chapter 20 demonic gu inheritance

The next day I requested a time of absence from school. Stating I wanted to go get some certain refinement materials for a Gu. Which was granted probably because of my family status.

Gathering my items and my two marionette puppets I left immediately. Thanks to the steep tea I have peak stage primeval essence. Allowing me to use jab gu to go even quicker.

Most beasts who saw me couldn't keep up once they saw me. Thankfully strength path Gu use way less primeval essence otherwise I wouldn't be able to use this rank 2 Gu so frequently.

As I used jab gu again my foot this time sunk into the earth. Looks like I'm at the swamp now, I won't be able to use jab gu to move anymore. I'd just be sinking my foot into mud, I then activated aurora scent gu.

Within the span of 25 feet many things started to glow. A couple steps in front of me was a green ball in the mud, and in a tree to my left was small green snake shaped aura. A ball of 100 stinger centipedes, and some venomous snake.

I only took a step into this swap and there's already several things that are of the poison path. Anyone without a good tracking Gu, high poison resistance, or a good healing Gu. Would die very soon in this swamp.

In the clan only my Don branch willingly go here. The Han clansmen do as well, since their clan specializes in poison gu, but our clans have a good relationship. Especially since we have a common enemy.

Using aurora scent gu and my past knowledge I made my way to where the inheritance was at. In front of me was a large hill side cave with an entrance with a X hanging out front. These signs were used by the Han clan to warn others not to enter, but the demonic Gu master put it there on purpose knowing that the clansmen would fallow their rules, and he was right.

The b grade talent of my clan found it not knowing about its meaning. As I went deeper into the tunnel, it got darker and darker so I lit up a lantern I prepared beforehand. Eventually I found a large pit In front of me. Inside were several dark brown snakes

These are the rancid vipers a venomous snake that's poison literally rots flesh. Most people would just leave but if one paid attention they would see a cement floor with something written.

[ Serpent Sandra's gu inheritance]

[ challenge 1 only through facing dangers will one receive rewards]

This is an easy trial all one had to do was to pass through the venomous snakes. Or should i say easy for me, I began controlling jackal and had him grab a large sack. Having him grab the snakes and put them in the bag.

They tried to fight back but their only defensive mechanism was their venom, and against jackal whos made of wood. All they could do is peck at him as he rounded them up.

Let's see there were about 12 of them total. They still have their use to me so I'll take them. Now for the rewards, in the center of the slab there was two round spheres.

I stored the left one in my bag as for the right one. I activated qi shape Gu and created a pipe snap cutter and then using grip gu I had it slowly cut the rock till crack. I had cracked it up in half, inside was a Gu that looked like a Rollie Pollie bug that was green.

Using my primeval essence I was able to refine it easily since it had just awoken and was very weak. I then pulled out a glass jar filled with dried meat and the rollie pollie bug ate it all instantly.

I then activated the new Gu and I could feel a warm energy enter but as time went by it started to hurt more and more. Till I had to stop activating it....ahhhhhhhhh you gotta like the feeling of power.

This is one of the two Gu I actually wanted in this inheritance. Emerald python Gu capable of giving the user the strength of one python and it eats snakes. As for the other Gu it's a max hope Gu able to awaken any persons aperture in one go so long as they have a chance too awaken.

This demonic Gu master used geo Gu a Gu that forces a Gu to become a geocrystall to put them into a long hibernation. She set up her inheritance to be even inheritable by a mortal what a cunning woman since they're much more easier to manipulate. Now that the snakes were removed and I'm closer I can see more writing

[ once strength is obtained it can be used to change more than just your social standing]

It had more but it was just about the Gu rewards and how to cultivate. Basically the person who obtained the rewards would have to use the emerald python Gu till they had enough strength to destroy the cement floor, but who has time for that.

I sat down and refilled my primeval sea essence. Once done I activated qi shape Gu and created a large clawed hand. Then I activated grip gu and began destroying the floor. After a few minutes I tore a hole big enough for me to fit.

I threw in my eagle marionette and had it activated kerosene Gu then I had it use fint and steel to catch fire. I then replenished my primeval essence once again. I was down to 17% after using qi shape Gu and grip gu continuously for a few minutes.

Once done I jumped into the hole only to see that eagle marionette was completely destroyed and not by fire, it was only thanks to my lantern that could I see. There seemed to be nothing around but if one paid attention they'd see some holes in the ground. Their was some snakes here that the inheritor would have had to fight off. Thats why i sent in my eagle marionette in to spook them away.

At the end of the room was a large mural of a pretty lady who had serpent like eyes and a weird red and purple scarf. I approached the mural and as I did the scarf around the lady moved and struck at me bitting me in the chest.

It was a 7ft long red serpent and a equally sized purple serpent. The purple serpent was the one that bit as for the red serpent it brought out a stone tablet and set it on the ground as they both eyed me.

[ I am the great serpent Sandra, anyone who wishes for my complete rank 3 Gu inheritance must accomplish my final wish. To KILL THE HAN CLAN, but if you are not a high rank 4 or higher you will not be able to. So if you wish to show your loyalty you must bring a large amount of blood of a Hans clansmen. If you want the rest of my inheritance]

What a brutal woman, she doesn't even warn about the poison of the rotation poison. The two snakes that came out were two rank 3 Gu and the purple one that bit me was called Rotating venom Gu. It's ability is to create a random poison/venom in one fang and its cure in the other fang.

The red serpent is called blood track Gu a tracking type Gu, this Gu takes blood of let's say a boar. It will then be able to find any boar within a span of 20 miles. This blood track Gu must have had a Hans clansmens blood and to continue you'd have to get your hand on a lot of it, and if you didn't do it soon you would die from the rotating venom. Her plan was to have the person who found the inheritance to kill a Hans clansmen. The clan would naturally find out and then they would be mortal enemies