chapter 19 dao paths

After refilling my primeval sea essence I grabbed some ingredients and primeval essence stones and headed to the back pen. There I saw a servant

Crim[ You where are the animals I asked for?]

Servant[ master Crim they are all in the back left pen.]

Crim[ Good, now leave and make sure no one enters till I leave. If anyone does enter I'll punish them and you.]

Servant[ I understand master Crim I'll keep guard to make sure no one disturbs you.]

With that I went to the back left pen inside was a medium sized fluffy cow, a hairy goat, and what looked like a ostrich sized Silky Chicken. All these animals are farmed in the clan for their hair so it wasn't that difficult for my parents to get them. Heck we even raise some of the cows and giant birds.

Now before I refine my other food path Gu I should make a different one. I don't need my parents asking me questions on what I'm doing with the livestock let alone my primeval essence stones.

I could always say I've been trying to recreate the wood shape Gu, but results will always speak more than efforts.

Walking up to the goat I snapped its neck with grip gu. Then I cut into it taking out its stomach, then I cut open its heart. Injecting my primeval essence and adding in a few ingredients I bought from players shop. As I kept doing it the blood of the goat all began going to its heart.

It began to form a small red worm, and as it shape solidified more. It started to absorb all of the blood that was rushing to it. As time passed I added mosquitos and even bats, and finally the Gu took form. It looks like a small red worm but if you looked at its mouth you'd see its sharp teeth. Showing its a leech, obviously it's a blood path Gu worm.

I had created it by accident, I was trying to find a way to effectively drain the blood of beasts. So I tried to create a food and blood path Gu called exsanguinaton Gu. A Gu that just drains blood of dead animals, but I had created this Gu. I call it drain blood Gu, it's a one time use Gu that completely drains the blood of a living being.

The higher rank it is the faster it is at draining and it can even work on higher ranked beings to an extent, but that's not the main reason I made this Gu.

In my last life I realized how weak my food path Gu were for combat, so I tried finding another path to learn alongside my food path. I tried strength path and even though I made progress it was not my forte, it wasn't until i tried enslavement path that i realized that it is the best path to use with my food path.

It's just that it is a path that requires a lot of practice and techniques. It was slow but fruitful, blood path was the last path I tried only because I was curious about it. In this world it is not seen as evil, this world truly only cares about strength.

Drain blood Gu is the unexpected reward for my hard work. This Gu is special it is just like a Gu in reverend insanity..... woman's heart Gu. It's refinement and nurturing occur at the same time. So as long as I feed it blood it will naturally rank up.

In my last life I was able to rank it up to rank 7 after a lot of hard work, but it became one of my strongest forms of attack.

If my parents ask me about it I'll just tell them it's a one time use Gu that drains blood and that I'm trying to rank it up to see how strong it gets, but in reality I'm just going to obtain its immortal level faster, and it makes a heck of a trump card.

Now for the real reason I wanted these animals..... a few minutes later I was at the final steps of refining a Gu. The last step was to add the stomachs of the cow and giant bird.

In a flash a new Gu was created in the qi cauldron. It was very similar to small appetite Gu, it was a small white fish with black eyes and several small black dots on it. Once refined I placed it near my stomach and just like small appetite Gu it turned into a tattoo circleing around small appetite Gu.

Instantly my hunger returned to normal, this is my third out of four key Gu worms of my food path. It's name is large appetite, it's effect is the exact opposite of the small appetite Gu.

So it can increase the hunger of one living being. This Gu doesn't have many uses right now, but the main reason I made it. Was because it's food is the opposite of small appetite Gu as well.

These Gu will take turns creating a certain environment in my body to feed themselves. With only small appetite Gu I become extremely full and would have to force myself to eat or I'd starve. With just large appetite Gu I'd become a glutton who would always be hungry. So these two were made to complete each other.

Wonderful now all I lack is one final Gu of my food path, but it will have to wait. Although I could try to refine it now. I'd rather wait and get more materials to increase its success in refinement.

As I left I told the servant to butcher the animals and put them away, but I also instructed him to take all the tendons and deliver to them to me later.

Three days later in my room I had three vials in front of me. I then took a syringe and mixed all three vials into the syringe, and injected it in to my blood stream.

Ahhhhhhhh you think venom and poison would bother me, but nope this body of mine has been given small amounts of both to increase my immunity. All I'm doing is speeding that process up.

I had wanted to go immediately to the demonic Gu inheritance, but after some thinking I decided to do this. The demonic Gu inheritance is in a swamp near the Han clan. That place has lots of animals, plants, and Gu that are poisonous/venomous.

Thus I chose to increase my immunity this way. If only I had my last Gu I could make this process easier, no no no I'm being to greedy.

System[ now beginning second match of the event strength path emerges.]

A bright light enveloped me when I could see again. There was a pretty lady in front of me, and what made her even prettier than normal was the fact that she had green horns coming out her head, and green scales on the side of her face.

Crim[ Oh a dragonman or should I say woman? How lucky I wish I was one then it'd be easier for me to enslave beasts.]

The woman said nothing, she started to run and as she did she threw something at me, I raised my left arm that had a small wooden shield. That I had made with shape wood Gu earlier.

Thunk! A throwing knife had been embedded into the wooden shield.

Crim[ Finally someone else who knows how to use their head, but let me ask you little lizard. Do you think your more prepared than me.]

She furled her eyebrows but again said nothing and continued to throw knifes at me. The ones I couldn't block I simply dodge.

Looks like her speed is increased that or her stamina. Since she hasn't stopped moving, most likely stamina. Since her speed can't be considered unnatural and since her weapons are slow enough for me to block or dodge, but theirs always a chance she had more strength path Gu she hasn't used yet.

My turn now grabbing one of the knifes she threw at me I activated jab gu. The blade quickly approached her, and just as it was going to hit her she stomped her foot forcing herself to stop. Narrowingly avoiding the blade.

Crim[ hhhaahahahahahha if you weren't of the dragonmen race you wouldn't have avoided that. How lucky are you?]

???[ luck has nothing to do with it]

Crim[ Oh really now, had you been a human you would have been hit, but you see other races have certain strengths. Your dragonman race has increased speed, strength, stamina, life span, and most importantly you have natural enslavement path dao marks. So why the hell are you trying to earn strength path Gu, stay in your lane.]

???[ What path I trend doesn't matter to you.]

Crim[ No but that doesn't mean I can't advise you. You seem to have picked a stamina enhancing gu. If I were you I'd pick one of those Gu that strengthens the mind to help you enslave bests.]

???[ shut up already, you know nothing about me]

Crim[ I know enough to see all your mistakes and flaws. You are a dragonman you excel at enslavement path, I am a human I can tread any path I just don't have a foundation like you. We are not the same]

With that said I used jab gu on my legs to run at her. She tried to runaway, what a fatal mistake. You should never turn your back at an enemy. I grabbed my own blades and threw them at her.

With her back turned she couldn't see them to dodge. Thus three blades struck her back, she screamed and only then did she turn around to attack me, but I back off and pulled some distance between us.

???[ Why are you running didn't you want to fight? Are you scared now that you'll have to face me in combat]

Crim[ Why would I face you head on, did you not just hear me say that dragonmen have higher strength?]

???[ then why are you even fighting me! surrender]

Crim[ don't you know your strengths are often your weaknesses. True you have all sorts of enhanced things and because of that your body works harder to function it. Like your heart and blood going faster in your body.]

???[ What does tha...]

she was about to take a step but then she almost fell.

Crim[ Honestly you just don't pay attention.]

I pulled out my blade, and she wanted to run but she could now barely move.

Crim[ One of the first things I asked you was do you think your more prepared than me? You had weapons and yes that was smart, but so did I and I even had a Gu to help me throw them. Heck I even coated mine in poison and venom. Although their not strong with the fact I hit you three times and your blood coursing quicker than others. Your already as good as dead, and one final piece of advice like I said you should stick to the path you have a foundation with]

With that said I threw my blade hitting her in the eye.

System[ Congratulations to Crim for winning his second match. Please select your reward.]

I picked the rank 2 recipe for grip gu.