chapter 17 incognito

Shortly after the dual, in a room with two familiar people. One man was kneeling to the other

John[ please forgive me Hal, that brat will pay]

Hal[ shut up, say what you want but at the end of the day you were toyed with by a child. Had I not come and made you admit defeat that kid would have embarrassed you even more and then the others would have used the the fact that one of my subordinates was toyed with by a kid.]

John[ i..... I am sorry but that kid. He spoke... well like a political senior]

Hal[ .... That's true it kind of terrifies me what he could become]

John[ should we take care of him]

Hal[..... No he's Alice's kid if something would happen to him we would not be able to cover it up so easily.]

John[ so what should we do to him?]

Hal[ nothing]

John[ what?]

Hal[ we'll do nothing to him, if he was a b grade talent or higher I would stop at nothing to get rid of him, but he's a c grade talent. At most he'll reach rank 2 he will have no chance to reach anything higher.]

John[ what if he manages to find a Gu to increase his talent]

Hal[ and that'll be your job as punishment, make sure no Gu that can help in cultivation come anywhere near him.]

Back in crims room

I threw in a lot of flowers into a pot, and a Gu took shape into a two inch grey worm. I grabbed it and put it to my nose where it clung to the middle of my nose looking like a piercing.

I then activated my new Gu and took a deep breath I could then sense all of the people and materials in our house.

Crim[ finally now I don't feel so blind]

This is the improved version of insatiable Drinker's tracking Gu. He originally created a Gu called scent Gu that could track by smell, but I had improved it to aurora scent gu. By taking a deep breath i can sense people, other living beings, and materials by their dao marks. I can also get an understanding of what path a Gu master walks by judging their aurora, but it's not all sensing if I can't smell it I won't sense it either. This Gu is my best tracking and detecting Gu that I used in my last life. It's a low cost easy to use Gu and its food is also easy to get. Aurora scent Gu eats nice smelling flowers.

As I was using aurora scent gu a delicious sweet smell caught my attention. Oh looks like the wine is finally done, I walked over to two very large pots and opened one up. The sweet smell intensified as I took a sip.

Perfect this a sweet wine I made with hive honey I bought and its finally done. I then activated wine gu and threw it into the sweet wine pot. It started to absorb all of the wine and four branches started to grow out of the wine Gu. Then four large grapefruit sized fruits grew on the end of the branches.

I plucked them off and then threw the wine Gu into the last wine pot and the same thing happened. Inside these fruits is a higher quality sweet wine, i could have just let the wine Gu absorb the honey to make wine, but it's quality would not have been as high as these ones made from sweet wine. With these I can now start my next Gu refinement.

Four hours later and two failed attempts I succeeded in refining a new Gu.

It was an all yellow bee the size of a finger nail, it filled up the room with a sent of medicine. This is a gu that was mentioned in the story but really used. Its called medicine fragrance gu. It creates a medicinal scent that heals injurys. This Gu eats pollen so I can just feed it flowers also.

With this I finally have a some what complete Gu set. For offensive purposes I have marionette Gu, grip gu, and string Gu, for defense I have chocolate shell Gu, for recon I have aurora scent gu, for movement I have jab gu, and now I have a healing gu.

Now I feel more confident in obtaining the demonic Gu masters inheritance, but I've drawn too much attention to myself. Before I try to obtain this inheritance I need a Gu to hide my cultivation.

I can't even cultivate anymore not without the people who are now keeping an eye on me noticing my quick progress in cultivating. I brought up the trade list from players shop.

Let's see what the people have offered. Hmmmm..... there was about a dozen Gu that were able to conceal cultivation, but only three were good enough. Dirt worm Gu, conceal Gu, and dummy aperture Gu.

Dirt worm could be considered the opposite of the liquor worm. It takes the primeval essence and downgrades it to the past small stage and it eats dirt.

Conceal Gu can cover the aperture and can make it seem like the Gu master is a normal human, but if a higher rank detection Gu is used it will no longer conceal the aperture. Conceal Gu eats shells.

As for dummy aperture Gu it could be considered a demonic gu. It takes the aperture of another Gu master and its used to disguise the users aperture with the stolen one kinda like a mask. As for its food it eats the primeval essence in the stolen aperture. So once the primeval essence in the stolen aperture is gone you'd have to steal another aperture.

As for all the other submitted Gu they are either not good enough or their food is too hard to obtain. Hmmmmmmmmm..... Conceal Gu is out, if I were to use it I'd stand out more. I'd be like a person wearing a large trench coat, people would be suspicious of what I'm hiding and since it's easy for others to break this disguise it's out.

That leaves dirt worm and dummy aperture Gu, but unfortunately once I reach rank 2 dirt worm won't be able to give me rank 1 primeval essence and I'm already rank 1 upper stage. It won't take long for me to reach rank 2. So that leaves dummy aperture Gu.

I traded a liquor worm for dummy aperture Gu. It was a black pill bug, this Gu is definitely a product of a demonic clan. Now to find a victim..... I mean helper.

I had our butler go out and buy me a Gu master slave. An hour later their was a middle-aged man in front of me. He was a captured enemy who only was a d grade talent. So he was only at rank 1 middle stage. I then had jackal knock him out and I used the dummy aperture Gu. The Gu went to the slaves stomach where the aperture is at and somehow it was able to take his aperture it then came to me and almost like a mask it covered my aperture. I could still use my aperture with no issues after checking it for a bit.

Perfect now I can continue cultivating, sadly I have already spent more than half of my primeval essence stones. Now for the slave I can't just kill him it'd be problematic if my parents started asking me questions. Luckily enough as I've been looking for Gu to trade for the third extra liquor worm. Their was a Gu that can solve this issue.

Soon I was holding a beautiful black and gold butterfly. I then used it immediately it flew to the back of his head and left a tattoo of it behind, but because of his hair it was pretty hidden.

That was the servant Gu a Gu that is similar to enslavement Gu, but it can only control weaker beings. Gu masters or powerful beasts can not be controlled. With this I don't have to worry about this slave talking.

Now before I go try to retrieve the demonic Gu inheritance I'll make one more gu.