chapter 23 peaceful ways & days

A few days went by i spent alot of time in school "learning", in the afternoon i cultivated and at night i ranked up my gu. Since I'm already nearing rank 1 peak stage it won't be long till i advance to rank 2.

The first gu i advanced was grip gu since strength path gu use less primeval essence, and it will give me higher strength during my battles.

I then fused coco shell with a coat gu making rank 2 food coat gu. Medicine fragrance was also ranked up as for my core food path gu i will only rank them up when i reach rank 2.

Theirs no point in ranking up steep tea if im still using it. As for small and large appetite gu i can not feed them if i rank them up. I have to be the same rank if i want to feed them, while nutrient gu can be ranked up its not necessary. I also won't rank up qi shape gu as well. Its a gu i use alot i dont need to increase its primeval essence consumption. As for the rest of my gu i can wait till im rank 2 to rank them up

System( now starting the fourth match of the event Strength Path Emerges )

I was teleported once again to a grassy flat plain. My opponent in front of me was in covered in white armor that looked alot like shredder from tmnt. I threw my blades at him only for him to raise his arm and his white armor grew out a shield.

The blades stabbed into the sheild but they didn't stay. They were absorbed into the white armor and grew out on his wrists only making him look even more like shredder.

He then swung his other arm and white darts flew at me. I dodged using jab gu and then went to where he threw the darts and picked one up. Lets see what is this.... oh shit. I looked back up to see my opponent growing a large white blade in his other hand.

Crim[ Imperial white emperor physique huh? Arnt you a lucky guy or girl i can't really tell what with your shredder git up.]

That stopped my opponent right in his tracks

???[ you know about my physique?]

Crim[ oh so you are a guy and judging by your question. I probably know more about your physique than you do.]

???[ if you dont want to tell me I'll jus...]

Crim[ imperial white emperor physique is basically one of this worlds extreme physiques. Meaning your primeval sea level is 100% having your cultivation journey skyrocket. It also lets you create and use bones like kimimaro from naruto.]

???[ so you do know about my physique. What else do you know?]

Crim[ i know your not going to live for long]

He raised his blade ready to attack

Crim[ i don't mean im going to kill you. You should know if your a fan of reverand insanity that those of the extreme physique don't live long. Like a firework you'll be bright but die quickly. That is of course unless you have somethings that can save you.]

???[ like what?]

Crim[ well best case scenario you have a clan with immortal that will save you. Do you?]

???[ that i know of no, my clans leader is only rank 4. With only about two too three generations.]

Crim[ then you definitely don't have an immortal ancestor. How about a way to lower your primeval sea level like how bai did.]

???[ i have found a way to lower it but just like it did with bai its not permanent.]

Crim[ then that leaves you with only two options.]

He looked at me waiting for my response

Crim[ first is to be found or look for an immortal clan. They will guarantee your safety and help you ascend, but of course you'll be their dog and maybe worse they might use you as a refinement material.]

He stayed silent clearly waiting for the other option

Crim[ second is to ascend to rank 6 by your self and that ant easy considering you need a immortal gu to help you ascend]

???[ then that is my only option?]

Crim[ theres also dying you'll get a new character.]

???[ do you know the way to ascend as a extreme physique? The story never went into detail how, but since you seem to know so much you must be from a strong clan.]

Crim[ thats right i do know how, but my knowledge an't free.]

???[ what do you want?]

Crim[ just quit the battle]

Once we signed a contract in the players shop he surrendered. Letting me win the fourth match and gaining the rank 4 recipe for grip gu. Good only two more matches and I'll get the immortal recipe for grip gu

I could have tried fighting but in all honesty he had the upper hand. With his ability to grow out bones from his body hes able to block my blades and even if i managed to put my hands on him and he doesn't just go all porcupine on me. I don't think ill be able to hurt him if he has a layer of bone shielding him, but theirs more than one way to win a battle.

On players shop i looked at requests for trading gu. Lots of people who chose strength enhancing gu like boar gu had already gained all the strength they could get from their gu, and instead of selling their gu they'd rather trade them for another strength enhancing gu

I'm no exception I've already got the strength of one python. Lets see what gu should i trade hmmmmm.. this one. In my hand i had a blue rollie pollie it is Sapphire python gu. Its a counter part of emerald python gu just like how their was white boar gu and black boar gu.

Lets see what else should i do oh i know. I might as well stockpile some of those gu. A hour later i had refined a new gu it was a rock that looked like the shape of a snake head. This is rank 1 serpent enslavement gu.

The days went by like normal now, i spent most of the time in the academy, cultivate after, followed by using shappire python gu and lastly refining serpent enslavement gu.