty.]



The pink spider then glowed and a image of a rope appeared on both Jace and my necks. The headmasters family had gotten their position of the school instructors thanks to this Gu. It is a rare oath type Gu that their family had created long ago.

If Jace or I break the oath then the rope image around our necks will choke us. Of course he wouldn't let it kill us but it's activation would be undeniable evidence of cheating.

Headmaster[ then take your place and let the match begin]