chapter 21 people skills

This is where the b grade talent had to get help. He thought he could take this inheritance all on his own, but once he got poisoned he had to get help.

He had no way to deal with the venom so using his movement type Gu he ran all the way home where he passed out, he was saved of course, but he had to explain what had happened.

Knowing he couldn't receive the rest of the inheritance without the Hans blood. He told the elder supporting him and with his help he was able to gain the rest of the inheritance, but I'm not as stupid as him.

Their was a way simpler way to accomplish this inheritance. Money that's all it took..... Inside the players shop I had already prepared a deal beforehand with a player who was a Hans clansmen. Handing over 25 rank 1 primeval essence stones I bought two large jars of blood.

???[ let me know if you need more]

Crim[ I will if so]

Taking the two jars I opened them up, immediately catching the attention of the blood track Gu. Who then came over and started drinking all the blood. Once it finished both jars it went to the purple one and as if it had communicated with it.

It came over and bit me once more this time giving me the antidote. They then both wrapped themselves around my neck like a scarf. This showed that I had passed the trial.

I then was able to refine both of them since the will inside allowed me refine them with no issues. Once done I took off the mural of serpent Sandra. Behind it was three stone tablets one had the story of serpent Sandra.

She was an enslavement path Gu master who was trying to obtain more venomous snakes here at the swamp, but the Hans clan attacked her killing most of her Gu and dealing a lethal injury. She managed to escape but was then forced to put up an inheritance.

The second tablet had insights on her cultivation, Gu training and the first one had what I wanted It had the Gu recipes for all of her Gu, but she really only had two I was interested in. The first was emerald python Gu and the second was her serpent enslavement Gu.

She had the recipes for the serpent enslavement Gu all the way to rank 3, but I'm sure she was only capable of controlling a couple hundred, because otherwise she would not have been beaten by the Han clan.

The reason why is because of her soul strength, her ways to increase her soul strength and purify it were dam straight barbaric. That's the main reason why she died, in order to become a powerful enslavement path Gu master you must also have a strong soul, and in this world soul path is not as developed since spectral soul venerable does not exist here.

It's a weakness of myself as well, I have ways to increase my soul strength, but not how to purify it, but I can always solve that later. Now that I have completed the inheritance I can go back.

A few hours later I returned home as I was refilling my primeval sea essence in my room I heard a knock

Servant[ master Crim your parents have called for you]

Crim[ Very well I'll be right there]

I entered my family's meeting room where only my father and mother were at. They both looked at me my father showing no emotions while my mother seemed to have a worried expression.

Mother[ Crim we called you because we worry your focusing on refining too much and not enough on anything else]

Crim[ I see, well I'm glad you called me.]

They both looked confused and just as my father was going to say something

Crim[ I had just returned from the decaying swamp and was lucky enough to find an inheritance]

They both looked even more surprised but before they could speak. I had rotating poison Gu approach my mother.

Crim[ This is a gift for you mother its name is rotating poison Gu. It creates a random poison in one fang and the antidote in the second fang. It's also rank 3]

I then had blood track Gu approach my father

Crim[ And for you father this is blood track Gu a rank 3 tracking Gu. Simply feed it blood of let's say a tiger and it will be able to find any tiger in a span of 20 miles, and of course I'll be giving the rest of the inheritance details and recipes to our branch as well, but I had just arrived so I wasn't able to submit it to you yet.]

They both took the Gu and with my help they refined it quickly. The whole time they were quite though.

Mother[ I can't believe you found an inheritance, but as your parents we can't just take these Gu. We should be giving you Gu and resources not the other way around. So you will be paid for these Gu and what ever else you submit to us]

Crim[ In that case may I have a few more animals?]

About half an hour later I was allowed to go back.

Father[ we wanted to remind him to focus on other things besides refining, only for him to give us an inheritance.]

Mother[ maybe this is fate telling us to let him grow as he wants, we raised him well he instantly gave us the Gu and the complete inheritance. With this rotating poison Gu I can created all types of poison]

Father[ yes and with this blood track Gu well be able to hunt more efficiently]

Back in my room I sat down, I had given them everything but the higher rank serpent enslavement Gu recipes and emerald python Gu. That will stay with me as for the rest I have no use for it. I might as well submit it to my branch and get more materials and have them leave me alone.

I then went on players shop and contacted the person who traded me dummy aperture Gu.

???[ to what do I owe the pleasure]

Crim[I'd like the rank 2 dummy aperture Gu what do you want for it?]

???[ so soon? You must be a A grade talent..... If you want the rank 2 version then I want five liquor worms.]

Crim[ I have no more liquor worms, if I did I would have traded them. Why would I need more than one for myself. Name a different price]

???[ so you admit you had one more liquor worm. Four liquor worms theirs no way you don't have the recipe for it. I only want five]

Crim[ I wish I had the recipe, I'd be able to sell them for a high price. Then I wouldn't have to work at my shity job hhhhhhhaaaaaa. No my clan had managed to defeat a enemy clan, I was lucky enough to find a Gu vault of one of their top branches. They were the only Gu I recognized so I took them, but if you don't believe me I don't care. I can always ask others for a rank 2 concealment gu]

He stayed quite not wanting to say anything, what an idiot he silence only shows his inexperience. Let hurry this along I then put up a request for a rank 2 concealment gu stating I'd be willing to pay a high price. Seeing this he quickly spoke.

???[ don't be so rash brother even if you don't have more liquor worms, I'm also interested in the primeval water you sell.]

Crim[ Oh yes I do have that, it's a resource in my clan, it's how we were able to beat that other clan since we can restore our primeval essence quickly. If you want that I can offer about 20 bottles of what I'm selling.]

???[ 20 is too little don't you think? How about 70]

Crim[ No can do that would stop my profits, since I have low standing in my clan I can only get so much of it. I'm barely able to keep up supplying it to people I have already made contracts with. Theirs a reason why can only sell a limited amount of it and with a limit of two per person]

Judging by his face he's upset

Crim[ I can increase it to a max of 30, but that's it, I am literally taking them from my own personal reserves ]

???[ 30 hmmmm I can do that]

Of course nothing i said was true but how could he know. The 30 bottles of primeval essence only cost me 15 rank 1 primeval essence stones. We both signed a contract and 30 minutes later we had exchanged goods. Good with this I can advance without worry.

Now on to the next plan of business. What soul purifying Gu to exchange for with my last liquor worm. I waited a long time to get more offers let's see. Their was about 30 offers but more than half were out due to them being barbaric. Most would cause you to go through a lot of pain. That leaves about 10 but thanks to their food requirements all but two were left

Sensitive soul Gu: it combines the soul with the body to the point that if your body got hurt so would your soul and it eats the flesh of Banshees

Soul lens gu: it allows one too see souls and spirits. Prolonged use strains the user and purifies the soul. It eats soft metals

Both of these Gu were the best at purifying the soul and feeding, but one is more dangerous and the other is also technically a investigative type. So I picked soul lens gu. It had the appearance of a horseshoe crab but being only the size of a half dollar coin. It felt like metal and was a very light amber color to the point it was almost transparent

But having a soul purifying Gu is only one part of empowering the soul. Their are three steps to strengthen the soul first is to increase its strength, then you should purify your soul, and finally what's left is to pacify the soul.

I guess that means I need my last main food path Gu but I'll leave that for tomorrow