chapter 16 experience

Back inside my room I checked the eight bottles I made. Out of all of them only three had a liquor worm. That's fine that's one more than I needed.

I instantly refined them then went to the players shop. Were I put them on display for everyone to see. Instantly they caught the attention of many people. I'm sure many people were looking for the liquor worm.

True immortal[ your selling liquor worms!?! I'll take them all what do you want?]

Paytowin[ I'll pay you a grand for each of them.]

Next venerable[ I found a fire inheritance I'll give you everything in it for them]

Insatiable drinker[ ENOUGH!!! I am not selling them. This is the liquor worm the very same one from the story. How could I just sell them for small gains. No I want to trade them, there are two types of Gu that I want to trade primarily. I want a Gu that purifies the soul, and a Gu that conceals cultivation level. Those Gu will take priority over any other, but that does not mean you don't have a chance. I have three liquor worms and only need two specific Gu. As for the last one who ever offers the best Gu wins]

Although a lot of people were upset their was nothing they could do. They were mine to do with as I please, but even then I got a lot of offers from many people. Even though the two Gu I asked for were considered rare. The liquor worm is just as rare, I can imagine that those who offered one of those two Gu are from a clan who has those Gu available to them. So they have a source of those Gu but they most likely have a c grade talent or worse.

I'll check the offers later once their is more. For now I'll put up some requests for some normal food path materials and for any materials with qi path ties. As I was putting up requests there was a knock at the door. When I opened up the door it was my servant who gave me a small little jar.

Once I took the jar he left, inside the jar was the Gu worm that I requested my mother to refine for me. Picking it up I was able to refine it right away thanks to her will inside of the Gu cooperating.

This is the rank 2 strength path Gu called jab gu. It's ability allows you to quickly thrust a limb. That's why the bear was able to attack so fast, but it doesn't increase your defense. That's why it took so much damage when it hit the tree.

I'll need this Gu for the strength path emerges battle that will start tomorrow, because in those battles only strength path Gu worms will be useable. Many people failed the first fight due to this. Especially those who picked strength enhancing Gu like white boar Gu. Since they haven't been able to increase their strength by much with only a week's time. But so long as its a strength path Gu it is useable

That's why I wanted jab gu because even a small advantage like one more Gu would be a game changer. Tomorrow is the start of the tournament and with two Gu and my fighting experience. It's almost guaranteed that I win the first two matches as for the rest I will definitely have to earn them

As I was thinking to myself I received some notifications from the players shop. Looks like some of my requests have already been fulfilled. About 100 rank one primeval stones were spent. Soon my room had several types of peppers, mint, honey, coco pods, flowers, and some other food ingredients, but their was two things I received that stood out.

One was a pile of dark yellow dirt while the other thing was a block of ice that didn't melt. Qi soil and frozen tears out of all the materials I got only these two were true refinement materials. They were also the most expensive out of them all.

The request was for any material that had qi path ties and any type of ice path material. Qi soil is just a very useful fertilizer for growing any qi path plants, while frozen tears are the product of weeping Yeti. The people who turned in these two materials were from clans that create these products. The only reason why they sold me it was because I paid a higher price than what they can get from others around themselves.

By themselves these two materials are useless, but I can turn them into useful refinement materials. I activated liquid Gu and it slowly started turning the qi soil into a lighter yellow liquid. Insatiable drinker only used liquid Gu to help him make wine and to help him cultivate, but in my hands I learned something after using it for so long.

The reason why some materials are used to refine certain Gu is because they contain very small pieces of certain dao marks. Of course the higher rank the material the more dao marks pieces, but for some materials people haven't learned how to use them in refinement or for what Gu they can be used to refine, but liquid Gu can turn materials with dao marks pieces into a liquid.

Once they turn into this dao liquid it becomes more pure and easy to use in refinement. I call it dao water and for what ever type of dao I just add it in front of dao water. Like the qi soil liquid is now qi dao water. Looking at the time it seems like I'll be able to try refining one more Gu.

Almost three hours later I succeeded in refining a new Gu. In my hand was a small light brown frog. It is a rank 1 food path defensive Gu called chocolate shell. It wraps chocolate around the target and solidifys it. It's food is coca pods which I can easily buy them off players shop. I then chose to go to sleep

The next day in class

Teacher[ as we all know Crim won the most points in class so not only did he win the primeval stone prize but he will also be the the first in class to pick his second Gu]

Many students were sad when they learned that they didn't win but that all changed once they were reminded of picking a second gu.

After class we were escorted to the Gu storage of the academy. Where I was allowed to go in first, inside was a lot like my branch's Gu storage. The only difference was that this Gu vault only had rank 1 Gu, and because of that I don't have any high hopes for this place.

Lots of string Gu and few other earth path gu. The only ones that are even interesting are the few strength path Gu, but they're not good. It's the type of strength Gu that have backlashes if not combined with other appropriate corresponding Gu.

Makes sense that they wouldn't put valuable Gu here, were just students and even in a clan their is greed among family. Most of the good Gu are held by the higher ranking branch families.

Forget it I'll just take another string Gu, I'm experienced at using it and I'll have no issue feeding it.

Once I grabbed a string Gu I headed home, the battle should start any minute. Just as I was about to check the list of Gu players were offering to trade. A white light blinded me and the next thing I knew I was in a grassy plain field, and 25 feet away from me was a red mushroom man.

System[ Match 1 begin ]

The mushroom man focused his attention on me. I stood still looking back at him

Crim[ Today would be nice dick tip]

Dick tip[ YOU!!! mother fucker!]

He then ran right towards me while I stood still. Just as he was within arms distance I activated jab gu and used my leg to kick the floor. Quickly sending me back, and then a large explosive sound was heard.

I look over at the mushroom man to see that his fist was deep into the ground. Looks like he must have gotten a strength Gu that increases his strength. That's perfect their the easiest to beat early on.

I then pulled out some large needles and activated jab gu to throw them at the mushroom man, and since his hand was still in the ground. He was struck in the chest and stomach

Dick tip[ you cheating piece of...]

But before he could continue cussing me out I pulled out more needles and used jab gu to throw them at him.

He started chasing me and I of course ran and whenever he got close I would use jab gu to escape or I would throw more needles at him. As the minutes flew by he started getting slower and slower. To the point where he had to take a knee to breathe.

Dick tip[ what.... what did you do to me.... I should not be this tired. What Gu did you use]

Crim[ Gu? Ha that's funny. You shouldn't rely on only one thing, but to answer your question. Those darts I threw at you were coated with a paralyzing poison and with you running around like an idiot..... well that only helped spread the poison.]

Only strength path Gu worms are usable in the tournament, but other weapons are all fair game. You'd be a fool not to have any other form of protection.

Dick tip[ you dirty mother fu..]

Before he could finish I grabbed him by his throat

Crim[Now now don't be a sore loser. You wouldn't have won anyways you lack something very important]

He looked at me since he couldn't move anymore.

Crim[ Experience]

I activated grip gu and snapped his neck